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 Oct 2021 Khaab
Hooria Iftikhar
|1|: Suicide isn't the answer.
|2|: You may be thrown down, but you're strong enough to pick yourself up and keep walking.
|3|: ARMY is here for you.
|4|: You are beautiful.
|5|: Go have some water luv <3~
|6|: Be yourself, don't be afraid to act weird, we all have a weird side.
|7|: You can fix a mess you made.
|8|: You are worth it.
|9|: God made you for a reason.
|10|: You are perfect the way you are.
|11|: Do what you like, dance, draw, watch silly videos, blast music if it makes you happy.
|12|: Show you true emotions.
|13|: Your opinion about yourself is the only one that counts, so make sure it's positive ***.
|14|: You are talented.
|15|: Smile when you want to. Cry when you need to, you are valid.
|16|: You are so strong to have made it this far.
|17|: Everything gets better with time.
|18|: It may be hard right now, but know that it will get better.
|19|: You are loved.
|20|: Lastly, Love Yourself. Go look in the mirror and look at your beautiful face and your perfect hair, you are a god/goddess! <3

I want you to know that you are worth it and you don't need to end it all, it may be tough right now, but it will get better. I love you and I hope you find happiness soon, stay positive. I'm here for you and so are the people you love( ahhh 4 o’ clock is on!)
I know I'm repeating things but I need to. I have almost spent half an hour on this and I don't regret it one bit. Take care of yourself, you won't regret it.
Hangout with your friends, dance, hug someone or something. I want you to smile, I may not smile and do everything I have listed but when I do them sometimes, I feel perfect, free, unstoppable and happy. So please look at me and promise me that you will stay strong and stay here for us, I love you And thank you for reading this. <3~
Smile don't be like me, be happy!
अजीब है उनका असर मुझ पर
सामने हों तो जुबान मेरी खुलती नहीं
चेहरे से नजर मेरी हटती नहीं
मुस्कुराहट मेरी फिर रूकती नहीं
खुली हों यदि जुल्फें तो उस
चांद की चर्चा कई दिन रूकती नहीं।।
 Sep 2021 Khaab
John McCafferty
Face set and hands met off the clock, innocence is often lost as seconds drop.
Our magic stirs but it's strength can fade, so in retrospect why ever expect better.

A middle ground of careless selfishness, when failure is an automated pretense. The real fault in our aims for success, not of ourselves but ignoring those with less.

Time is short, decisions often compromised, death will soon swing by to take your eyes. Without a single disregard for who you are, to choose yourself above all others on par.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
 Sep 2021 Khaab
John McCafferty
It feels like our sun has split, temp is turning route and stoney grey white light now dips sooner still.
No burning haze, nor warmth caught in open play and less so the golden rays from evening shades.

Darkened days will cling to run amongst us, when there's no fire blown above the hills. Age displayed as others ill now start to wilt, and aloft the silence drops without response.

Our sweet retreat returns from deeper dreams, before the fresh breath glimpsed in brand new air gives us this good grace of green again. The sense of death keeps seeping in resolve, for future stories to reflect as we continue to unfold.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
सच्चा शिक्षक सरल होता है
पर शिक्षायें उसकी गूढ़ होती हैं
समझ में आये‌‌ तो मानव बन‌ जाये
वरना जीवन व्यर्थ और मूढ़ होता है।
 Sep 2021 Khaab
 Sep 2021 Khaab
I used to work in a factory once with a lot of girls
One day the girls they were talking about this guy who apparently used to **** sheep
They called him a Sheepshagger
Of course being young at the time and coming from a rather sheltered background I suppose
I'd never heard of such a thing, and was well... amazed!!!
Hell I thought, you could really get an education listening to these girls
(I'm in with a fast crowd here)
I didn't know you could **** a sheep,
Just goes to show if you don't know about something you probably won't indulge in it.
Anyway, the girls went on "Typical men, disgusting, a bunch of animals, they'd jump on anything, no better than dogs"
The funny thing was, the way my mind works or turns things around
I couldn't help thinking
'But isn't it a poor reflection on the women of this town
That a guy would rather go out with a sheep
Than go out with one of you guys'
And then I thought, imagine your girlfriend bringing you down to a field
And you're standing there at the gate the two of you
And then she gives you the Big... the Big Ultimatum
"Choose!!! It's Me or the Sheep!
And you look at her with all that intensity and drama on her face
And then you look over the gate at the sheep grazing peacefully and idyllically in the meadow
You look at her and then back at the sheep
The answer to her question in the balance,
Suddenly a ray of sunlight comes down through the heavens
Illuminating one particular sheep
You watch in awe and think... it's... it's the Golden Fleece
You turn to your girl and say
"I got to be true to myself, to my Nature's promptings
Darling! I'll always love you
But those sheep their just irresistible"
And with that you hop over the fence and start running after your favourite sheep
A picture of unbridled Joy and Happiness as you pursue your dream love.....

Y'know, just in passing, there's some very **** looking trees close to where I live
But you gotta be careful, yea! you don't wanna catch the old, the old dry rot.
Well, you gotta put it some place LoL. I think this is about innocence and not knowing things and suddenly learning something strange. I think the girls that day were trying to needle me, I had a riposte 'that it was a poor reflection on the women of the town' but I was too shy & nervous to engage with them. Then afterwards I was thinking that'd make a good comedy sketch, the guy with his girlfriend down the field. You put them all together and you get this poem.
 Sep 2021 Khaab
I’d like that to be true
but there’s always a test
The shadow of my doubt
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Refers to information highway
Please don’t unsubscribe!
 Sep 2021 Khaab
Everything is alright as long as you're delivering to their expectations
but when you'll fail to deliver so,
The same moment, you'll be taunted and 'll get hates from everywhere,
From them too... who was your so called well-wisher in your good time...

You'll be embarrassed, humiliated and will face unnecessary controversies,
They'll make you feel that you've destroyed your life and nothing is left for the future,
They'll forget your hard works, achievements and all... that you've earned for them over the years,
And will only remember your one bad moment...

They will object even to your smile then...
But don't give them your any single attention or thought,
Just ask yourself...

Every month for a night even the Moon looses its moonlight but does it mean that it will never shine again?
Every autumn, the tree looses its leaves but does it mean that it'll  never be green again?
Every evening, the Sun sets but does it mean that it will never rise again?

You will get your answer then...
Your all thoughts and worries will be vanished,
You will bloom like a new flower from a bud and your good times will come back,
From then, never look back in your life and don't give your thoughts to them who've hurt and humiliated you in your bad times...
To my favourite cricketer... #DAVID_WARNER
We know you're facing hard time... Suffering from a bad cricketing phase... But don't listen to the critics... Just believe in yourself... You'll rise again 😊

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