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May 2016 · 363
Never Coming Back
Luna Casablanca May 2016
Expect to see me as I
pass by on the block.
Know I am ok when I
am alone at a table.
Spend no time waiting for me
in a chair facing away from the
I am never coming back.
Change not a thing and be
nobody new.

It’s just too little too late
very soon and frantically
It took such little time
to be distant and receive
a smile,
how are you?,
how have you been?
Friendliness had to wait
and come once I was

But truthfully,
I’m still here,
and I see you there.
I walk this same block
for the same reason
you do.
It is the fastest way
home for both of us,
though my home is
occupied by just
Come over anytime
when you are not busy
Took til I was gone to see
they cared
and might still.
May 2016 · 330
What it Takes to Fly Again
Luna Casablanca May 2016
I am not your hero,
you are not my rock and roll.
I see your bodies turned away,
you see mine shake and twitch.
I never thought I would be the
loud one,
the oddball,
the ******,
the threat.
This is not the only piece I have
so far.
I wrote many while I was confused
and just praying I would last in
your lives.
I am sorry I ruined them,
and I’m sorry for myself for
coming off too strong too soon.
I was not an interesting subject changer,
I was an attention *****.
I was not the one who played the guitar,
I was the one who knew nothing.
I wasn’t just quiet,
I was the one who didn’t have a word to
say that didn’t make things awkward.
I never thought space was how you
would all respect me.
I see it as sad, and you see it as a gift.
I tried everything to get you to like me,
but I can only be who I am.
I never asked you to change for me,
and there I would sprint to find a tune
that would play the sadness for me.
It’s not about me,
this is how you let me be,
the free and flying bird.
I’ll go back to your nest
when you are ready to
love me the way I am
The best thing I did for us
all was not until now,
to fly away.
I like music, they like gaming. I have nothing against them, but I never thought that the one thing I needed to do was not to try and play the games, was not to ask everyone if they liked anything I did, but to leave the group. I have high respect, but I never thought this was how I would do the right thing. I just can't be who they are.
May 2016 · 337
The Winner
Luna Casablanca May 2016
You know,
it’s just a game.
If I can’t learn
to hear screaming
over a loss and not
cover my ears,
I can’t play with you.

If you don’t want to
let me in without
clenching your fists
and gritting your teeth,
why ask me anyway?

If we can’t learn to
accept all our differences,
we can’t be in the same
I lose, someone else wins,
I feel no sorrow,
you feel no sympathy.

Who is the winner anyway?
Since I have songs to play
and dreams to fulfill,
I would say the winner
is me.
Your loss, is a chance,
to have a friend who
cares deeply and shows
like me.
May 2016 · 302
Traumatic Dreams
Luna Casablanca May 2016
The dreams I have where enemies reside
are killed by the morning light and savored
in my frontal lobe.
I think how they could have hurt me the way
they did in the dream.
She put her arms all over me and she grasped
my neck I could not breathe at all.
He grabbed my hand and would not permit me
to be with my friends though I could sense the
relationship was over.
Waking up after seeing somebody I once was
abused by is hard to do,
but its harder for them to see I am awake and
to let it all go
and live for real,
this time.
Luna Casablanca Apr 2016
Part of it was security higher than a mountain,
some of it was trust larger than a desert.
It was natural no matter how scary to see,
and vulnerable no matter how much you laughed
and I sat humiliated.
I said I could do it, it took a crowd to say I couldn’t
after I fell and broke something.
Doesn’t matter what can and can’t be fixed.
It is over,
but I trusted whoever was there
when I made the greatest mistakes
Apr 2016 · 457
Away and Unafraid
Luna Casablanca Apr 2016
I had been around too long too wide,
I forgot my own and didn't swallow my pride.
I wanted to learn and learning lead to ambition.
I made a fool of myself and your anger lead to redemption.
I wanted to be a part of this for myself and only me
was too able to make it forgot who I was destined to be.
Then one day I sad "No thank you, I'll be alone with my guitar."
Wrote a song and then I learned you never can let anyone
strip you from who you are.
This might not be the group these people might not be my best
Though I see how they smile when they see me and sympathy is what
Remembering how I was the oddball then I chose distance over drama.
I am away and unafraid, we are all swimming in the same water with no
We are all in the same boat, just not the same tastes and interests.
I may not have fit in, but I hold no grudges nor regrets.
So lower your voice, stand your guard,
accepting isn't always easy,
but forgiveness doesn't have
to be hard.
It wasn't the right group for me, but as long as everyone is happy including me, I'm good.
One of us had to move on.
I did,
and I'm
Apr 2016 · 329
Why Are I Here
Luna Casablanca Apr 2016
Is it ever enough to see the glitter in my eyes
when I'm right near the ones who took me in for once?
I might as well disqualify myself as this competition is too much of a dual.
We want to know who has the brain,
who has a warm heart, and who has the courage standing by great self esteem.
It's me, him, her, and all of us.
If we are sitting with fingers crossed and our shoulders raised to our necks,
why are we here in the first place?
To care and to give,
or to have and to hold?
Ambiguous is how I felt since two days ago.
My belt was right there but my thoughts were cooled down.
I'm living the life I wanted to, you are not there but you are not missing.
I wait for no kindness and I tolerate no admonishing tone used for a prayer.
You pray I won't exist in your life, no need to ask God.
I hear you loud and clear.
When I am gone I hope that will make it
Don't worry about me,
You never took away my happiness,
you just don't have any yourself.
Mine is a threat to you,
your weakness is not my weapon,
you just let it be.
It's just never enough with you.
I'm not mad, I feel sorrow with no
Getting out of a situation, I'm actually excited.
Apr 2016 · 391
Removal of Credulous
Luna Casablanca Apr 2016
She waited and waited
with her fingers on the window pane
and face of anxiety meeting its match.
There was nothing there to have fear nor
was there drama powerful enough for all
to come to her and let her rule.

