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123 · Sep 2019
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
I’m hooked on emotion
A midnight devotion
I’ll laugh and weep
and cry myself to sleep
Have a good time
A life filled with emotional crime
Honey ,I don’t owe you dime
123 · Sep 2019
Hall Pass
Jasmine dryer Sep 2019
Your late
take a seat
with all the hate
take your place
you have history project
look back
what are the bad things they did
that they failed to hid
what happened to all the sins
stand up for a pledge
that leads you off a ledge
there ain't no hall pass
with life
122 · Jun 2018
may and June
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
Tears are falling down for it is June
The last day of may
Were yesterday
Oh my darling wilted rose
How I wish you could’ve stayed
121 · May 2018
bleeding ink
Jasmine dryer May 2018
as her hands typed away
To the words of mournful poem
She bleed ink
Because at this point
All she is
Are words trying to escape anyway they can
120 · Aug 2018
my ex is like an app
Jasmine dryer Aug 2018
I'm fun and have wonderful colors
With me youll never be bored again
Bring your fantasy to life

May contain virus that will be harmful to user devices
In app purchases apply

In other words she said she loved me
That she would bring me to life
But instead I wore her out
And she broke me
I spent so much money and time on her

Just to have another deleted file
It popped into my head
Jasmine dryer Jun 2018
Don’t look under my bed
There are no monsters there
Instead there all around me
When I walk in the streets

There in the halls
They laugh and smile
They look normal
Normal enough

There in are minds
there trapped inside
Hiding under everyones lies

the monsters are every where
Not under my bed
So time mammy and daddy
Please lock the windows
Plug my ears
Because when the monsters come
I don’t wanna hear
118 · Nov 2018
My punishment
Jasmine dryer Nov 2018
i know you'll leave one day
so hearing your voice is like tasting a sweet poison
it hurts
and its hard to cope with
thats why monady
is the last day
I'm here
among other things
but i can't help but hope
and fear
that my punishment will be a never ending loop
of your voice
the perfect boys voice
oh it would hurt
hurt so bad
but it would a divine pain
the type of pain i'd beg for
118 · Dec 2018
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
Slicing and dicing at your cold meat
Slicing into it feels so sweet
Out of all this blood and Gore
I must say, I only want more
Dumping the bodies aren't a chore
if it means room for more
This feeling shakes me to the core
Makes feel sick
All the way down
Far so deep
Where all my morals sleep
This was made to de Erie. Might delete
115 · May 2018
mind over fist
Jasmine dryer May 2018
they lied down on the cold ground

in the middle of the night

and asked themselves- why?

am i doomed

to live in gloom

why is my life full of lie's

why can't i completely control myself

no matter how hard i try?

i choose mind over fist

because the brain is deadlier

and yes the feelings pain you give me is heavy

but i assure you vengeance is heavier

and so much sweeter
114 · Dec 2018
Your thoughts
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
your thoughts run into me
like a river
i'm unsure of what stories they hold
i cant even stop to process them
they just hit me over and over again
each hit more hard and bold
each hit leaving me feeling more cold
like the life's draining out of me
god i love your words

i've never loved dying this much
112 · Sep 2018
just some thoughts: 1
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i'm not gonna sit here
and let the world take blame
ima write down the truth
its me own fault i ain't strong enough
to deal with it all
i gave myself to everyone
in the end
caused my downfall

i like to say that everyone else is selfish
because all you do is take from me
but in the end
i'm the one who gave it to you
starting the cycle of greed

and in hopes you understand
i just write some thoughts
110 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
All this left in her mind is static
The black and white fuzz
Of what was once
A world of color
Couldn’t you see It
Couldn’t you tell
Now her mind is a living hell
She’s not the same
Can’t you tell this is all a game
She’s insane
Totally un-fixable
She can’t be hit
You can’t break …

Whats already broken
you can't break me
108 · Dec 2018
why you shouldn't be glass
Jasmine dryer Dec 2018
she said she could break so easily
that she was sensitive
like a glass statue
but you got to remember
broken glass cuts
do you want to risk it?
106 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018

That's a gift
Something that everyone wants
Something everyone needs
Everyone talks about how amazing love is
And how there so happy to be loved

