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 Jun 2020 Fireflies
 Jun 2020 Fireflies
we should appreciate every little thing that every little day gives us
we know nothing last forever
 Jun 2020 Fireflies
As you sit back and look,
Try to add it all up;
The unshed tears among your disarray.
Dripping water gone undisturbed,
All the screams that went unheard
Your memories eye's,
Even turn away.

Imploding air as you sigh,
Buning bridges from past goodbyes
Unchartered waters like tidal waves
The many layers as to why
Still determined not to cry
As they force their way, upon this page
Your memories eyes
Still turned away.

With the ink still not dry
Your words of meaning cannot hide
What your memories eyes
Can't bare to take.
Visuals of the mind sometimes seem clearer than with your actual eyes.
 Jun 2020 Fireflies
she made lots of promises ,
but none of them were as strong as
"I promise I won't love anyone else but you."

as she promised,
he did too,
as time flew by,
her innocent heart stayed with him,
not knowing surprise!
it's time to let go of those promises,
because, boom!
he found a new one to love and to keep in his heart.

Which means by it's time to say goodbye
To all the words and promises you've kept in your heart.

 Jun 2020 Fireflies

               pick them up
Can you                       for me?

Rearrange t-h-e-m
w a y
I meant to s p e a k?
Because I                  k n o w   you
and you                    k n o w   me.
We would n e v e r use
stale, weak words
to hurt each other.

No, we would(n't.)
Had this one in the drafts for awhile now. I don't really format poetry in crazy ways, but when writing a poem about twisting words, I feel like it needs it. Mocking and sarcastic is the tone I was going for in this one. What do you all think?
Today was a hard day
And life is a hard life
But didn't decide to be here
And I can't decide to get out
Because I was created
I'm sure for a purpose
I can feel my heart beat
I cam feel my existence
So if I was created
To do some sort of thing
Then am I like a product
Or someone's existing thing
Surely I belong to someone
Some awesome creative being
Because if I'm a creation
Does that mean I belong to him?
Can I take ownership over all that is happening
In and around and beside and above me
If I have questions
Will He answer me
If I was created
Can I be free?
 Jun 2020 Fireflies
Northern Poet
It's time for a name
Not to be just another 'name'

To anyone who lost a life
You didn't die in vain

Colour doesn't matter
Inside we're all the same

It's time to stop the suffering
It's time to stop the pain
 Jun 2020 Fireflies
DC Hall
There is another pandemic
Sweeping across the country
The more pigment you have
The more you're at risk
If you disobey
You die
There is no end in sight

I heard there are riots
downtown for George
Chauvin is going to fry
In more ways than one.
I don't think it will make things better.
But it's a start
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