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Dev Mar 2018
Sometimes I see my poetry

And I wonder if it actually counts

Because it doesn't rhyme

It's rather odd

And overall, well...
We'll leave it odd, shall we?
I'm in a doubtful mood
Dev Mar 2018

I think I've used up all my


and now I'm left to die of

Dev Mar 2018
Nameless, but free.
Hair dyed an extraordinary shade of lilac,
sparkling a thousand which ways into the sun.
Like a diamond.

And yes, she was much like a diamond,
They make you believe that they're rare and expensive.
But really, there's millions of them.
They just want to feel special
Just a pretty face, and nothing more.
Copying her favourite sayings off an edgy tumblr blog
  Mar 2018 Dev
Oskar Erikson
it's somewhat sad
when the distant skyline
can offer so little
and i have walked
along the sands
of Southbank. looking
for a reason
To stop or start feeling.
Dev Mar 2018

Ah! The drama!
To be young and in love!

Well give me a break,
he's just simply very attractive

Well surely there  must be
somebody you're into.
Are you like your aunty, hmm?
More into the
(cough cough)
Ahem. Females?

Oh, come off it,
I just don't wanna talk
about it with you lot

No, no! She's interested in both,
don't you know? Don't
understand how,
but I'm sure it's just a phase.

Yes! Yes she does it all
for the attention,
don't you sweetie?

Well come on now,
tell us who is right

Conversations with my family
  Mar 2018 Dev
my heart nearly stopped every time i had to cross the street
so let’s thank the queen for writing it down
before she’s just another thing i have to step over
all the rest have tickled my feet so far
and everything under construction reminds me that these days
the only remedy seems to be better luck and more cloud cover

i’ve been racing to crash on the couch
just to wake up to see if i have time for it all
and i want the stereotype to be true so i have nothing to cry about  
with the way things are going
you’d tell me not to be so brutal to myself
but the thrill i used to know is now paying its dues to the concrete

i was almost convinced i wasn’t asleep
when she whispered paris
nothing, everything may have changed
so this is not like anything i’ve never meant:

my heart nearly stopped with the regret of not talking to you
it's hard killing birds when you don't have any stones and
besides this time i think i've really done it
two days and this is already my favorite story but
second chances don't have to be so mysterious
maybe i just wanted to see you smile again

i should have said it w/o one of and the s after the L
still choosing o over x
and your pull showed my hands a home in the back of your denim
two across the channel makes the significant not so, if you want it
i’ll keep looking for you so long as you
don’t stop drawing me maps

if i died in my indecision then
your mouth showed me heaven
you’re the closest thing to purpose
i’ve ever tasted

i wish you knew how much i mean that
natacha | london, england
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