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Diana Mendoza Aug 2014
I am not required to love you.
Let's get that straight.
Neither man nor woman
Is obligated to profess
And show their undying love for you,
Just as the sun doesn't revolve around the world,
The world doesn't revolve around you.
A series of acts showing your "kindness"
Is not a contract for a relationship.
The very fact that you have to shout
How you are a "nice guy"
Shows how you aren't;
Kindness doesn't need reassurance.
To be frank,
This whole delusion
Is getting a bit out of hand
(see: the "****** Killer",
a guy so sexually frustated
He killed people
for not giving him the right to get laid).
Maybe, hear me out here guys,
it's not because girls only look for "bad guys".
Maybe we look for soulmates,
Not Good Samaritans with hidden agendas.
This may come off as a shock for some of you,
But all-around goodness isn't equal
to treating girls nicely
Only because you might have a chance.
So if your mating dance
Consists of acting like you're an angel And simultaneously complaining
About the blindness
And insolence of women,
It's high time you should stop.
Put down the fedora while you're at it.
It's become a symbol for gentlemen for you,
But now it's a warning sign for us: "Beware the self-entitling guy!"
Honestly, we cringe every single time.
And darling,
Nice guys always finish last
because they whine
Instead of running.
Jul 2014 · 623
Diana Mendoza Jul 2014
I don't know when
I even started feeling this way.
All signs scream in bold letters:

But I try not to get caught.
Only heaven can see,
See me looking at you
With so much love,
So much hope.
So much fear.

Is it a sin to love someone like you?
Then forgive me God, for I have sinned.
Because if loving you is a crime punishable by law,
Then even behind bars
I will think of  you,
And how you don't feel the same way.
Jul 2014 · 633
Diana Mendoza Jul 2014
I shouldn't have been
Too careful,
Too restrained.
Because now you will never,
Never ever know
How much I've loved you.

You never noticed,
Not even a bit.
But there's a part of me wishing,
Wishing so much it hurts,
That you did.

Now you'll be out-of-bounds,
Where you can't hear me anymore.
I'll break the rules
Just one last time,
By saying 'I love you'
After I've said adieu.
Diana Mendoza Jul 2014
I am not so different
From a knife--
No use without a wielder,
Yet used so often.

Look at me
And I'll show you what to carve.
Oh don't try to hide it,
It's clear as glass.

2. Eyelash curler
Do not worry,
I will help you.
Do not worry,
I am only bending you.

3. Closet
I am an asylum.
I hold straightjackets.

Choose your own shackles,
I will give you the chains.
Go on,
Wear your insanity today.

— The End —