She was all too different
she had the face of a model and the
body of an addict.
That is what the magazine article
She would sprint to catch her people,
she wrestled her schedule to find time
for them.
Begging for others to stay and could
never be strong to let go.

This is who she had,
this is what they wanted,
she had no choice but to keep them,
she had to pretend all along.

She stared out the window pane
she got frustrated as she stormed
to the table with coffee pouring and
tea from the kettle.
She poured herself a cup,
and as the drink burned her mouth,
she remembered the pain that felt too
relevant as nobody was there.

They were not who she had,
she lied for so long that she was no
The fire in her throat was the transparence of
voicemails asking when they could come back.
She put all her time and effort into those who did
not care for her, and never took time to nod at the ones
who actually did.

Years passed,
many were renamed and overlooked,
no wrists were grabbed,
no one was getting on their knees.
She let them do their thing and never took
space for granted.

The tea was gone from the mug,
her throat felt better.
Nobody came,
was the perfect time to smash the mug
in order to see where her days of being credulous
were to end in pieces.

She had tea alone and as she
picked up the pieces on the floor,
every shattered glass thrown away
was like letting go of anyone who
abused, assaulted, or

She just couldn’t be credulous
It was time to tell herself the truth and
believe something other than fantasy.
Though no one was at the party,
it was worth telling the truth in the
Something finally felt right.
Listen to your heart. Don't let others use or fool you. Don't be afraid of moving on. If you are with the wrong people and desperate to find the right ones, it is never too late. Go.
Mar 2016 · 308
Too Bad
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
I wonder why you're no longer nice to me,
But first I wonder why you feel inferior enough
to show how phasesd you are by your own troubles and sorrow.
And it's me you pick
to reply with vulgarity and stubborn attitude?
All I can say,
It's rather nice to be me, and I'll bet it
to be
you ;).
I'm pushing through no matter who is gone in the end.
Mar 2016 · 380
If I Stay
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
Awaiting for dreams to come true,
and fearing the thoughts of discovery.
So much never heard and not enough
tears to be seen.
“What is this”, is all I can say,
the fray has begun and it’s a war not
asked for but granted.
If one day I am gone still without playing
the song I wrote when I felt blessed and kept
the faith,
I will never hunt you down,
I need to protect you and myself from
potential agony.
There is some now, but lets not make it worse.
I know some of you are children by mind and
cannot bear to say what you need while reaching
your hand.
Some have never been encouraged follow their
dreams and were lead by the bullies who
Some go home to hell and come here to
When you reach your hand out, someone
will take it and guide you as a sibling and
Whatever your dream is, go follow it
and lead when you arrive to brighter
Home is not always where the heart is
but come back like you are broken but
Somebody will be there to do so,
and it may be me,
if I stay,
I hope to.
Every friend group goes through a phase of drama that can be a phase of
love again.
Mar 2016 · 216
No Sister
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
I will always guide myself with my own hand
to understand you,
but I will never let myself go far too long
to try and be you.
Demand you will not and to beg I don’t intend.
Shoot the shame with a gun and let the smoke
fly around your beautiful face.
Letting the bullet go as we forget the farce.
Remembering your smile and how you would
bury your head in my chest as you shed
tears of guilt.
Sipping wine alone is what I needed,
as you got your shattered glass
swept up by a man you call,
Some women put all their time and effort into their guy friends, and some men put their time and effort into their girlfriends. Never take any gender for granted.
Mar 2016 · 297
Still if it Hurts
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
Still if it hurts,
I’ll skip the puddles
and remember your scolding
voice telling me not to get wet.
Still if there is nowhere,
I will turn on the shower,
strip from what makes me warm,
stand in the pouring water,
and just think.
Did I have a party to go to?
Is this part of being hung over?
Was that liquor for somebody?
What is this feeling in my stomach?
Still if it hurts,
I’ll find a way to find you.
I will walk in the rain so I don’t park
in your driveway.
I’ll bring the ***** and wine.
Do you want glasses too?
What do I wear?
Should I wear heels and my little black
sequin dress?
Or just jeans?
How about both?
How about nothing? Naked is how I feel
when the wrong word slips out and the
night is destroyed.
That ***** was not opened last night.
I sat and waited for my ride, clocks just
do their job when people never do theirs.
Still if it hurts,
I stare out the window and have the cork opener
waiting at the top of the counter.
The time will come as soon as my
horrible language goes away.
It won’t.
Still if it hurts,
I’m done with you guys.
I can get drunk on my own and wear my dress
whenever, wherever, forever.
Mar 2016 · 263
The Teenage Phoenix
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
I thought we could all be a choir of insecure teenagers pretending nothing is wrong when in our heads it is all wrong.
I sang the blues and danced in the hallways of the school, but my only applause was
pointing fingers and laughter.
I knew that if I ruled the world, I would have everyone sit in a circle and just
say it the way their young mind wants them to.
If I was queen of the drama I would say to scream the worst of the worst profanity,
get in the center of the tile floor as if it is your stage,
vent, spread your arms apart as your fingers leave inches of space,
and cry for all to see.
Never would I let anyone go back to the same person at the same time of day.
We would pick someone new and together we would learn through conversation that there is power when meeting a stranger. To all I was one.
Talking to yourself will no longer be a crime, and I would make it ok for
everyone to jump up and down, say something wrong, and shrug to any words that
are worth the outrageous reaction.
Never make fun of me for all that I do at any moment at any time.
I knew I would never rule the world at age thirteen as stress was lit like a match and flames of tears and a lying face would burn all over me.
The scar burns and ashes have melted away and I can smile again,
and when the phoenix flies by so high and visible,
every tic stops for a moment as I am detained by graceful vision.
I am alive today carrying but not devoting the way I see myself that has made me stronger, and not only a woman with bravery,
but a teacher with lessons of respect.
Now class,
you can’t control the rest of the students,
but be kind to yourself first,
never punish yourself for your flaws,
and see how compassion and love
brings you to believe
in your own
We can’t all have the same spirit inside,
but we can let it outside of ourselves to
show we belong together as a world.
Class dismissed,
now your homework tonight
is to read yourself and write a paper
about all the things you love about
who you are, not anybody else.
You won’t be graded,
this is all for
Just because I live with Tourrette's syndrome, doesn't mean it rules me. I rule it but not the world. The world can learn how to accept others baggage that shows in their body and voice.
Mar 2016 · 369
Take a Hike
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
I can’t carry you on my back anymore.

