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 Jun 2020 JASMINE
David P Carroll
The sun is shining
The sky is blue
The bird's are flying
And I softly whisper,

I Love You..
True Love
 Jun 2020 JASMINE
Carlo C Gomez
You're so pretty
Can I take your picture?
How about one with your top off?
Don't leave
I didn't mean to make
You uncomfortable
Would you like some more wine?
It will help you relax
That's better, now drink up
Are you okay?
You look faint
Why don't you rest on the bed
You'll feel better soon...
 May 2020 JASMINE
Matt Hews
the bombs and rockets are above us;
but they have forgotten that God is above them
they shall pay
 May 2020 JASMINE
Ileana Amara
when youths fall in love,
some venture a lifetime worth
of a love story to tell,
from youth to centenarians,
love never seems to die
love never seems to imbalance,
'til death do they part, with a happy sigh.

but some youths fall in love,
and venture young tragedy
losing themselves for temporary happiness
but who are we to take these away
if love is such a beautiful thing
that makes living life more worthy.

 May 2020 JASMINE
David P Carroll
Watching the children
Cry as Palestinians die
No more happiness
And joy in Palestine
Today as our land stolen away
Our homes blown apart
People falling apart
Evil cheering away
Evil cheering today
Lives destroyed every day
But I Promise you
I'll love and pray
For every Palestinian today..
 May 2020 JASMINE
Kafka Joint
This is a beautiful day,
Please stay,
In this beautiful day.
 May 2020 JASMINE
Kafka Joint
A bear came,
Out of the forest,
Looking for some honey,
Dreaming about a smoked fish.
 May 2020 JASMINE
David P Carroll
True Love means
She loves​ you
So much and
No matter what
She will always
Be there for you..
Her Love
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