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Dec 2023 · 108
Ink-Stained Regrets
Georgi Naydenov Dec 2023
A dim room, a cheap pen, spilled ink, torn paper,
on a battered mahogany desk.

Thought after ****** thought,
Word after sloppy word,
Mistake by mistake,
Regret piled on regret.

Shattering glass, mind, body, and soul.

If I don't write it down, it festers,
if not in words, then in what I do.

It's raw anger, bitter jealousy,
the sheen of sweat.
It's the fuel of 'what ifs' and 'never weres.'

Now or never.
You and me, in this messed-up forever.

Obstacles and raw passion,
dressed in regrets,
laughing at a cruel joke.
This is a Bukowski version of the poem  Reflections in a Dimly Lit Room
Georgi Naydenov Dec 2023
Dimly lit room,
pen, ink, paper
intricately woven mahogany.

Thought by thought,
Word by word,
Facet by facet,
Regret by regret.

Pierce through glass,
through mind,
through body,
through soul.

If not specifically listed,
I will not be able to elicit,
If not my words,
Then my actions will.

It is anger, jealousy, and glistening.
It is fuel, what ifs, and what could haves.
Be it either now or never.
Be it you and me, now and forever.

Obstacle and passion,
most likely,
regretful fashion,
with a hideous joke to mask it.
Jan 2021 · 5.3k
A Self-Inflicted Doll
Georgi Naydenov Jan 2021
Remember her, old friend?
She was...hideous,
You think she was ugly,
oh no, far from it.

She was the fairest,
Her lavishing sable hair,
Her viridian eyes,
Her glamorous smile,

Her soft-hued skin,
Her delicately slender body,
Her dazzling manners,
Her ever so warm demeanor,

Her moves,
Fluid, graceful, focused,
Capturing the essence of the music,
with her mesmerizing artistry.

She was indeed perfect,
Unique, as no one could be as elegant,
Charming, for no one, was as lovely. no one was as rotten.

What she was, my old friend,
Was an empty vessel,
the soul of which had perished,
mortified by its actions.

For all she ever wanted was approval,
so what she did was put on a mask,
losing herself in the process,
becoming a ghost of her formal self.
I am personally very proud with how this one turned out. People have told me that it reminds them of the main heroine of the movie the "Black Swan".
Jul 2019 · 1.4k
Waltz of the Bone King
Georgi Naydenov Jul 2019
A red moon cast on a folly filled night
Humans hid away in fright
A haunting melody was in the air tonight
For the Bone King had arisen from his lair

A lone maiden of silky woven red dared
For she ventured into lands mortals bewared
Slowly following the music of the dead
Not knowing where it led

She encountered the King amongst the tombs of the undead
The land around him had already dwindled
Not even a single flower had remained
But she did not dare fleed

Slowly she took his bony hand
As they danced amongst his land
The Bone King was in disbelief
Why was this fair maiden not scared?

“Maiden, wherefore art thou not afraid? I dareth not guaranteeth thou art safe, f'r I am but a monst'r.”
“Why should I be afraid of the most magnificent being ever made? My king, you fail to understand, for our souls are a reflection of one another.”
"I am a monst'r, am I not? F'r all apart from thee did withdraw, leaving me withthe sc'rn undead."
"You are for them, my King. But what value do the words they utter hold? Beauty rests in the eye of the beholder."

"And f'r me, thou art the most wondrous."
This is my personal edit on a short poem under the video "Waltz of the Bone King". Credits for half of the poem and for the idea that sparked my interest go to "Infinite Daydreams"
Apr 2019 · 695
Vile Rose
Georgi Naydenov Apr 2019
When you see her,

she is as magnificent as the rest,

however, when you look closer,

closer to her essence,

you can find something beautiful.

Beauty, however, comes at a price,

a price, which not many could,

nor would pay, as they would rather,

have their soul remain sane,

then their mind restrained.

As something such as beauty,

is but a matter of opinion,

yet the very depths of it,

the essence is worth,

this strange endeavour.

She may make you happy,

Might even bring you tears,

despite all of that you were aware,

that she had thought of but one,

and that one was herself alone.

Narcissistic, egotistical, self-absorbed,

all thy words speak but nought of her presence,

as even life itself was aware,

the only one which she cared for,

was none other, but her own.

Maybe there was something you could do,

however, to tame her and change her,

as there was beauty within her somewhere,

yet you were not sure, as your final moments came,

as the narcissistic flower grew closer in your grasp.

Devouring you.
This poem was a birthday present.
Dec 2018 · 879
An Alexithymic's confession
Georgi Naydenov Dec 2018
For if it were someone else,
Or something else,
Something unavoidable,
I would let it slide.

As we grew older,
our dreams and ambitions,
our sprinkle and sparkle,
thoughts and decisions,
would slowly alter.

For if my own body and mind would deny it,
I still crave you, crave you, with each fibre of my being.
You may have hurt me, hurt me beyond repair.

Hurt me so that I had to put on a mask and play out my role.
My role, of forever having my memories engraved in my skull, but with a cheerful smile and carry on.

Sometimes loving you was hard, sometimes it was almost impossible.
But never had I regretted or had my love for you fade.
Despite that, hearing what I did, gave me a shiver down my spine.

As I finally realized, that I was only a tool, made to love unconditionally.
Love someone that had me replaced with a flick of a finger, with no regrets and sorrow.
Without caring if I were to survive exiled as if it was all for nought.

In truth, I survived, I got reborn.
I had my wounds all patched up, my memories erased and replaced.
Although, there is something, something deep inside me, a piece which would remain to be void.

That, this is a part, which I am forever cursed to carry in me, my final long and everlasting, piece of art.

For when my last moments come, I am sure that my last beat, would be for you.
This poem was one of my very first creations, that might as well be two separate ones.
Jul 2018 · 210
Closet Doll
Georgi Naydenov Jul 2018
Closet Doll
             It was a day,
             A day like any other,
             A day filled with hope and desire,
             A day she could admire,

             If only she could go ahead,
             If only she did not regret,
             If only a chance had been presented,
             A closet doll could never quite forget,

             It’s been a while before she could see,
             Before she could see, how lovely solitude could be,
             Before she could understand, understand how
             Forsaken she was now.

             Little by little, her faith had faded,
             Little by little becoming unmotivated,
             Maybe, it had completely depleted.

             Her love  eliminated,
             Her hope eradicated,
             Her dreams evaporated.
             In the end, there was nothing she could do.

— The End —