I don’t see why you sleep on my couch when you want
to leave so badly you could cry.

I never understood why I became your burden of hell.

I see no reason for you to feel bad.

Just build some self-esteem,

walk in the woods,

pack a granola bar and water,

and look back at your tracks.

I may not be with you but I know it’s what you
want and cannot have.

It’s your life,
and I am not the one who takes things
away from you.

You let it be no part of you and you strip it from

Take a hike,
smell the air,
get mud on your shoes,
and track it all over the floor
of your own home.
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
Would you need it so bad you leave one
to sit and stare at you all night?
Would you have your guitar handed to you
as I carry mine in a heavy black case?
Can you carry a tradition of a summer night
sing along and not have it all to yourself?
What a shame,
that such an occasion,
was sold to you and bought by your
A soul on what they fawn over and
poetry is written about your voice.
Your voice, the songs you play,
I heard it all before, and I heard it enough
to know you as desperate.
Stop making it about you, and
let us shine together all of us in the cool
summer night air.
Slapping every mosquito and sipping
champagne, just share something
for once.
Mar 2016 · 312
The Coin in my Cup
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
You are the ones who taught me to
my eyes.
Look around you and notice the person at
the table not smiling,
the person talking too much,
the one who can’t get a word in,
and the one who got the wrong word out.
Like every family,
there is a dysfunctional twist that
tornadoes us away.
After the spin we come back together like
the birds in their trees or
the bees in their honey.
We may not taste as sweet at every
but we are connected by
something stronger than
the blinding sun.
When I was blind,
and had no hand to grab
nor anyone to put a coin in
my cup.
it was one of you,
I can’t remember who,
but one of you touched me
and guided me to see something
Here we are,
I can see,
I can sense,
and I can
of the
times we
we shared,
we were there
I see people side by side,
and I see no
tension that can’t be
acknowledged like the
coin in my cup.
Thank you,
stranger that you no longer are.
Even if some people who come together as a group feel tense and insecure,
there is a good reason why they stay.
Mar 2016 · 501
The Learner
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
When I am old I expect nobody to sit and have tea with me
who once saw me as young and cared to show me an old
When I am fifty I will wake up alone and tuck my mother and
father in bed at night where they once did to me years ago.
When I am thirty I will return my wedding gown after another
bipolar episode he just won’t take it anymore.

I am now twenty, and I have years to live and improve
my spirit,
my life.

Who knows where I will be? Maybe I will be digging in the dirt
at a farm or perhaps riding the elevator in a big
Let the past shape me and form me into what I wanted and not
what they wanted.
Forgive myself for my mistakes, and never take away my own

I see my future from a glance but I don’t know everything and never
I can’t predict nor can I control the universe along with the time.
Let the clock tick and just have fun with the running out.
Walk with arms wide open and have the patience to find what we
Let visuals be toys and consequences be keys to unlocking new and
proper opportunities.
Love what you have and are and never beg for more.
Good things come to those who do not get on their knees for the sake of
Learning and saying “I don’t know” is the key to knowing and the process of
Give and get, live and learn, never take the present moment for granted, and
understand the misunderstood.
It’s not about having it all, it’s about
learning from it.
Live, learn, forget, make mistakes, lose….Gain.
Mar 2016 · 280
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
This has been locked inside me
for far too long.
It's coming out unleashed
despite if I'm wrong.
Better now than never
these thoughts are never gone.
The top of my lungs have
me winded, my voice leads
everyone to know I

