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Ariana Robinson Apr 2017
The devil can lie with a smile on his face
That is so convincing
He'll have you believing it's the truth
Ariana Robinson Mar 2017
Following the white rabbit in his waistcoat
Listening to the tick tock of his pocket watch
Let's fall down the rabbit hole nestled at the trunk of the tree

And where you land is a room
An entire world hidden behind a door and all you need is the key
A nibble from a cake that makes you grow
And with a sip of a drink, you shrink
Insert the key and twist the ****
Opens the door to a world beyond imagination

There's a cat that grins
And with a smile, he disappears
Have a cup of tea and a biscuit with the Hare, the Hatter, and the Dormouse
Paint white roses red with the Red Queen
Beware of her freakishly large head
Slay the Jabberwocky with the Vorpal Sword
And restore the White Queen to her throne
I'm sure the ****** Big Head wouldn't like that
"Off with her head," she would say
Listen to the bicker of the twins, Tweedledee and Tweedledum
The Red Queen calls them her fat boys
Partake in the musings of Absolem
The hookah-smoking caterpillar who transforms into a beautiful blue butterfly

Let us escape to Wonderland
It is far more appealing than the real world
Being mad is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
Ariana Robinson Dec 2016
Words hurt
Similar to how a fist can bruise skin
Words crawl underneath your skin and get stuck there
Twisting you from the inside
But what makes it worse is the person the words are coming from.

A mother telling her daughter she isn't pretty enough
Begins the journey of a girl trying to define her beauty
Caking her face with makeup to "enhance" or "alter" her appearance
Wearing clothes that barely cover skin
She does not know or see her beauty
Going through her life seeking approval
By doing things that defile what makes her beautiful
If she believes she is beautiful, then she is
No one else's opinion of her beauty should matter
Only her opinion of herself matters

Just one word can change a person's perspective of who they are and what they believe in

A boy telling a girl he doesn't love her anymore
Changes her perception of what love is
Whether she deserves it and who will be the person to finally give it to her
She pushes away man after man, afraid of putting her heart on the line
Afraid of  putting her all into something that's worth it
Sweetheart, just because one man hurts you does not mean the next one will
Don't miss out on your white knight because of a few jesters (**** fools).

Words hurt
They can cause bruises
They can open wounds
Even ruin lives
So be careful with what comes out if your mouth.
Words do hurt.
Ariana Robinson Oct 2016
Just a mess
Something's always wrong
Or needs to be fixed
Or is out of place
And cracks start to damage the already flawed surface
In need of repair
And underneath...

Never seen such ruin
Something once so beautiful has become marred
A soul in shambles
Wonder what caused that to lose its light?
Have I always been such a mess?
Ariana Robinson Oct 2016
There are times where I will sit and think about my life and what has come of it.
How the one wish I've always wanted since I was a child has always remained the same.
My wish is to be happy...
Be happy with myself and who I am despite the mess that I am...
Despite how broken I am.
I always wanted to be happy with myself, be happy being me.
Be happy with someone who is the person that sparks my soul, which is rare to find.
But finding that person will be like staring up at stars at night
You feel so at peace with that person nearby.

How I always wanted to be someone's mother.
I love children, I love babies...
Every time I see a baby I just want to hold them, hug them. I want to experience that. Being a mom.
And if I'm not given that chance, it's going to hurt. I'm going to wonder what's wrong with me. What did I do wrong in my life to not be a mom? But then I can't be upset at that, I made a lot of mistakes and regret some decisions that I made.
But I live with it. I just want to be a mom and if I can't have any children of my own, I'll love someone else's. I can always adopt.

Those are just thoughts I have sometimes...
Just my nightly thoughts
Ariana Robinson Sep 2016
"I may be almost heartless, but that doesn't mean I don't have a soul..."
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