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 Oct 2018 JenaMarie
Panic attacks for me are shakey.
I start to think everyone's starring,
I wonder what they're thinking.
My resoloution is to get out.
Then the tears come pouring down.
As they do my body follows.
I sink to the ground and try to hide myself.
The sleeves of my jacket become soaked,
And then my heart feels like it'll explode.
Anxiety is a whole nother code.
 Sep 2018 JenaMarie
 Sep 2018 JenaMarie
I don’t feel close
to poetry.

It feels elusive.
Once it spoke to me.
But now it’s mute.

It sits back
and doesn’t look
at me.

If I call out
it doesn’t hear.

Lately poetry is
like that demon
I used to want
to reappear.
 Sep 2018 JenaMarie
Noni Winters
I stumbled upon you
Like a child
that finds a pretty stone

Bewildered by your presence
I sat and admired
Counting your cracks
Caressing what makes you glitter

You stood infront of me
Bold and beautiful
Like nothing I'd ever seen

And as you gave me your attention
I think I misconstrued your intentions

I wanted to put you in my pocket
But you said no

So there you sit
Perfectly unpolished
A love

I can only visit
 Sep 2018 JenaMarie
Don't tell me I'm pretty
Tell me that I'm passionate
That I have drive
Tell me that I make you laugh
That I know how to make your day better
Don't tell me I seem nice
Tell me that I'm kind and compassionate
Tell me that I'm not afraid to dream and to dream big
Don't tell me I'm perfect
Tell me the you love me despite my flaws
That you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Don't tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me that you'll be faithful and forever true
 Nov 2015 JenaMarie
dating a writer
is like guessing the weather.
you think you know what you'll get,
but you never do.

you never know

she'll create a hero
from your weaknesses

and she'll write a great character,
from every last flaw.

she'll create a thousand plots  
from your worst nightmares.

she'll take every last thing you hate
and create something you'll love.

she'll turn your anger
into confessions of adoration,

and she'll make you,
everything you're not.

but worst of all,
she'll leave you wondering-
is it you she's in love with,
or things she's created from you?

but here's the beauty of it:

if you date a writer,
you'll never die.
Moist cement leads to broken metal doors which hold in the pungent scent of the orange air fresheners
Click, ding, swoosh
Everyone rushes in to pretend they have a purpose
Broken earbuds serve me no purpose other than the universal sign of "leave me the **** alone"
Leather wrapped around foam in neat rows
Lined by green tint
And topped with arches of metal
I squeeze into the last bit of routine and look out into the green tinted world
My reflection stares back, judging me

I pretend to ignore him, but she demands attention
They get a firm grip on my hair and tear me from my leather *******
She tells me that there is no hope for the one I pretend to love
He says she has no doubt in their soul that I'm making things worse
I'm suddenly sitting in a metal chair
I feel bound to it, but I'm not

She does it for attention

He has the option to get up, but they stay to hear the truth she has to tell

They do it for attention

You are doing this to ourselves
We can get up from this chair but he doesn't let yourself

We do it for attention

She feels the chair get hot where he sits
They know he can get up but she feels he deserves this pain
He are not bound
We is not bound
They were not bound
She won't be bound

He must be doing this for attention

Attention from whom
They hid her chair for as long as he possibly could
She lied saying he was June
He made jokes when she couldn't come up with excuses
She didn't do this for attention
He sat in the seat because it is her fault
They can get up at anytime
But I don't
I wrote this to (hopefully) be relatable to both people with gender identity confusion and MPD.
 Nov 2015 JenaMarie
Maha Salman
I drown what surrounds me in a sea of music,

                                             because as soon as I turn that music off,
I hear shouting and screaming                                                        ­    
                                       words such as "Idiotic"
are applied to me                        
                                                                ­                     and I hate it.
However...                                                 ­                     
      I choose not to hate
        I drown this world into an illusion
of what my music plays.
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