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 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
A rain of wonder fell upon
A land of broken dreams
Left its rainbow bright and brilliant
As any dreamer's seen

No sooner did the dreams come true
The cloud returned to gray
And left me in this dream state
   Struggling to awake...
Traveler Tim
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
I want to place my head
on your chest and
feel your heart race forever.

- Crimsyy♡

Something I did yesterday (26/9/16)..
and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. Some things and some people are worth staying alive for.
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
Vaguely I recall
My thoughts before the fall
A world view
So wide yet dim
A simple conformance
To a world I was living in

And you
Chemically produced
Passion induced
Love was real
As real as a pill
Oh how I remember
The thrills

Our eyes
So bright and wide
Midnight moons
Endless summer skies

Hearts entwined
In temporal bloom
Sat in stone
And doomed to ruin

In love's embrace
The fires were fed
In flesh and lace

Memories infused
With the essence
Of gods
But in the end
Love was only a facade...
Traveler Tim
 Oct 2016 Illya Oz
That hammering heart..
I could go on and on about it.
I could say how I knew
the meaning of the word
"alive" in that instant.
I could say that I've never
felt safer than when I was
nestled in your arms.
I could say that for once,
I knew I was not going to faint
by thinking of what that heart pumped.
I could say that your heart pumped
your purpose but now it has made
room for two and it pumps my purpose too.
And I could say that the sound of your
heart running laps in your chest
is still ricocheting in my ears
and it will reside there to remind me,
to give me a valid reason to stay
when I'm on edge and want to
Little things mean a lot.
Religion is the rail on societies skating rink ,
I implore you to lock your ankles and travel
to the knowledge of the unexplored brink* ....
Copyright September 27 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The intolerant flowers seized the field
The different were ridiculed and slain
The dominant fed from the soil of their enemies "corruption"
They grew tall in their attempt to reach the Sun
They shadowed their children in their quest for superiority
till they were gone
The ' Powerful ' expired with no one to carry on* ....
Copyright September 27 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
At the playground little girls whisper , point and giggle
Boys would reach for the top of the slide , form clicks
according to muscle , tenacity and determination
Shooters and aggies , jackstones , hopscotch
Open coats in Novembers breeze , bright leaves in a
whirlwind , the squealing merry-go-round , balancing on the
roots of Live Oak trees with ***** knees , trading lollipops
for gum , whimsical erasers for big number two pencils
Watching from a railroad tie sand lot border , writing rhyme
in white sand , singing a new song to myself , playing the cello
in my imaginary band , waiting for the white confusion of recess
to come to a quick end* ....
Copyright September 27 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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