They call it one of the greatest gifts of life
But no one ever talks about its dark side
How its not just a gift it's a weapon
It can tear thousands apart in a minute

And it has

One of the worst pains is loving someone
Who doesn't love you back
It hurts
It'll cause irrational thinking
It's a powerful weapon
And has a perfect system
That never changes

Love is our greatest ally
But our greatest enemy
And demise
i'm almost done uploading some old ones
103 · May 2018
Jasmine dryer May 2018
time, its a cruel thing

we think about it either way to much

or way to little

one second is to much to spare

when your time can end at any moment

leaving others in despair  but whats even crueler is that an object

a clock

has more power of time then us

as they say time waits for no one

not even you

so tell me, what do you simply plan to do?

its not like you can stop a watch and its done

the only thing you can do

is use time wisely

and at the same time have fun

because the sun will set

leaving you gone

but the clock will keep ticking

no matter what
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
some people describe their sadness as a feeling of "falling"

to me its more like plummeting fast towards death

not fast enough
i hate me
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
some people use they're mind
as a way to escape reality
i use reality
as a way to escape my mind

my mind is a prison
its always with me
its like my thoughts aren't mine

i can move from someplace to another if something in real life bothers me
but my mind and thoughts
i can't escape
and i'm afraid that if i could
its to late
97 · Sep 2018
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
who needs to eat or sleep?
i can survive on tears and pain alone
Jasmine dryer Oct 2018
its a grey wasteland
i can hear the sound
like a frequency
getting louder and louder
i see dresses
tattered and worn
from small pink ones to yellow ones just my size
i look around
i touch one of the small pink dresses
and it tears
its like a cloth turned to paper
not even paper
more like
kinetic sand
sewn together
how odd
but that can't be the oddest thing here
but the questions where is here?
well its all over the place
not so..complete
it feel that if walk into the distance
i might fall over an edge
but i'm curious
so i walk forward

"i love you"
        who said that?
                                                    "please­ don't leave me"
go away
                  " why did you leave me"
                                                             ­                                 you forced me to
                                            "get away from me"
      i promised i would fix you
                                                             ­ "i hate you"
i still love you
                              "i love you"
                                                          i want to break you
           "you belong only to me"
                                                             ­                    your so fun to play with
                       "i love you so much"
                                          my precious little doll
  "you lied to me"
                                                             ­                it was fun while it lasted
                    "i hate you"
i know
i hate me to
but to be honest
i'd do it again
only i'd get permanate results
my wilted rose i miss you
i stare at the pale porcelain doll, as it catches to fire
the cracks in her porcelain skin are more apparent
i knew she was broken
it burns to ashes
ashes as black as that hair of hers
i don't want to believe she's gone

i run
in the haze of it all i run
and as i run
i can hear myself scream
but my mouth is closed

"you could've done better!"
i know thats true

and i turn around just for a split second
to see the doll once more,
only the porcelain skin is perfect and smooth
her hair...that black doll like hair to match those giant brown eyes with those dark purple circles under them
a dark brown

i hate looking at her
she's no longer able to become perfect like i had wished
but at least she isn't just ashes

what a waste
93 · Sep 2018
in advance
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i would like to apologize in advance
for anything i may say or do
anything that i may write that may make you cry
anything i do
that makes you sad
or hurts you
i'm apologizing in advance
86 · Sep 2018
to put it simply
84 · Sep 2018
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
i'm not literal garage
just metaphorically
82 · Sep 2018
questions and thoughts: 1
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
are any of us truly even here?
or are we just figments of what we wish to perceive.
after all, even if it hurts..pain sometimes is the only way to know
we feel anything at all.
question what you believe. even if its yourself
80 · May 2018
remember for her
Jasmine dryer May 2018
i look in the mirror
I see a young girl
Dress in a nice pink dress
But I know she’s dead
i know i'm dead
I know I’m just an auto pilot
For she died many years ago
I smile
I put others first
I put myself through torture everyday
Making sure others forget the bad
But you can’t forget bad things
You can push it on someone else though
I remember the bad things so that your happy
Because she would’ve wanted it that way
78 · Sep 2018
Jasmine dryer Sep 2018
why do i thrive off the fact of knowing that i'm borderline....evil

— The End —