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dark clouds
the rains

Some  bring the storm
The future is unpredictable even with the promising signs
You just have to be ready and  embrace any situation that comes your way
Stand out and be ready
I can't see black and white.
I see one color.
I see one race
One people of same blood and origin
No to racism
 Feb 2020 JASMINE
All the memories
moments I’ve had
are all fading to black
exchanged for sadness
and slowly forgotten
 Feb 2020 JASMINE
Carlo C Gomez
You're a tree of knowledge
I'm your fallen leaf
This ground between us
So cold and stark
So waterless
I cannot survive
If ever you loved me at all
Please end this misery
By finishing me off
 Feb 2020 JASMINE
 Feb 2020 JASMINE
I know I’m broken
But I always hope I can be fixed

I know I’m sad
But I always push myself to be happy

I know there’s nothing ahead
But I always strive to stay on the path

I know I’m alone
But I always try to make friends

I know none of me matters
But I can’t help it
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