I stand,
I stare,
at the other folks
making their jokes.
I hear them,
I compare to my view,
it's entitled and here,
I scream out loud
"**** that fear!"
It's time to learn and
listen as we
Mar 2016 · 288
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
Right now I am breaking my writers block.
My page is incomplete without another piece written
about someone special like you.
The first time you asked to hold my hand I sensed hesitation
in you and felt fear in me.
I pressed against your shoulder and all my fears ceased within
I felt your touch how you wanted to protect me from the horror
you became my beautiful sight.
Not knowing you brought fear of having you and getting to know you
was the graving of the bumps in the desert how they would never
stop us from getting to where we want to be.
I want to be with you,
I want to share these feelings with you.
I want to have a nice poem about you.
Here it is, and here we are.
Look what you have done,
bringing me and you into a
better world to see and live.
No fawn is ever taken for granted, and no mistake is ever frowned upon.
I’ve warmed up enough, and I saved the time I write this for the perfect night.
Tonight was magnificent, and that is what my life
is becoming thanks to
Mar 2016 · 1.8k
Luna Casablanca Mar 2016
When we devote our heart to what
phases and appalls us,
we leave no room in our hearts and
sit alone waiting on the people of our
So many times we take morality and
mold it into our sculpture of opinion.
We take the image of the natural beauty
our friends arrive to take us and photoshop
beauty queens, anorexic girls, naked men,
and clear skinned bashful humans.
We look the way we do,
but we’re not done yet.
Split ends are the representation of a
woman who works hard to earn her
dream and live her destiny one day.
A teenager with blemishes enters the
school doors and cracks quirky jokes
and makes an eight grade girl laugh;
she who is fourteen and feels no inferiority
despite her flat chest and gap tooth.
He is not the fat boy who everybody loves,
he is a human being and is here for the same
reason any model,
and Olympian is here
Can we look the way we do and feel as if
we need no photoshop on what is really on
It’s all about
what is
in us.
We are beautiful the way we are. Nobody has to look a certain way to feel a certain way.
Feb 2016 · 311
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I need you to stay.
One of us should not be the
breaking point.
I've had surrounding folks before,
but none of them were the right ones.
It's you,
and me,
The floor boards are cracking every time
you leave.
I don't want to throw away the candy wrappers.
Next time leave the wine here.
Never think we won't do this again.
I'll only suggest.
Feb 2016 · 285
Challenge for Us
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Seeing you every summer was like a
I had to hide my remedial sources to
prove I was not special,
I could be normal.
You were precocious and had the world
at your feet.
You displayed through your words and
actions every day that you were not kind,
you had condescending traits.
Back then we were only adolescents.
I had no idea what I had and you were the
lead at everything you did.
You had the solos, you had the grades, you
had the friends, and you had the fawning adults.
I never hated you for it, I had bad grades, I had no friends, and I was criticized by the adults.
My solo was poorly performed as I had to do my thing and you played with others.
As we grew over the years and kept our traditional meet up over the summer,
I play my solo by having no phase of being alone for a moment.
My challenge for you is to try it and not be the guy with a million friends.
You will be surprised how much you learn from others who are less, and being surrounded by less.
I'll learn from you, you learn from me, and let's teach everyone to accept our friends who may not walk the same path but still walk with us.
You'll find yourself walking alone with a bit of happiness.
Trust me, it feels good sometimes.
I mean it as a friend.
Feb 2016 · 409
Precious Little Drama
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
As I read and searched you since we
departed to a transition that
choked me and relieved you,
breathing was only by
forgetting our precious little
I wanted so bad to shake your
hand like we used to but you
had too many others to hold.
I tricked myself into thinking I was
happy for you when really I couldn't
sleep at night.
I saw what you said and I could sense
I'd ruin your life if we stayed in touch.
I had too much work and you
had too much to drink that night.
I laid down to rest after a tough day and
you laid back down in your bed of roses
where you fell into since we departed.
I'm ok now,
I have no need for that precious little
You want none of my swinging and I
hate when you're shooting.
You use it on me by taking another girl.
By the way, are you still talking to her?
Or is there someone new like always in
your life.
This precious little drama is all on you.
Don't come running back when your roses
die and she doesn't call.
By now nobody should be surprised as you
hang at bars alone and intoxicate yourself
forgetting you're punishing not pushing yourself to grow stronger.
I'm strong, why aren't you?
Feb 2016 · 319
You Do You
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
If the person you are phases to many,
think of it as quality and **** the
Laughter is good for our muscles and
Seriously “cool” people don’t want us to
be dead.
They want us to bump down as they bump
up to be complemented and fawned.
If God is never here then maybe it is
diversity where happiness lies upon.

To the woman proposed by a married man.
To a twelve year old boy not knowing why
he kicked a beer can.
To a sixteen year old girl who really needs
an older man.
To a father who can’t say yes to his daughter
he’ll always be her number one fan.

Stay dry, be wet and comfortable.
Laugh like the rain and be unstoppable.
Walk away, keep your head high to the sky.
Never wrong with spending a night in the summer
with some coffee and pumpkin pie.
Say what is real, just don’t make it about you.
Let others have their share, and watch dreams come true.

To the parent who gives nothing but complements.
To the girl who **** talks among other boys.
To the boy who **** talks among other girls.
To the family who gives each other the business.

Ok, there’s a limit.
Take your time but never for granted.
Tell the critics to take a break.
They may or may not have lives and that’s
no piece of cake.
Take the computer and turn it into your
Design graphics and games and let the players
show your pride.
Hear the piano, bass, drum, guitar,
write a song and tell the world
who you are.
Lace up the shoes and run in the rain.
Go as fast as you can and show your pain.

