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Nov 2018 · 370
Kaaya Faye Nov 2018

Being strong is lonely
Happiness is obligation
Love is slavery.

Being alone is freedom
Tears are relieving
Hatred is bravery.

Nights are beautiful
Nights are intimate
Warm sun stings in the eye

Falling is freeing
Falling is beginning
Earthy land against the dusty sky

Stars, with their borrowed light,
Are more hopeful
Than the moon and all of the nigh

Than all of people
Than you
And I
Do we tend to hold on to the good in life too tightly sometimes?
Jun 2018 · 358
Kaaya Faye Jun 2018
There is no better religion than self love
There is no bigger God
And no better me
Than the me that I am now.
And to disrespect or doubt
My own divine self

Couldn’t be anything else but, blasphemy.
Self love is the most beautiful religion and you are its God. Remember that everytime you're ******* yourself.
Jun 2018 · 515
Kaaya Faye Jun 2018
Far, far away

Deep in the woods

Filled with thick trees and tall grass

Lived a man named ‘Saga’

Short and stout

Noisy and loud

He lived alone

Screaming at the air, talking to the rain

Saga lived in a cave

Posing to be brave But, afraid of the loneliness How naïve!

Living in the wild

Far away from his tribe

Alone through the woods he steered

Saga was afeard

He missed his wife

His old, happy life

And cursed the dusk

When he lost his way, following the musk

He cursed his daughter, Hilde

Deeming her the reason he was lost in wild ‘Why did you have to be so obstinate?’

‘Spoilt as hell, brat, ****** arrogant”

Mumbling under his breath

He was lost in his wrath

Crossing the same eerie desire trail

With misty fog and traces of hail

“What a horrifying path to take

Death be waiting for all treading this way”

Shivering and afeard

He walked rapidly till that path disappeared

Days passed and nights went by

He lay on the grass

Watching the drifting sky

Change its color from blue to brass

The trees rustled and wind blew

As the storm brewed

Sky thundered, rivers creaked

Saga listened to the forest screak.

“Hellish! I am lost in these labyrinthine woods

With cimmerian paths and Styngian brooks”

He started towards his aphotic cave

“Someone come for me and save!”

The forest grew murkier and dark Deafening sounds of storm, hark!

A whip just cracked

Echoing the sound of a thousand claps.

Saga fastened his pace

In terror and haste

Mud laved his feet

As if mocking Saga’s hysterical retreat.

“Oh! Get out of my way you muck”

As he fell on his face – Shmck!

Thud! flumb! squelch! splosh! deign!

He flushed through the water of rain.

For hours he struggled against the gush

Louder and louder grew brus

With each passing minute, the storm soared

The forest rumbled and sky roared.

Saga brawled and bawled

As if trying to silence the stormy howl.

Alas! all his attempts failed

Unconscious soon, he sailed

Where to? He would never know

For the forest had already beseeched his breath

Saga swam through the wild flow

Into the comfortable arms of Death.
Jun 2018 · 306
vin de table
Kaaya Faye Jun 2018
Weaving words
I slug
For words and only words
Are wine to me
Jun 2018 · 364
Kaaya Faye Jun 2018
Who talk about
How stars shine brightest in the dark
That sun is also a star
Jun 2018 · 724
Kaaya Faye Jun 2018
The wind blows
Touching you at your softest spots
Bringing me your sweet scent
Touching me all over.
Where is the distance?
May 2018 · 326
Kaaya Faye May 2018
                            Can only
                    ­                Cease me.
    Don't call me fire for I am smoke
Start from the bottom!
May 2018 · 577
Kaaya Faye May 2018
Even if the stars stop shining on us
And the Sun refuses to rise
There still wouldn't be a single person
I'd trade you for

— The End —