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Dec 2017 · 454
saving grace
empty seas Dec 2017
You are my saving grace
duct tape
the medicine that helps me bear the pain of stitching my soul
You are the teacher
with the most important lesson
how to become strong again
You draw me in
with conversations of fictional lives
that are just as important as our own
We share pieces of our souls through
hardcovers and paperbacks
in a way that makes me feel whole
less like shattered glass and more of a mosiac
Saving grace
the three syllable manifestation of
This was made for my good friend a while ago. She's great, and actually likes my poems, surprisingly. She actually hung this on her fridge, which is super embarrassing, not only because it's bad, but because I misspelled some stuff in the original.
Dec 2017 · 267
The Pain
empty seas Dec 2017
we: the observers
you: the victims
we can never know the pain
we will try
to understand
to give you love
and support
but that does nothing
you are trapped
trapped behind a glass door of suffering
we look on
but we
the pain
let your cuts heal, we will take care of the knife

there's been so much tragedy this year, and last year, and the year before that. This is just my take on it from the outside.
Dec 2017 · 219
empty seas Dec 2017
all my friends are broken
scars upon their wrists
and stitches on their hearts
our smiles and laughs
cover pain and trauma
we all know
we love each other

all my friends are broken
but we're repairing
duct tape and bandaids
gentle touches and tender smiles
we all have different trauma
but we all understand
it will be
we love you
it will be okay
Dec 2017 · 216
Old friendship
empty seas Dec 2017
rotten flowers spill from her mouth
but her smile makes them look beautiful
"her words, she doesn't mean them" i mutter
grabbing the flowers by the handful
she says her fragile wings lay upon me
but they are iron shackles tightening on my wrist
she acts like she has nothing to lose
but has everything within her midst
she is poison and sugar
Dec 2017 · 607
empty seas Dec 2017
when i look in the mirror
i see something

when i look again
it's gone
don't stare for too long
Dec 2017 · 262
Late Nights
empty seas Dec 2017
a black wave
that won’t go away
my eyes forget to shut
and my lungs forget to breathe
all i can feel is
The Dread
swirling and reaching
the punishment from my own brain
for nothing
The clock shows 3:15

— The End —