Lets make this clear,
there shall not be fear,
we are not out to get,
we just need to let.
Keep pushing through,
whether you’re in eight grade
or at a college that is new,
look back and know you grew,
but most of all,
you do you.
If we all learn to let people be themselves,
what a world it would be.
Feb 2016 · 582
Play me the Xylophone
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I’m a little different, and you say you are as well.
I have no money in my purse, and you have no job to keep you secure.
I live with my family, and you live with yours,
so no fun in the house wherever we go.
I write but I have no fame, you throw baseballs at trees and are not
a pro.
We sit under a tree where we don’t have to pay a meter.
We walked twelve miles to this park and I got dressed up for this.
You put a little flower in my hair, and I lay on your chest.
I want to love someone and not be cliché but respect our friends.
I want to be loved by someone who accepts everything.
I want to love someone who is unafraid.
A guitar is too big to carry on this trip, and there to our left is a metal picnic table.
Come with me, take these small wooden sticks from the tree,
find the bar on the bench, and play me a song.
Play me a little tune from the object in the present.
We are present, we are here, and the xylophone is what we shall make out of this ugly back metal picnic table.
I’ll dance upon the table and hear you play.
A little song,
for little time,
the first date is the scariest era of love.
Will I spend the rest my life with you?
This would be the greatest thing anyone would do
for me.
Play me a song as I dance for you and we learn within space and earnestly living in the present time.
When it starts to rain and your instrument rusts, carry me home, and play me a song
with your voice even if you are not singing.
Trust me,
I want to hear it.
Feb 2016 · 320
Empty Phase
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I will never waste opportunity for love on you,
you became so phased you just couldn’t see through.
Like suede leather I was still too thick to tear.
You would never see me naked, I feel you don’t care.
I felt the need to cover myself and hide what’s inside.
Every successful award I keep to myself, I honestly lied.

You’re a man who would never undress your secrets and reveal a
shameful tale to me.
Get dressed, get out, this is not meant to be.
I’m not sad just scared
that someone I know is
gone telling others I’m weird
and does not care.

I thought the world of you I spent a fortune on a dress,
you never saw it on me, and your leaving made me a mess.
I was unappreciated and I gave everything to look and impress.
Love is not only arousing and laying side by side,
love is emotion and understanding what we lost and how hard we tried.
If I am a freak, ok, I understand what you mean.
One must not be phased or enraged when working with a team.

Effort is key, honesty is the open door.
We forgive what we do when we are friends
and try to become more.
Now I want neither I’m not desperate like I was before.
I will never date a man who is nothing but a tearful bore.
Tiresome and overbearing, next opportunity you give me to love you
I will ignore.
I should have done that before.
What was I even fighting for?
What did you have in store?
Don't keep giving time to someone who doesn't want to get to know the real you.
If he loves you he won't be phased by your behavior, baggage, or flaws.
Feb 2016 · 735
The Teacher
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I do not want to fall in love with you.
I remember you told me your dream career,
and my fingers are crossed hoping it will come true.
You hope to be an educator,
I saw it and knew it when I first met you.
Any adolescent would be gifted to learn from you.
Your presence is poised and your attitude toward those who dont
fit in is just what the world needs.
Approachable and kind is what you are and what kids need
when they go to school
and learn they are not what they thought.
I'm not sorry you don't have time for me,
go and make that dream come true.
Mr. Teacher,
I am always here for you.
Don't rush to come back to me, I'm still happy for you
and never wasn't.
We are at an age where careers come first.
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
The Right Thing
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I fell into the trap of
screaming my struggles at the
top of the roof so someone would
see me as I stepped forward to jump off.
I climbed down the ladder after hearing no one,
burned it in the fire, put on my sneakers,
and went for a run.

A little jog turned into
a mile,
then two,
then twenty five,
last one a marathon.

So many who have my past hold it
because they put me down or were
overwhelmed by my triggering words.
This is why I put down the car keys
because if I am seen crying in a car
after crashing it driving emotionally upset,
they know they did something right.

Stretching after a marathon was the destruction
of every bad memory of a bully who made their
remark into a marathon.
I was the runner
this time.
They know,
they did something
wrong and I am fierce.
I have power,
and I am
golden and
I did the
If you are ever upset, angry, or mad at somebody,
don't give them power by hurting yourself.
I chose running,
what will you do to help?
Feb 2016 · 311
Never Forever, Never Hated
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
If you don't have my future and forever
have my past,
I'll never hunt you down,
never stay awake for a whole night when you're not sleeping next to me,
and I'll drive to where I'm only needed I won't circle around where I know you'll be.
Every moment I lived since you've been gone where I laughed so hard I cried and
I felt a rush talking to another someone,
I learned from you.
A bad note doesn't make a bad person though we may end and walk in opposite directions,
If you are walking with tears in your eyes and if you throw your phone and pout,
I'll pick it up for you.
When I hand it back, it will be more than a message.
It will be a sign for you
to know,
I'm not gone,
I'm still searching.
Never will I mind crossing paths where you happen to be.
We're humans not wanderers, and listeners not lovers.
I want to hear how you are and see what you look like now.
I hope you want the same, but if you don't,
I'm safe, happy, and healthy.
That is what matters to me right now., I hope you are the same as well.
Not of the loss, but of the lessons you and I
Better things happen in life when we choose respect over
I think our situation and time apart is worth it.
It may have been right then, but that never means it will forever. It's ok to still care, but not beg.
Feb 2016 · 361
It's Because You're a Girl
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I run on the other side of the street.
I cover my chest with my one bare hand and
the other holding a purse.
It is snatchable,
and so am I.
They tell  me
“It’s because you’re a girl.”

And when I arrive,
all eyes are on me.
They say to just
stay in the corner and
leave the boys alone.
“Why?” I ask.
They look at each other and
take a breath.
They reply,
“You don’t want to get hurt. Let them have
“What is the reason?” I demand.
“It’s because you’re a girl.”

As the party goes on,
hard drinks are the source of
emotion and heart-attack fear.
I am asked to dance.
I can barely smell him I only see
a prince in him.
The dance we do
is ****** and I am
exposed by my
As I push him and the music stops,
I wrap my scarf around
and though embarrassed and
“It’s because, you’re a girl.”
Is what the host says.

