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 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen
there are so many of you
that i would love to sit down with;
maybe over a milkshake and a plate of fries;
and just talk.
i want to ask you about the boy that hurt you,
about the anger you feel deep inside
over a father who said he’d come back...
and then didn’t.
i want to run with you through pages of words and say
“oh that’s right, what a lovely metaphor.”
i want to see all your smiling faces and
thank each and every one of you for showing me kindness,
for saving my life.
i want to collaborate on novels of poetry
and laugh with you through the tears of our pasts.
so until we sip those milkshakes and eat those fries...
thank you, to
some of the most beautiful people i have never met.
to all my HePo followers/friends/ fellow poets! you have all given me a beautiful escape from Life <3
 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen

by the fireplace
watching our ghosts
burn before our eyes.

A doomed relationship..
 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen
kiss me like the dawn
when the light of your sun touches the earth for the first time
when every single thing lights up and bursts into flames
burning bright tongues of fire and warmth into my heart
it showers the hills with orange, yellow light
waking everything up
as if breathing life into them once more
i'll love you even if my moon has a dark side you'll never reach
i'll love you even if when i am awake, you are off to sleep
i'll love you even if the only times our fingers touch
is when the world silences
as it watches the eclipse

kiss me like the dawn.
we'll never know when the last dawn will be
 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen
Wore away
 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen
Many of times a day
I feel worn and wearied away.
Until I am reduced
And a pile of me-dust is produced.
Winning and Losing
Are moments
Just moments apart

Trying are the times
And try we must
To put in our best efforts

Lures one, for more trials
And a desire to reach goals
 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen
I'm here
 Nov 2019 Mae Ellen
come and go, i'm here.
walk away, i'm here.
i'm here for me :)

— The End —