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Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
I felt everything you ever done to me
Cursed me with the words that fell from your mouth
Nursed the bruises left on my skin by your hands
And every time you spread a woman's legs that weren't my own
I felt that too...
And then even when you did feel me when we were supposed to be sharing those intimate moments
You weren't always gentle
I felt everything you ever done to me
Ignored me when I needed you
Even at night, my silent cries could be heard
Yet you turned your back
As I placed my hand over my mouth, choking back my sobs
Everything you ever did to me
You will soon feel
It's your turn to scream in agony
The same way I did for you
But you won't have me
The same way I didn't have you...
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
Everything burning around me...
Yet I remain untouched
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
The needle ****** my body
Ink flows from its point
Caressing my skin, creating memories
Could be a reminder
Or a message
The telling of a story
The marking of words and images
Upon my body to cover my scars
And turn them into art
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
Welcomed with open arms
Numbness coursing through my body
Eyes flutter before succumbing to darkness
One final breath passes my lips
My soul trailing behind it
  Aug 2015 Ariana Robinson
Ofelia Rose
The weeks quickly turned to months
As the air became thicker by the day
And this facade I played became me
I converted to the deceiver of my soul
In this life that grew into a stage

But as the dawn would set in daily
The reality I hid would unveil itself
And my thoughts rained on my mind
Like a thunder storm rumbling inside
My hand would grasp the bottle

I would drink from this glass
As if it were liquid gold from the gods
In attempts to quell the lightning
To seize the screaming within my bones
So that I could escape into a dream

Yet as quickly as I would fall away
I’d find myself right here in my room
A cocoon in my sheets on my bed drenched
By the sweat of all the demons I fought
In the slumber that was better than my head
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