Shame on me for going alone.
Shame on the boy for his boarish
behavior and grabbing my
He only makes his own kind look
Shame on the adults for not teaching
self control instead
shaming us girls for our
****** embracement!

I am not candy and
never was.
You do not have power
and never will.
At one point you did,
but those days are gone.
Will there ever be a day a woman
can survive going to a party alone?

Forget genitalia,
remember the respect we
are taught so young.
Though when we are young,
there is segregation.
I remember being eight,
I needed friends and I needed
a buddy.

I saw a boy who looked like he
wouldn’t hurt me.
I did nothing and he said
he hated me.
I asked “why” with tears in my eyes.
Confidently he replied,
“It’s because you’re a girl.”
And I spent the next half hour
in the time out chair.
This is what happens when we humans
confuse attitude for
I take no blame.
And don’t you either.
Most sexism is on girls. I as a feminist promote ending it.
Feb 2016 · 310
Understand Me
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
The chance to fall in love or to
have a great friend is a scare
and an alarm rings in me then I
bundle my nerves,
let them out,
and live my
life with
They used to always scold me
to leave them alone.
I would cry and draw
illustrations of them
when I got home.
I would tear them
apart and see
them in
Nothing harder
than being the girl
everyone in school dreads.
Or family at the house you live.
Everywhere I’m picked on don’t even
know what I did.
I was the awkward
problem kid.
Now I’m twenty
still remembering
eighth grade bullies now look what
they did.
I had to be first to learn
in order to throw their points in the fire
and see their leisure burn.
Either that or you can
prepare my urn.
Want me to die?
No, that is a lie.
I’m staying to live and breathe.
I can breathe and live with this.
You can breathe too just get out of
my business.
Don’t ever open my treasure chest without
my consent.
Never want to open the memories and wonder
where you went.
Take it slow
learn as
you go.
Sometimes we open up too soon when we meet others. It is better to wait and learn.
Feb 2016 · 548
Obstacles of Loved Ones
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Wait til you portray,
you’ll hear my voice,
come what may.
I can’t make you stay,
but if games are what you play,
come back another day.
You’ll be older and know more,
you will remember how you were before.
picking on people is not humor its relaxation.
This is how you make friendship a staycation.
We don’t observe,
we mind our own nerve.
It becomes a show and tell.
Every day I get dragged into hell.
I see and feel when you were hurt.
Excuse me,
do you know  I’ve also been kicked in the dirt?
Reason you never thought is because I
brush it off and walk away.
If you’re anger must be spread onto me,
I’d rather be clean and see you
another day.
When you are not going to cheat,
you will follow the rules
and play.
Then we don’t confuse love for
we feel the burn of compassion
and our friendship becomes
a vacation.
Feel the relief of spending time with you
and your space.
Never forget the time you got drunk at
my place.
You took the couch and you slept like a baby.
First you cried like one,
but I still see you as a fine lady.
Sharp and mature,
and we love no matter what the hell may
Take my hand,
we’re on an adventure.
New places to go,
and forget the structure.
This is for any of my friends though they may be gone, we disagree, we are too different, or I miss them,
It doesn't have to be perfect as long as we
And never take one another
for granted.
Feb 2016 · 208
Still When Depressed
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I would do anything to be walking around and dancing in the streetlight.
I hate to be in and everyone else is outside painting cars and opening 12 packs.
I can’t get up and I have eyeliner on my face from my daily think and cry.
You keep me away from everything and everyone.
My life is empty though my heart not so much.
It is full,
of guilt.
When you die,
there better be a chance they let me back in with them.
I will get drunk and paint a picture of what I used to look like on the car of the person who let me down.
I’ll not think of what makes me sad and I will leave my bed to night.
Depression makes me want to sit and do nothing.
Well there is no time for that,
is there?
Depressed people are not worthless or stupid. They do want to have fun but it is hard to.
Feb 2016 · 249
Dream of Revenge
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I dreamed last night I was fighting you
I called you a **** and I said I hated you.
While I said those words you had a smile on
your face.
So did everyone in the locker room.
I woke up and realized that three years today I say
better words and still nobody listens.
I was a joke then and I am today.
One day I’ll be listened to.
Don’t feel threatened if I’m right,
and never feel powerful when I’m wrong.
My syndrome is a gift and a curse and sometimes
fools me with my choice of words and actions.
If the dream had been real and if I had said it to you,
You would never get an apology.
You needed that name calling.
You never received it,
but you were no better
than anyone or
anything or
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Release all your pain,
I just want to see you.
I want to gaze in your eyes
and ask all the
“How are you’s”.
What have you achieved
since you escaped me?
Where have you traveled
and not taken me?
Who have you talked to
and spoke about me?
I suspect you will walk away
like you always intended.
Perhaps getting to know me
was a bad choice.
I’m not your source of pain,
it’s your not knowing what
you need in life that
bites you.
You better not blame me for
the mess we walked through.
So much in the way we
had no room to walk
You brought me in and pushed
me away at the worst time
in your own life.
I saw you as bold then you proved
you can be a ****.
You’re not a ****,
you’re just trying to
Maybe he was,
maybe he wasn't.
Meeting him again will
tell me.
Feb 2016 · 219
Hear me Again
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Changing the strings on my guitar for the third time.
I lost count of the songs I wrote tonight.
I play my music and write my stories in a summer home
occupied by just me.
I think of ones I used to have and
write in my book how I will approach
and rekindle what we  once had.
Whether it was friends at the movies
or if it was a fun date with an awkward touch.
I cross out many phrases to introduce my love and desire.
I can’t say “I miss you” because that only makes it about me.
I hesitate to sound happy or just be honest that I’m not.
Aware the relationships are the past
but remember we are still here but living apart.
We’re all God’s children whether we get along or not.

