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East Wind Apr 2017
Midnight summer rain
When I can't sleep I stare
and think of all the things I could be doing instead.

If I had the money I would
come visit you today
I won't care that it's late
only that you're there
We would walk hand in hand
and maybe start running
Splash through the puddles
as people start staring

Midnight summer rain
When I can't sleep, I ---
close  my eyes and think, "I could be doing a lot around this minute."

If I had the courage I would
leave everything I had (it's not much)
Board a plane or a train
and be a vagabond
Anywhere, any place
is the destination ahead
To be a face in the masses
but with purpose in my lens....

Midnight summer rain
When I can't sleep...I dream of -
capturing life's very fleeting moments instead.
  Apr 2017 East Wind
Debanjana Saha
I write inbetween
my hushful & hasty life.
I carry no baggage
but to pour out by compiling all of my heart.

I eat, sleep, laugh, cry, work, dream
which goes on till its brim.
But one thing which makes me whole
is my write,.
It brings me joy out of pain
it shakes me up while in strain
it soothes me altogether
& comforts me without any fail.
I wanted to share my writing it makes me whole every single time without any fail.
East Wind Apr 2017
He will love you when
you're a tree in the winter
    bones without flesh
when you're not yet a butterfly
when you're slowly learning to smile

She will love you still when
  you're summer without the rain
    a boat without the sail
when you're a train-track without the train
Incomplete but love still remains
...but trees in the winter are still alive and well. Just taking the time to emerge through the storm towards the calm.
East Wind Mar 2017
I want to write to save my life.
To put to rest what’s eating me up inside.
Pull it out from the traps within my heart and watch it unfold.
I pull it out with the might of my mind and the dexterity of my fingers. Good bye. So long.
They will finally stop scaring my sprits to the corners of my soul. They will no longer shiver. They are Reborn.
Maybe what saves me can save you. And what saves us can save them. A seed, a bud, a tree. I write so I save me.
East Wind Feb 2017
Words are just words
but sometimes we hurl them until they hurt
and whoever said "sticks and stones" --
well...they were swift enough to dodge bullet shaped words.
East Wind Jan 2017
I feel okay today!!!
and, if the earth shatters,
I will learn to walk on shards.
Or if it decides to open up and swallow me,
I will build a city underground.
The Frida Kahlo exhibition motivated me today. This feeling may go away tomorrow, but maybe If it's written down, I will be able to recapture it.
East Wind Jan 2017
Occasionally I look upwards,
and wish to be as free as the birds.
I watch them fly with their blue tipped wings,
and wonder what the blue jays would think,
if they found out I wish to trade.
I think they will laugh and rightly so,
their life is hard, I just don't know.
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