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Anxiety is preparing yourself to say "here" when the teacher does attendance.
Anxiety is shaking so bad you can barely keep food on a spoon.
Anxiety is being so quiet that even your mind stops for a second.
Anxiety is never texting first because you feel needy.
Anxiety is not being able to walk up to the teacher to hand in a paper.
Anxiety is always sitting in the back of the class so you don't feel eyes know you.
Anxiety is being afraid. All the time. Afraid to love, to smile,  or even to say hello.
Anxiety is only having a few friends because it's hard to talk to people you don't know.
Anxiety is wanting to talk to the cute boy who sits across from you, but you're afraid of him knowing the real you.
Anxiety is finally saying hello

20 times in your head
Will I ever stop being a failure?
Will there come a time that I do something right?

Cause right now...
I cant live like this.
Feeling this way...
Knowing how I am.

When all I seem to be is a child.
Unable to look after myself,
You shouldn't need to waste your time on me...
I waste enough of yours already.

Sorry I'm impossible to deal with...
I just hope I'm not too big a ***** up...
And you can still love me no different come morning.
I wanna be here and i wanna help but i seem to do the opposite
My grandma committed suicide
When I was six
I'm sure it was my fault
Was I not good enough?
Did I not meet your standards?

What did I do wrong?

My best friend
For seven years
Left me last year
For an unknown reason
Was I not kind enough?
Was I just too weird?

What did I do wrong?

Someone said I am stupid
And dumb
Am I really?
Am I mentally ill,
Do you think?

What did I do wrong?

I don't know what I did
But it must have been me
It's always me

*What did I do wrong?
Am I okay?

I cry every night,
And can't breathe most days.

I sometimes want to die,
And feel buried by all the lies.

I have a broken heart,
And trust issues.

But also,

I smile at the little things,
And laugh for no reason.

I have hope in my heart,
And light in my eyes.

I am getting stronger,
And I will keep trying.

Am I okay?

Will I be okay?
Just keep going
If I ran away,
would you look for me?
If I cried,
would you dry my tears?
If I got hurt,
would you make it better?
If I died,
would you cry for me?
If I wasn't here,
would you miss me?
If I was gone,
would you care?
Would you even notice me?

Written Destruction:
If you ran away, I'll pack up too
If you cried, I'll cry with you
If you hurt, I'll make it work
If you die, I'll follow you
If you wasn't here, I'll drown in tearz
If you was gone, right will slowly turn to wrong
Would I even notice you? Tell me your joking, I seen you shine amongst a parade full of people
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