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FC Azaele May 2021
His touch, His smell
No one can compare;
His mind,
so bewitching and aware;
His tongue,
like magic
crossing between lands and onto valleys that parts the mountains
as the sun sets and there leaves me in the twilight,
silently basking in the afterglow
My body, like putty in his hands,
melts when he is near...
And with his gaze —
I could only compare:
Him like the sun and I..
A glacier affected by it
Or as he thinks of me
the flower with plenty of nectar to spare
(Oh dear)
FC Azaele May 2021
Emotion is the greatest author
that we will come across.

And Sometimes,
it is within ourselves that we’ll encounter them.
FC Azaele May 2021
Paperworks and junks pilled into mountains
on top of my ruined desk
“I wonder what had went wrong
for me to stack up such a mess?”

Indolent, Oh! so petulant!...
But still I digress
Saying I didn’t have time
To sort out the cluttering hefty mess

Jesting around with the things that avert my gaze,
Such a child I was,
I paid no mind to it all day

Night came too soon,
and instantly I say...
“When will I ever sort out this mess?”

Perhaps never, but still I say
“Someday, okay?”
Hip Hip Hooray!
FC Azaele May 2021
Give me light
that the poppy receives

Give me Rain
to quench my thirst

As I hunger and thirst
for you
I sit here and ask when you’ll return

My skin cracks and my heart aches
As my bones protrude,
I’ve begun to wither into a corpse
of ruin and sallow skin

I want you;
Your rays, Your light.
Burn me until my skin detests —
for all you give

Give me all
I hope to receive
Written on the 3rd of February 2021
Found in an old journal.
FC Azaele May 2021
Our fires clash, the sources worlds apart.
My mind is still, my heart beats fleeting.
And I ask myself why, or how strangers of two ends up finding themselves reaping
for the air the other breathes, and the other one’s heart.

But soon our worlds meet, and I feel myself clashing.
I think of you as bright as the embers that burn hot like the sun,
or how it feels to have your first taste of ***;
A slow-burn that inks the back of your throat, that leaves you asking for more, as the mind begins cracking.

We went out for coffee —
Funny enough, we both liked it plain.
We talked about our lives, and soon, I thought us insane.
For we laughed all day, until the sun went away.
“Until another day,” You say.
But we were inpatient, it had barely been 3 days
Before you asked me out for coffee in another café.

No longer did it take for me to be your captive,
And If you ask me to love,
I say, “I will.”
For I’ll give you all my love, my soul, my heart.
Only if you ask, my dear.
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