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I play the guitar and write poetry because I
have to , it's something I work my way through
each night , emptying my mind on paper , a few thoughts
committed to music , score books penciled in , erased ,
odd collaborations reaching logical conclusions , the first note
becoming the last , a forest fire of a past out of control ,
easing the conflagration with timely prose , ascending , descending
scale combinations , every memory both good and bad streaking
past , the mad writer with his muse on his lap , disclosing his
theory , some nights writing his own obituary , as if anyone understood ,
melody is chopping wood for the instrumentally inclined , something
to chip away the night , something to help you turn off the lights ,
to dream , revisit , reinvent , work your way through to write again* ...
Copyright September 28 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
O , what I would give for a Quarter Horse ,
to visit the lowland of Camp Creek , just the two of us
She would carry me o'er the terraces of misty Hill Country
We circumnavigate Port Lake , we cross lush estates , mingle
in blackberry rows and scuppernong arbors , stop by unnamed ,
unknown old barns on a lark , gallop along country roads till dark
O , what I could explore with a Quarter Horse , to pass the time
of day , just the two of us* ...
Copyright September 28 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Mike Adam
Left alone
Nature proceeds
To order chaos.

Land unploughed
Turns grass, scrub
Forest, each

In turn colonise,
Each more beautiful
Than before

Stars cluster and
Nebulise to galaxy

And my sad
Chaotic life

Shall emanate
(O my soul, in hope)

 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Mike Adam
Tussocks of grass
Root thirty feet deep
And gather sand
Windblown from Africa

Dunes form and
Desert spawns
Pleasure beach

Naked bodies frolic
In surf and soak
Up sun to crispen skin

Barren clime-
Fecund activities
The soulless feed
The soul and
Cycles revolve

Climates evolve and
Globe spins and rolls

the sun brightly shines
feel the breeze, warm as your arms
i can see your smile

the rain fell and thunders clapped
the storm came, i saw your back

I watched a movie yesterday entitled Garden of Words (a Makoto Shinkai film). The MC said a poem and they called it Tanka. It's my first time knowing about that form. So well, this is my first tanka and it is quite inspired by that movie.
the collective's trending
is unending
this form of trending
has proven to be mind bending
trending                                                        ­  
it's as though the collective's trending
won't be ending  
nor in the foreseeable future
will it be suspending
would appear that the trending
is always ideally lending
to the collective's  
trending befriending
trending                                                        ­
aren't tales of trending
made for those
who enjoy the extending
of a happy ending
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Dear solitude,
I have forsaken you
because I'm no longer
safe in you,
and safe is all I long to be.

I'd love to recoil within myself
but that only worsens my diagnosis,
That only pulls the trigger
of my metaphorical gun
until I want to hold a real one
and aim it at my clouded head.

Dear solitude,
Somedays you're the master
and I'm the slave,
recoiling until the outside
is an intruder,
But now I need the outside
to pull me out of the quicksand.

Solitude, you can't always be
my cheatsheet to pass the test,
Sometimes to win, I need to expose
all the skeletons I've tucked away
in your locker.

You were my morphine
but now my morphine has
brown eyes,
a face-lighting smile,
a heartbeat,
and arms I can crash into
whenever you hunt me down.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Autumn Rose
Daylight filled
with gold was
broken like a
mirror by the
haunted mist
of midnight.

The crickets
were singing
their lullaby
on the late
summer breeze.

My heart
slowly listened,
As lonely as the
howling wind
outside my window.

And i knew it
was Autumn,
As the auburn leaves
in the forest fell,
so did i,
So did I...
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