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 May 2021 FC Azaele
Francie Lynch
I have tasted human flesh
From the oven of
Lips and tongue;
Dripping well-dressed
In savory sauce,
To stir me to feast on.
Yikes. Don't say I wrote this.
 May 2021 FC Azaele
If we could see
The time we have left
On this planet

What would you do
If you only had today
 May 2021 FC Azaele
As sweet as candy
Don’t you think watermelons dandy?

It’s got seeds
It’s nice and fresh
It’s green

There’s no other fruit in sight
I’d like to eat
The sun is out.
Big and beautiful.
Through my eyes the sun has gone.
There is only darkness and sorrow.

The sun is bright.
Blue and warm.
Through my eyes I feel cold and lifeless.
There is only darkness and sorrow.

Will I feel the sun once more.
Will I feel the heat and warmth from the sun once more.
Will the sun shine through to me once more.

Has the sun gone forever 😪
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Love (down)

I love you
And you will never hear me say
That I don't
I know
We are meant to be
I can't believe that you think
You're not beautiful
I'm sorry but
You are mine
You can never say that
I'm lying

Evol (up)
Reverse poems are great my doods
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Shaun Yee
I am moving constantly, never stop,    
And no matter what you have to decide,  
I won’t wait for you; so understand that    
I can be, or I can’t be, on your side.  

In whatever manner you are wounded,  
And are hurting inwards or outwards still,    
You can reduce the wounds and heal yourself,  
To help you ease away your pains, I will.  

Along the way if you have loved and lost,  
Feelings which you cannot cope anymore,  
You can depend on me to set you free,  
With the minutes and hours from my store.

I will be your faithful friendliest foe,  
Or I will be a most unfaithful friend,  
I am forever extremely precise,  
Right from the Beginning until the End.    

You can remember me from a clock’s chime,
I am cold and heartless, for I am TIME.
Time moves on forever irregardless
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Chris Saitta
I failed to love round, but fallen flat,
My head slumps down, over an ancient map,
My eyes roll back, over the mappa mundi verge,
Where waterfalls purl, and the sea serpent-sleep lies curled.
Mappa mundi are surviving Medieval maps of the world that often depicted sea monsters and dragons.  In spite of a common belief, most educated Medieval classes did not think the earth was flat (known as the Flat Earth myth) nor did most scholars from the classic Greek period on.  Similarly, no old world map contains the exact phrase “Here Be Dragons” to connote uncharted territories, though dragons and sea monsters often allegorically depicted the same.
 May 2021 FC Azaele
 May 2021 FC Azaele
Love is fake
Romance is a lie
I will be alone
Until the day I die
I'm always going to be alone.
the scent of the flame
a type of beauty existing in pain
An aching for the feel of a hand in mine,
as if the whole world felt your tears like rain,
an explosion of human understanding,
existing within a single vein.
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