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Ariana Robinson Oct 2017
You know the one thing we are guaranteed in life is our death
How ironic
There's no running from it
Or hiding from it
Or bargaining with it
Just when it's your time
It's your time
I wonder when will it be mine
Ariana Robinson Oct 2017
Her hand rests above her heart
Grasping for something that ain't there
But in her mind, she remembers that cross her father gave her
She does that whenever the weight of the world drapes over her shoulders
And when that dark cloud pitter patters rain onto her head
Inhaling the troubles that will come
And exhaling once her tears have dried
Her face as blank as a canvas before the artist splashes the paint
Yet through the windows to her soul, you see how hard life is beating on her
Breaking her spirit
But of course, she simply decorates her face with a smile that never quite reaches her eyes

And says, "I'm fine."
I say I'm fine even when I'm dying...
Ariana Robinson Jul 2017
I miss staring into them there eyes
Those brown eyes that for some reason dance when they land on me
Those eyes I love staring into
That make me forget where I am for a moment
I miss the feeling of your hands
The way they held onto mine and never seem to let go
When you would brush your fingertips against my cheek
I would lean into your touch because it felt like I've been there before
Like I was home
I miss feeling your warmth
Felt like it wrapped me up and surrounded me
Almost like the love you had for me radiated from you
And when you would lay beside me, I dreaded your spot being empty
I miss the little things you do
Like fixing the ******* my shirt because you're OCD about those sort of things
Or when you would ****** off my scarf or pull my hair from the bun it was in because you loved seeing the hair that adorned my head
And the feeling of your lips on me was enough to rattle me from the inside
I miss your voice
Listening to you speak about anything caught my attention
Especially when it would be about something you have a passion for
But mainly, when "I love you" seeped from your lips and into me
I knew you meant it
I just miss you
I miss my boyfriend. Long distance relationships ****.
I know you will be alive and in love
like a child for the first time.
You will chase and daydream
and trace their name on fogged over windows
and even though you're older,
you'll be none the wiser
and just as dazed and clueless
as I am now.
~~ ****, I love having my head in the clouds. ~~
  Apr 2017 Ariana Robinson
You know who you are
Bruised Peaches
Those hit, hidden
Belittled and bitten
By the very people we loved most
For staying with the bearers of our
We warrior spouses
Some of the peaches are lucky
we rolled from the pain baskets
Others have to stay for seedlings
This particular peach
After years of bruises
Nearly got squished between the fingers
of a bruise bearer
And I'm bitter mush
But I'm still whole
And all the while
He whispered,
I love you, I love you little peach
He gave me a seedling
She grew
and with her
My knowledge grew
It took the kingsmens axe
To cut me from that dead tree
But thank God
This peach, is free
It's the hardest thing in the world to leave an abusive relationship. We're often made to believe it's our own fault. Even after one leaves, the lawyers, judges, counselors even, make you feel "less than".
I rarely write of my awful marriage. Even today I'm ashamed. And I know that it wasn't anything I did but that fact escapes me sometimes. My love to you all. Especially the Peaches.
Ariana Robinson Apr 2017
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for being me
I'm sorry for not being able to change the parts of me you don't like
Like how I talk **** about myself
Me being my worst enemy
I tear myself down every chance I get
I'm sorry that I don't love my body the way you do
You see curves where as I see fat
I just can't look in the mirror and say, "I'm beautiful."
But knowing you, you'd kiss every part of me and appreciate my body like I never did
I'm sorry that when we argue, I always have anger in me
Profanity just slips through my lips when I'm mad
And I know you don't like conflict, but I got a lot of fight in me
I'm sorry I'm not positive when it comes to my view on life
Life *****, being a rollercoaster where there are the ups and downs
But with the hand I was dealt, I had more downs than ups
However, I remember you telling me to look up at the skies because they're always beautiful
Even when everything on Earth seems ugly
I'm sorry for who I am
Being me seems to be a problem
Which is why I say you probably shouldn't be with someone like me
And you would just say, "You're not getting rid of me" or "I'm not going anywhere."
I'm sorry you have to love someone like me
A *****
A pessimist
To you, I'm just your Kitten
Perfect, even with my flaws
I'm just...

Ariana Robinson Apr 2017
The heart is an instrument that falls in love all the time
And sometimes, too easily
But it is rare when the soul falls in love
It needs the right person to set the spark
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