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You stare at me blankly
You stare at me constantly
I wonder what you're thinking
I don't even see your eyes blinking

Your eyes tell me you want me
Maybe just a part of me or my body
I see questions, but are we talking?
Is this called communicating?

I'm ******, sure I'm rude
You didn't think you're the only dude who stares
I feel this sensation of people looking at me everywhere
You got guts, I got the attitude

You look for a chance to be near me
Where do you think this is going?
You rush to a crowded elevator
None of your feelings I'm gonna cater

I got a man who loves me to the moon and the back
Can't wait to go home to him and lay in bed
He's my world, my fallback
So **** all your feelings
You'll never have me, keep dreaming
You ask me why all these people look at me?
What is it that they see?

I keep moving forward
I dream big
I dream of dreams you don't even dream
I got no fears, I'm not a coward

I believe in me
It's alright if you don't see
I got power
You just sour
cause you aint me

You wish for a life like mine
Cause you don't see the struggle
I don't have quantity, just pure quality
There's pride in the hustle
I've a broken family
but I got friends that would fight the world for me
I got a man who loves me unconditionally

I have the confidence
They say it's in my walk and in my talk
It's about self-love, self empowerment
Believing in yourself enhances your elegance
Don't trust me
Each person I meet and conversation I have
I turn it into poetry

If you've ever been important
You've been in my words
You've been in my unfinished notes
You've been in my struggle to find the right words

If you never mattered
I never bothered
To capture you in my words
For when I do use my words
I stand still
My thoughts I spill
Time seems irrelevant
I'm no perfectionist, I always experiment

Don't tell I didn't leave a warning
I'm saying it out loud
Are you listening?
Don't trust me
Cause maybe at the end of the day
All that will be left of you will be poetry
He might not always say it, but he gets jealous too. He might not always show it, but he feels sad too. He might not always want to, but he'll do those things that you like for you. He might not always confess when he's a hot mess. Look at him, look into his eyes. Love him, look for the little signs. Study him like a goofy scientist would study about the galaxies far. Give him your undivided attention and give him everything he might want even if he doesn't mention. Give him the world and see. For once you do, he'll believe that sometimes things are meant to be.
1. any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it is not wanted
2. a cigarette
3. ungainly person or animal

the weeds in the garden,
though sometimes unwanted,
sprout from the dirt yet full of life,
little in worth, yet lovely.

the weeds that we smoke,
dangerous to our health,
tasting bittersweet like memories
yet brings us short-lived ecstasy.

the **** of my life,
he was nothing but trouble
that brought about mirth
in my too-perfect garden;
he frustrated the people
who tended to me,
growing back into my life
every time they plucked him out.

unwanted but lovely.
dangerous but lively.
he was my whole definition of ****.
We play with each other like kids in second grade
So careless, never afraid
We sleep during the day
Stay awake at night

I curl my body into yours
Like a baby in it’s mother’s womb
Like a flower that is about to bloom
Like a baby caterpillar in its shell
So protected, guarded and secured
All my illness you have cured

I have yet to be a butterfly
Soar and fly high

I feel like I’m two
Years will fly by like seconds
And each second
An eternity with you

We take naps together
So innocent like a white feather
Your love gives me strength
It calms me down and gives me faith
Like the sunlight on a cold day
I’d always say
That I don’t believe you when you say you’re gonna stay

Im hot and I'm cold
You're hot and I'm old
Don’t believe what's told
Don’t speak just hold

You give me chills
Just hold stay still
If we were to chill
I'd miss you still

Im here to stay did you forget?
I guess you're stuck with what you get
You don’t believe me?
Lets make a bet
I learned to fly
Ill teach you steps
Soar through the sky
Land in Tibet

We’re not there yet
But we wont be late
What a match like faith and fate
It sparks a fire with love and hate

I hate you but I love you
Can’t see a world without you babe
I haven’t seen you since yesterday
We’ll be here tomorrow, lets just wait
The first time my love and I wrote a poem together.
We spoke today after ages
It felt like a part of me came back

Now we talk everyday
It feels like a bright sunny day

I miss his hands
He knows me, he understands

The way he makes me feel
The pain inside my heart will never heal

He’s something I really need
We miss each other, we both agreed

There are so many things I have no control over
It makes me feel like I’m not at all sober
I feel this way without a single drink
I can’t help but think

I want to see him, hold him, feel him
Run towards him and just stay there with him
Maybe I never want to leave
He’s my only belief
I think I've fallen in love with the feeling
Of smiling into a pillow and heavy breathing
And for just a second I think I can feel happiness again
But have to shove it down until then
But I think I'll cherish it while I can
Now how did that conversation start again?
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