I will smile and congratulate him
on his new girlfriend and never see her
as the girl who is loving him and holding him in her arms for me.
I will tell my old friend I’m excited she has plans with someone else to go to
that rock concert and I’m not getting drunk that night
for my own revenge.
I learn to be sober and happy for them. I don’t need to be their pick to
strum and make a beautiful sound every gig they play.
I don’t give up on others I loved,
and I give thousands of chances as the songs
played on the radio begging to trend.
I want to know how they’re doing.
I once knew their secrets,
I sold my soul once to them.

Lets just come together and take it slow.
Let them hear me again.
Maybe I do mean something to them.
I pray they remember who I am and
forget what I may have done wrong.
Only that should be what’s over.
Last thing we said was an apology.
Lets make this a heart to heart with a
hug at the end.
After that I can write a happy song that I
don’t normally get to.
I want you to be the reason this time.
To me, it won't always be over.
Feb 2016 · 306
Record Player
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Listening to sad songs
having a moment with my feelings.
Blocking the sound of everyone laughing together.
The melody is my love.
It speaks to me and is honest.
But it doesn't know me.
It's a moment I can control to hear
what I want.
I'm not reprimanded or the elephant in the room.
To **** it I'll turn on the record player.
To go back to old school before this
I can turn on a song whenever I want but it takes a broken back and ****** hands to
turn you on.
I can turn off the song when I need to but you just love to hear yourself talk.
When one hears a song one should listen and learn.
You don't.
Feb 2016 · 244
Unknown in you
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
It is clear your interest in me started to rot.
I just hope that you remember the short fun time and
you never forgot.
There was something between us we did not figure out or know.
All that matters is that you're happy,
so fine,
I'll let you go.
Feb 2016 · 238
Too Much
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
While the world was changing
our different beliefs were
furiously ascending.
They used to be intriguing as I’d be shooting
a rifle and you would be marching with me
in a fight for women’s rights.
Now you’re being sexist and I’m for
Never thought the reality of beliefs in
legal eyes would take us on a toll.
I stood and panicked as you held my hands
and offered to take me.
You looked to the side of the room near the door
when I talked about my feminist spirit and what
it means to me.
We two great people so passionate and
holding our beliefs in a clutch
got to be overbearing and  then anxiety said it
was too much.
I tried too hard you tried  even harder.
Breaks my heart that different views of
federal and state cases did not let this relationship
go farther.
You’re gone and bullets are raining in your life.
I see no more of your face and I never again feel
your touch.
I guess what I want in this world is happening through
LGBT and Gun Control,
perhaps I’m too good AND
too much.
Feb 2016 · 301
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Nothing I do will allow me to restrain
my hands from flapping and my words
No one can ever say I don’t belong or
I did something wrong.
This is neurological and nothing I
took of the shelf.
Though this label I have is why I’m
usually by myself.
I blink many times but I can still see
the beautiful people.
You’ll see my restless legs but one
day I’ll be in the position that is fetal.
My phrases may sound ignorant and
but I somewhere have a voice that
spreads truth and wisdom.
Though I may be alone
or staying at home
I party in my room
and feeling no doom.
Tourette’s is no sin,
when the ticks start to begin,
they perform and I let it go
it is still there but it doesn’t have
to be a show.
Its about the inside forget the
gesturing hands.
We people are styled and different
but never are we brands.
We here for each other
reasons to be told.
I may have ticks but many
great stories to unfold.
We learn to respect and listen
to our family and friends.
The ones I have I know are
there, they never expect
the ticks to end.
It’s nothing I pretend.
Never let a mental health disorder control you, and never think others have control over you because you deal with something.
Feb 2016 · 464
Mixed Drink
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
He was one of a kind better than
I dreamed
I told him a secret then was
nothing of what I
To him I was beautiful
then too much was exposed.
Still I wait till I take off his mind
all that I disclosed.
The chills he gave me
my heart would pound.
I followed him everywhere
till he was nowhere to be
I pushed, I made,
I thought this was lemons into
Looks like it’s a mixed drink.
I miss him so much but he
is not worth a mintue’s think.
Laying on the ground after
whiskey and gin.
Putting in too much like
the information I
gave him.
Afraid of what he would think,
I became a mixed drink.
He couldn’t wait till I arrived
later I was the reason he
was too emotional
to drive.
I’m just glad
Never feel the need to explain yourself to somebody who
wants you.
Feb 2016 · 281
Crying for You
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I’m happy and sad to see pictures of you where you
are with someone else who makes you laugh.
I strip and cut then drown in the red of my own
blood bath.
You thought your power of walking away
could make me die.
I knew someone like you would leave me,
you didn’t even make me
You chose others not me and I just
want to make peace and set this tension
I know your world is complete,
but someday just please
come back
to me.
The opposite of missing isn’t completion,
it’s resolving.
Though its been about a year,
the memories of you and I are crawling.
They come up my spine and make a
resting stop in my heart.
They pack up and go to my head,
I cringe by the memory when you told me I’m
You said I was pretty and it was me you
wanted to sit near.
If I approach you again I will either see
you relieved by my sight or I’ll see you
in fear.
Here comes
from my eye
Feb 2016 · 233
Follow Through
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I ended up getting a life
but I left some space
for you.
I believe in new beginnings
but also in
follow through.
Thinking of you.
Feb 2016 · 425
Fun Starts Now
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
The optimist always beats out the pessimist.
Time to **** with the negative thoughts and give life to something beautiful.
While I'm alone I have more time to learn and witness.
I see fights between friends and couples making out among the suburban streets.
I see myself not being there someday soon but there's no reason I should mope and tell myself to ******* and die.
I'm living the dream by making myself happy with cupcakes and coffee and friends nobody can beat.
I know I'll be drunk as hell with you one night getting pulled over.
I know we'll be stuck on a plane waiting for rain to stop.
I have a feeling I'll be burned all over after napping on the beach.
Dinner at your place will turn into nachos and Heineken. I never thought you could cook.
Maybe you can,
and maybe we can forget the emotional past and start new as if we never had something special that didn't work out.
It may not be you who does stupid **** with me but its you who I always go back to thinking of.
You're on my mind, and if I'm not on yours all I say is you are missing out on opportunity.
I can be the one to show you enjoyment in adulthood.
I'll pay for the beer you buy me.
I'm responsible while drinking and having fun.
I know we will.
It's what you wanted for us after all because love is overrated.
So, now are you in?
Feb 2016 · 255
Crushed and Over
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Fantasies are like a stabbing how I
cry for others to help me back up
from being hurt by those who I
once wanted and loved.
Moments are worth documenting
for the whole world to watch and
see where two people come from
then to have witnesses tell what they
saw and could predicted.
Complements are like a scam when
he says how he feels but you’re not
what he wants.
Politeness is a magic trick where we
don’t get to see how it happens to be
hidden but there.
Conversations are like an audition where
you tell him your biggest secret and
hope he puts his arms around you
and holds you while saying he wants you
so you play the part of the leading female
in his directed play.
Minds are like a gift and a curse when you
are dealing with your own and needing
another one to help you out in life.
People are like a mystery how we learn
our manners but it is better to not mind
them especially around the one who
lets you down.
Questions are like a haunting how one overly
detailed answer can shoo him away.
Words are like guards who will keep us
from keeping it cool.
Cool is like………
How I thought I was being.
Feb 2016 · 471
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I’m on my own,
nobody holds my hand
or offers me a pencil.
It gets to be too much
is expected and not enough
is kept.
Learning feels like losing
and send offs are more like

