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Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
Caught glimpses of tears leaning on the edge of your eyes
Yet you refuse to let them fall
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
The eyes say all that needs to be heard
Even when the mouth is silent
Ariana Robinson Jul 2015
That place where only you can take me
That I had forgotten
Fondest of memories arose from those moments
An instant high that causes bodies to quiver
Causes bodies to intertwine covered in dew
Draped in sheets shimmering in the sun
But you awoken that sense of hunger
Unconcealed heat that laid hidden beneath my skin
Waiting to inflame me, to rekindle those sparks
And it all began with that one touch
To remember where I belong
Ariana Robinson Jul 2015
Marks on my body that ache and burn
Shadows that cover my frame
Cause me pain even when I'm laying still
Fade within a few days
Some stay as if they've found a new home
Upon my marred exterior
A crushing within my chest
A harsh graze against my delicate skin
Leaves a bruise
Another part of the collection
Ariana Robinson Jul 2015
We never have full control of our lives
How they play out
What does and doesn't happen
Or how it ends
There's always someone above us pulling the strings
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
It can be a quickening of my heart as you lean into me
Or when you caress my face, my eyes glaze over
When you hold my cheek in the palm of your hand, I always cover your hand with mine
When you kiss me on my neck, my head leans back
When you kiss my lips, breath sorta just escapes me
Or after we get done worshipping each other, there's always this intense stare you give me I don't know why but it's always there
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
Bringing me back to life
When I've spent time in darkness
Awakening my dulled senses
Life was no longer clinging to me like a disease
I finally opened my eyes and saw light
Instead of the occasional darkness
You've awakened me
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