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  Nov 2020 Kgirl
Travis Lue Alston
I'm surrounded by
I heard them in the dark.
I heard them early in the winter of December.
I heard
Their whispers, my whispers all in one dream.
Wake your eyes & get up slow show yourself, imagine everyone falling deeply in love
Imagine yourself floating across the sky
  Don't worry you'll be just fine, just talk to the whispers in the sky,
burn baby burn,
no return to the familar choir,
as you sink into the fire,
I hear them in my thoughts,
just creeping
I hear them everywhere I go,
They can't seem to disappear
Close to my heart,
Close to my mind,
The whispers say we shall never be apart
  Jan 2019 Kgirl
Robin Lemmen
There is art
In your heart
Painting pictures
When I lay
My head down on your chest

There are songs in your eyes
Singing lullabies
When you hover
Pin me down
With your stare

There is a poem
On the tip
Of your tongue
I taste it
When I kiss you

You are tortured
My jaded lover
I hear it
When you won't talk
  Dec 2018 Kgirl
I wonder what secret
The trees whisper to the breeze?
Do the birds hear that secret
And announce it in their song?

Does the wind hold it
And drop it in the seas?
Does the sea speak it out
And share it with the stars?

Do the heavens then resound
With the secret of the trees?

And the clouds,
Oh yes! Those clouds
Blue, black and grey
Is that why come rushing?

Across the seas to caress
With gentle rain the trees
And whisper,
"Heaven knows your heart,
There are no secrets from God."

The trees smile and sway
Fulfilled and complete in love.
Kgirl Nov 2018
I’m sorry, that I’m twisted and full of rage, I’m sorry, that I’m dark and full of blackness in my heart I attack you like a monster, even tho we both know we didn’t meant to hurt each other,
I’m sorry that I was a heartless *******, I’m sorry that I couldn’t treat you like a queen. My heart has gone to the blackness, I maybe a kind soul to you, but the star reveals the truth about myself the left eye of the blackstar that I kept from my queen.
I’m sorry, I was cruel, I’m sorry, for everything my love
I marked my own left eye to treasure all the darkness that was inside my heart, the memories of my personal life, the memories of a star that turned black, I can control my disease, I am a blackstar
- you understand my pain -

— The End —