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 Oct 2014 Grace P
EJ Aghassi
That look

no words come close
and yet you could write
an entire novel about it

but you can't put it into words

but I'd **** for that look
I would die for it

I need no other affirmation

no other high

other than that glance
that look of love or something

the appreciation
the want
the need
reciprocated with locked eyes

I've lived without it
up to this point

but I can't imagine another
happy day


I am an absolute fool

I yearn for the embrace
the touch
the caress
of curious fingers

tender hands

reaching out for me

soul to soul,
through body warmth
a burn in my stomach
but a fire in the pit of it

I miss the security of
arms wrapped around

I miss the security of
of being trapped within
clasped hands

the purpose,
the mutual need to
be close

coddle me

make it so

I want all the air I breathe

to be littered by the intentions of another
the yearning becomes too much, at times
 Oct 2014 Grace P
Brandon Navarro
My head is spinning,
I want you happy sadly
It means I won't be.
Have you ever
Questioned beauty
What is beauty
Is it short skirts
Low tank tops
Long blonde hair
Tons of makeup
Beauty comes differently
Everyone thinks beauty Differently
Some do think blondes

Define beauty
Some think the nerd
Defines beauty
Some think the loner
Defines beauty
You don’t have to be skinny
To be considered beautiful
How do you Define beauty
Love always,
Karoline Marie
 Oct 2014 Grace P
Pill after pill and still the void lingers
Gripping my wrists begging to escape reality.
Ocean of velvet is where the high takes me.
Artificial comfort and happiness,
why can't you last forever?
Soon I'll forget what solid ground feels like,
and I'll lose myself to you again.
 Oct 2014 Grace P
Do you love me?

It's been less than a year
Since I met you here.
I didn’t know you well
But well enough to know
That I loved you.

Yes, you’ve broken my heart
But I want to give you another chance
To fix it.
I still have those old stitches
But when you pull them away
It will be a new slate
Fresh with no pain.

Love me back or not
At least I know I fought.
I fought a war to gain your love
And though I may have lost
It was at no cost.

Only a few more stitches
Hi Guys! My first poem because I felt in the mood to write. I don't know much about poetry but I put this out there anyways. Any and all feedback is welcome!
 Oct 2014 Grace P
Margo May
today we decided to bake a cake.

it was my idea really,
you said you were the expert,
but i wanted to help.

i poured water and oil
while you cracked eggs,
then i stirred and stirred
until you poured it in the pans.
you placed them in the oven
that i avoided
because it is my greatest

we waited until they were done
we waited until they cooled
so that we could decorate.

again you took charge,
but i didn't mind
because i could've watched you all day,
taking your time-
so delicate, fragile, gentle.

your handwriting is beautiful
and you wouldn't let me write,
so i chose to respond
with a frosting fight.

we chased each other in circles,
in circles we chased each other.

you grabbed my wrist
(if only you decided
to interlock our fingers,
i wouldn't have minded).

so i grabbed your wrist
and we danced around-
our feet were pound (ing)
frosting hit the ground
we laughed with a joyous sound
and then you found...

the perfect opportunity.
you smeared it in my,
so i chased you up the stairs
and you tried restraining me,
i chased you down the stairs
and you helped me see,
that we had no time left
for fun,
we had to finish the cake
we begun.

so i grabbed the sprinkles,
you caught the ones that fell;
i handed you the candles,
frantically listening for the door bell.

it came too soon
we had to hurry put everything in random places act like everything was normal
because the cake was a surprise.

later we finished,
you lit the cake,
it was truly beautiful,
what we can make,
when we work together.
memories with my best friend <3
 Oct 2014 Grace P
 Oct 2014 Grace P
And suddenly my mood drops,
that feeling of wholeness and content vanishes and leaves behind it no trace, as if it was never there.
The void widens and my chest aches,
crawling up through my ribs and spreading across each inch of my flesh and skin until I feel consumed with
My mind blanks and swirls and gets lost in itself as I try to distract myself from the nothingness that feels as if it is living inside me like a disease,
an incurable illness just waiting to destroy me and as I breathe in
my lungs expand and I become painfully aware of my own fragile
i feel like im being consumed by my own desire to die
 Oct 2014 Grace P
Nigel Beckett
For those who say life’s easy, they obviously haven’t tried,
For those who found it difficult, some of whom have died.

For those who are still struggling, don’t hold your head in shame,
No one said life was easy; you’re not the one to blame.

Those dark days may be difficult, but know that they will end,
Look for the brighter future around life’s winding bend
What troubles you today, will be a breeze tomorrow,
Don’t make the harsh decision and leaves other to face sorrow.

To know that you are loved and that they all do care,
Will lift weight from your shoulders, no more a load to bear.

Now talk about your troubles and share your problems open,
It’s not a sign of weakness; it simply shows your copin.

Sometimes life’s problems exceed us, they can be overcome.
You may have lost the battle, but the war will soon be won.

Now stand up proud while smiling and know that life is brighter.
They say god loves a trier, he also loves a fighter

So if you see a friend whose load they cannot bear,
just reach out your hand to them to show how much you care.

That one simple gesture can re inspire hope
and help someone who’s struggling to make them better cope
Inspired by Donal Walsh who while battling cancer was a promoter for suicide prevention. R.I.P Donal
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