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J B Moore Mar 2016
Courage, why have you left me
Strength where have you gone
Faith, you fled into the world,
And left me wandering on.

Prayers you seem to be no more,
Hope, as well, has disappeared 
To the dark have I lost them both
Just like I had once feared.

I'm afraid I've finally been left alone
Shall anyone notice my cries out here?
But what's more there's a voice so soft,
I stop and wipe from my eyes my tears.

Someone, they're calling something out
It's too faint to hear as I'm too far away
Yet they must be getting closer 
For I can start to make out what they say

"Be strong, hold fast, take courage,
A command has He not given you?
For He will not leave, nor forsake;
Every tear that falls will He not come to?"

I stood up from where I was,
For I was no longer Alone.
By the voice of one like no other
Was a light to me shone.

I felt the cold leaving my body
Taking in warmth of the light I heard,
Strength came and filled my bones
At the sound of the Great Shepherd's word.

"Take heart and be strong, little lamb,
Here's something to ne'er forget
Many have been given to me by the Father
And of those many given, all shall be kept.

"This is a promise you have heard before
By it shall Faith and Hope return to you
Who will work together to bring back Prayer
And all this has come when there was naught you could do.

"Then given time Prayer will strengthen Faith
And they will work together along with God's grace
When all have become strong shall Courage come back
And all will have happened in their preordained place."

At the sound of His voice I fell down and worshiped
Just like he said came Hope, Faith, and Prayer,
When I finally looked up I could no longer see him
But, his promise remembered, I knew He was there.

And after some time along with much grace
I found that Courage was put back in his place
For as long as Faith would look toward the Cross
I knew, from God's Word, I would never be lost.

J B Moore Feb 2016
Am I crazy or is it true,
Does the world reject the new?
       And can a beautiful lie
             Begin to rectify
   The deception of the truth?
J B Moore Feb 2016
Thank you Lord, For darkness and light,
Thank you Lord, For giving me sight.

The sight to see, Your mercy and love,
And giving to me, a gift from above.

The gift was your Son sent to live perfectly
The only one, to pay the price for me.

The price it was death, hung from a tree
Taking God's wrath for sinners like me

Three days later you showed your satisfaction
By conquering death through His resurrection.

Thank you my God for letting me hear
Your word being taught for all of these years

Help me remember to never forget
Renew the ember, a fire once lit.

Keep me burning for you and help me to find
That living for you is worth all of my time.

To end not my will, but Your's here as in heaven, 
Because of your son, I am forgiven.


June, 2011
Something I wrote before I really got into poetry
J B Moore Feb 2016
When we've gone astray on distant shores,
          Our loved ones lost, our hearts ignored,
                 When our fears put us to chase. 
              Sometimes we want nothing more
               Than to visit that same old place.

I sit here pondering on what I should write
My mind goes left
My mind goes right
The left is all unicorns, fantasies, and such
The right holds a more scientific touch
My left is screaming love and lust
While my right states clearly
Honestly, you are not ready to trust
So on to the pen and parchment I write
While my thoughts go left
Then turn and take a sharp right
Which part of your grey matter will you follow?
J B Moore Jan 2016
I can write wonderful words of eloquence
Describing in detailed elegance 
the pictures in my mind.

But when it comes to speaking aloud,
Especially in front of the smallest crowd
There are no words to find.

That's why I pick up my pen to write,
To let all of my dreams take flight 
And go explore the worlds.

Then perhaps while they explore 
They'll listen to my heart as it implores,
"Find me that perfect girl."

Off soar my dreams with the stroke of the pen
To search for the girl that my heart seeks within
To find only a broken blue heart.

So they search for and gather some of the pieces,
For the ones they can't find, their sorrow increases
Their eloquence falling apart.

With what small courage I had, my heart tries to speak
But it fumbles and falls, and feels like a freak
Our weakness fully revealed

Yet touching my heart, she helps it to stand
My own broken pieces enclosed in her hand
And nothing left to conceal.

The rest, you could say, will be history
But 'til then it will stay a mystery
I can't wait to be told

For now my dreams are straining more,
While I just sit here waiting for
My story to unfold.

1/30/16 12:01am
J B Moore Jan 2016
I looked for a friend
Who'd know me and trust me,
I looked for a friend
Who always would love me.

One who would see
The worst and the best
And still would love me
When I was a pest.

I looked for a friend
I never thought I'd find,
One who would be there
No matter the time.

One who would care
To know me, to trust me.
With whom I'd share
My worries, my fears.

I often would pray
For one just like this
Who, when away,
I would quite miss.

I searched night and day
And still couldn't find
One who is fair
And loving and kind.

Now, Praise the Lord!
For that day has come,
I found a friend,
With whom I have fun.

How blind could I be
To be looking around,
When in front of me
Is where she was found.

One who knows
My quirks and my riddles,
And sets me aglow
By her laughs and her giggles.

One to whom I
Will always listen,
When sharing her troubles
With tear drops that glisten.

This is my friend
Who shows me she loves me,
By being my friend
Who knows me and trusts me.

This is my friend
Who always will care,
Which just goes to show you
how God answers prayer.
Something I wrote sometime around June 2011, one might take it as the ultimate friend zoned poem, but this was the only way I knew how to say 'I love you' without really saying it. Unfortunately, always doesn't always last as long as we'd like it to, but such is the way the world turns, sometimes we just have to turn with it.
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