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  Oct 2018 emnabee
A Simillacrum
Icy burn, an ache
both dull
and knife point.
Am I going

Cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, and sacral
tension, or
is it
Am I going

Dark days, I try to run
away from myself,
just to sniff in circles,
distracted, burning

Good days, I practice
all the basic moves
a mixture
of modern living
and disregard
made me forget.

Guess I'm pretty broken.
Isn't the concept of
properly aligned
posture fun?
  Oct 2018 emnabee
A Simillacrum
Sitting down.
Most of what we do.
Except for
the exceptional few.
That's beside the point.
Trinkets and
******* games.
Nothing else Is but fuel,
right, Harry? Right, Harry?
Blessed be. Nothing is sacred.

Sitting down.
Thinking about
what I want to do
before I bite
the big one.
I'd rather avoid
most people
than the
thought of an
abrupt decay.

I don't spend too much time there.
I know when I've had enough.


Think I'll leave my house
and then pass downtown
on foot headed to the freeway.


Think I'll slow my stroll
and then watch sunset
plummeting from the overpass.

(what an ill consolation)
  Oct 2018 emnabee
weakness is the bane of my existence.

if strength were an equation,
my weakness would negate it.

please just let me be strong.

i've made so much progress, after all.

weakness is a Demon
i can’t control.

a Demon that will swallow me whole.
  Oct 2018 emnabee
being with you
felt like
being icarus.

if icarus had stayed at the sun
and stared it
in the face.

you were
my sun
you burned
my wings off.

and so i plunged
into space
with my head
on the brink

of explosion.
  Oct 2018 emnabee
Krizhe Ming
Why promise the stars and moon
You can't even give your time?
Why promise never to forget
You can't even remember a date?
Why promise to last forever
When it's hard to last even a day?

Don't make your love
Sound like so grand
When you can't offer
Your heart and mind

Why let us needlessly cling on
And in the end
Makes it harder for us to move on?
Why do most people make promises difficult or impossible to keep? *sigh*
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