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East Wind Nov 2017
love is like Tropical Weather
Deceitfully warm and burning hot,
It hides the rain until the night.
It drenches us to the core
and we tell ourselves we like rainfall
until we’re stuck in a Thunderstorm.
East Wind Nov 2017
I start with, “I don’t know if this will work”
I gradually move to, “This might not work”
A little later I will say, “This won’t work”
And I end it with, “I knew it would’t Work!!”
~Do you start doing something with as little hope as possible? And if so, is it because you don’t want to end up disappointed?~
East Wind Oct 2017
Wish a little wish
Turn it into a castle
Tread a little lightly
Blowing out the candle

I blew out the candles
The curtains caught fire
What I hoped was one day,
I will live to inspire

But I haven’t seen the sun
Since I closed my self inside
I thought it would be for a day
But it slipped into a drought
   doubts crept into my mind
I thought I heard my name but
The walls were proofed of sound

Will it be different
When tomorrow comes around?

~If you have a little flame, you can light up the world. Just make sure to close your eyes when you make a wish~ - someone I don’t remember.
East Wind Jun 2017
There are days when I strongly dislike everything
From the way I wake up to the sunlight outside  
From the way I brush my hair to the way I walk
From the coffee I drink to the reasons I can't sleep at night  
  I think you get the picture of my dislike season
   And it seems to me my dislike is for no reason
  Once in a while I feel like I don't belong here but-
    It stands to reason
  If I don't know where I belong
    Doesn't it  mean I just belong here?
East Wind Jun 2017
Things will change when...
             the sun rises on the West.
Part of a poem I haven't started yet.
East Wind Jun 2017
The greatest thing in life I've ever heard
Is when you said to me it doesn't hurt
to take the chances life throws your way
Now however, I have found my self
surrounded by stones in the city
Life refused to give me the chances I want to keep
so I keep running away to hide from everything

I don't like where I am right here right now
I took the wrong turn on my way up
Please stop telling me this is for me
I didn't even know who I would be

One minute I was there
The next minute I'm here
between here and there
I think I've lost everything.

Correct me if I'm wrong but was this a dream?
I saw a shadow pass up the stream
Her torch was burning bright like the Eternal flame
She said "come this way a better life awaits"
But like all the shadows her words were weightless
And the flames became stone-like and lightless.
Still there'll be more chances....
East Wind May 2017
When I wanted to care
  I couldn't.
If you caught me yesterday
  I would've.
This happens sometimes. I want to care about something or someone desperately but I just don't seem to have the energy. Maybe it's because even if I do care, nothing changes and so it becomes easier just to (pretend) not to care.
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