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a quiet discontent
seeps slowly into my bones.

a steady stream of despair
floods my whole perspective.

I cannot escape the weight
pressing quietly down on me.

A slow steady death of my own making.
How do I escape this maddening numbness?

I cry out of the darkness out of a deep dark hole.
A glimmer of hope comes in the form a voice.

Someone climbs down into the darkness with me,
and tells me that he  can't lift me out, but
he can share with me how he dug himself out.

Hope rises from strange places,
and mine began when
I experienced love from strangers,
and realized I am part of a We.
  Jan 2016 Kaiana Mapp
Luis Montenegro
Life's not an about
It is that
Life's a "what"
The places where you live and die

We only sing for the good ones
Sometimes for the bad plans
But we forget about the grey times
Places in between the lines

The moment when the poles unite
The window where the worlds collide
A place where you run and hide
The starting point, the initial pride

No celebrations left to grind
No grievances either put to high
A resting land to ease your mind
No expectations or thoughts rewined

Learn to care for the one behind
You may fall on your own back
Run through places but leave a track
Come on back, enjoy the sight

You burn yourself with glory now
But be polite and don't pollute
We'll trust, no need to take a vow
Go fly but bring your parachute
  Jan 2016 Kaiana Mapp

i sit outside
in early morn
watch the new day
as it's born

still dark
the streetlights
highlight trees
the branches sway
within the breeze

forgetting all
the lover lost
a night is spent
to turn and toss

but now
this Friday has begun
the mountains a fulcrum
to lift the sun

now i just sit
gaze and sigh
Venus a tear


after another restless night
and failed love
  Jan 2016 Kaiana Mapp
And even when my eyes are closed
Your light dances behind my lids
Illuminating the path to your open heart
My North Star guiding me home

— The End —