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Heavy Hearted Dec 2017
I made a pitcure of jade and emma,
Tossed it on my wall,
Even took a couples pics
They loved it, that was all.
Neither understood its facts,
and till now, neither did I
Intended not as honorary, but as a battlecry.
That picture I conceived of them, includes me in it not- just my reflection in it's glaze, an abstraction in their thoughts.

And yes, even we formidibal three
Somehow all forgot
That even forever aint forever
Our lessons already taught.
And so the power of this image, is more then I will share-
It merley depicts my two best friends,
Admiting they don't care.

This type of art is devistating.
Astonishingly clever,
So clear its truths invisible
The subjects see it never.
You should always be able to rley on your friends- dissapointment only exists because of its twin sista, expectation
Heavy Hearted Dec 2017
As the unseen family
We record our utmost truths
N remain unknown, as we become
Adults forced out our youths

For poetic sake lets never meet
But continue these
works typed in decept

Yet still, we're the Unseen Family
Sepreat and apart;
Safe with distance our hearts whole
Supposed to broken from the start.
Response to featured poem by Iska in Oregon (Dec 3rd 2017)
Heavy Hearted Dec 2017
Romance as a concept is naive at its heart,
Love, though, as a practice, is much more of an art:
Delicate but dynamic
Anyone love might lift
So as long as you've felt it universal to gift.

Love: it's irrational, limits undefined
but most important of all-
Love is totally blind.
Heavy Hearted Nov 2017
Dear Someone listening in the shadows;

there you've always been,
indifferent to my fails and faults
refusing to be seen.
You've watched me spill the water from
my ever-shaking grasp,
watched it rise above my head
listened to me gasp.

Poor Little Rich Boy, is that you?
maybe Genius next-door, too?
how bout The Man - A Thousand Faces
or the Lady, laced in laces?
could it be the Meanies? That michael whispered about
or even the Human of the years? Ghost of corporate doubt?

To you, listener of the Shadows,
who you are I'll never know
both Samson and myself are stuck
in 20  Years of Snow.
references Regina Spektor's 'Aquarius, as well as a handful of the other characters from her songs.
Heavy Hearted Nov 2017
I am of November's start,
wild woeful, stubborn smart-
fighting life with drugs & art
to withstand urges, here I impart:
As water signs, we all have a sting
Once felt, forward tears we'll bring
each drop a note- a full song to sing
the melody a beautiful & tragic thing,
Music, wisdom, wrath & beauty,
facets of a cosmic duty

drawn in the stars, until they show
all trials of us Scorpio
21 year old Scorpion
Heavy Hearted Oct 2017
Close your eyes and you can fly:
Oh, intolerable sky,
How night creeps over
Days goodbye,
N out wade the stars
-even they sigh,
The fragile moons
too scared to try,
To light a path
Through tonight.'
Heavy Hearted Oct 2017
I can cook
I can clean
I can do laundry...

I can draw
I can paint
I can write,

I can play the piano
The gutair
And the harmonica:

I can talk
I can listen
I can learn.
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