Freshman year,
I was allowed to mess up.
I weeded through people,
and found my best friend
while losing my first

Sophomore year I ruled
the world.
I founded a group, we hung out
all the time and
I had many opportunities
to fall in love.

Junior year is here.
So many relationships ended
because of need and
I have a group but I have to wait to
see them.
There has not been an opportunity for love
and I blame my own baggage.

Senior year is next.
I don’t want it to come.
Make it stop.
I can’t do this

These are my confessions
of being an upperclassmen.
If only we could understand
we are not too young to thank
and its never too late to do the right thing.

Never thought the right thing would be
a computer on my lap and silence on Saturday nights.
We once danced and drank, but stubbornness is key.
Looking back to being young and bold its just not how
it used to be.
I'm an upperclassmen, and it feels more like the bottom of the world
has cemented me.
Get me out of here.
Its just so different I was so much happier last year.
Feb 2016 · 300
Second Thoughts
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I want you,
I wait to see you,
I never do,
I know you forgot.
About me,
about what we shared,
and you may have forgotten
if you ever liked me.
Where are you when I
need you?
Do you ever wish to see
me again?
I miss you,
I wanted you,
but these second thoughts
are all based off of
Feb 2016 · 477
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I wake up every morning with fear and desire to be seen as one of a kind not one with a different mentality.
I go to sleep every night and dream of a world where nobody cares if you are being yourself.
The things I know that I do that remove others ease
and all my fantasies that won't ever work out.
They have me looking down on my heart and see it is broken for good.
The years before always looked better .
Nothing fixes me except pills, outdoor walks, and smiles with eye contact.
Everyone I get to know looks away eventually.
My poor skills cause these relationships to break in half.
Whoever gets the better half is the normal one.
Its hard when you keep losing friends.
Feb 2016 · 386
A Part of Your Life
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
Don't have to be my world,
you can have others higher than me.
Don't have to go out to dinner,
I'm fine with a Netflix movie.
Doesn't have to be Titanic,
I'm fine with Mtv.
We can watch Teen Mom and Real World,
that will never be you and me.
Never did I think I was making strikes.
Nor did I want to be husband and wife.
I'm fine with no love but I want to be friends
with no sharing lies.
I just want to be a part of your life.
I look at this as our destiny,
no one is a prize.
I remember how you looked me in
the eyes.
Not one mean bone in your body and lots of
nerves as high as the skies.
I will always respect you and I'm not giving
too many tries.
But I think we deserve to have each other in our
Just sitting here with a beer you didn't buy me,
waiting on your
Come back to me.
Feb 2016 · 640
The Reason
Luna Casablanca Feb 2016
I miss you so horribly I have a heartache just to hear your voice.
I want you so badly I get sad just remembering how you used to wait for me.
Then you ran away.
This distance put you in better shape and gave you a better mind, a better girl, and a perfect life.
You were the best part of that day.
I shook and couldn't sleep all night just knowing someone liked me the way I was.
The way I was got to be too much for you to see and hear.
You are gone. Never thought I'd have to put it in words.
My words were threats and power to you.
Every other man down brings me back to you.
You are one of not that many who liked me the way I was.
I hate living with myself and having my baggage to carry,
So it's you who gets to be gone,
and you who gets love.
I'm not fighting for her to be me, since birth I've been fighting to be loved for the way I was.
But I know deep inside you were never phased to begin with.
That's why.
It's rare to find someone who accepts my differences. So it makes it hard to get over men who show interest.
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