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  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
Hannah Jean
Light can only shine through a broken heart.
You can only know what it's like to love if you know what it's like to hurt.
You can only see the beauty in this world if you've seen all the ugly it has to offer.
Feel the joy.
Accept the hurt.
Try for love.
Hope for the best.
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
All I needed was a call,
But you never cared.
Laughing at my pleas,
Laughed when I bawled.

Lost and insecure,
You left me.
Lying on the floor,
In my most vulnerable state.

Promises were broken,
Those which were spoken.

You promised you would never said goodbye,
We even sealed it with a kiss.

Since then the guards have been up,
Never to be killed again.
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
but is it long enough?
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
EP Mason
The smile in her voice
to ask me if I was okay
is the nicest thing
to happen to me today

Because my face was lined with creases
and my cheeks were soaked with tears
but I will remember her and her light-brimming eyes
for a multitude of years
The pure unjudged kindness of strangers is something that needs to be addressed. These people do not know my past, but they will not hesitate to improve my future ever so slightly.

© Erin Mason 2014
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
Kayla Bellinger
On still autumn nights
When only I walk the earth
You remind me of hope
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