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Dev Mar 2018
under, under
should i ever sink
can i pull you down with me?

because i could not bear
to die alone
without you by my side

and if it were you
being pulled into the watery depths
i would not hesitate to give my life

saving you
damning you
  Mar 2018 Dev
let's be friends, wait -
no, let's not be friends;
feelings, stop confusing me.

do you know you sound
like two angels bickering -
and then making out?
when you stare at me,
my reflex says run fast,
but all I want to do;
is run close.

you, I really hate you,
annoying *****,
sometimes I want to
slap you straight
into my face, then lips.

and then when I saw you,
behind the ***** windows
with your friends,
and my female best friend,
laughing and sounds of
woos and hoo's -
I give up.

                ***** this 'friend-****'.                                        

you once said,
let's be friends,
and I said, go to hell;
but ten years later,
all I want to say is,
let's be friends,
behind the screens.
Was checking out the Facebook of my first crush— wondering if I should send him a friend request. Partially my fault that a friendship never happened. I was an obnoxious girl back then.
Dev Mar 2018

You are 6 ft tall barely,
Already feeling broken,
haven't even had your first "real date."
Forgive me, I've misspoken.

You took her to a movie once,
You made her want to run,
Because she finally realised
I was the smoking gun.

I was one real reason,
bet you'd hate me if you knew.
Our newly ignited friendship?
Don't be kind, we'd be through.

Your words have too much impact,
You think things far too deep.
Your feelings have not subsided,
They haven't. Not in the least.

You say your mantra again
All thats happened, I'm above
If that is actually true,
Why do you still refer to her love?

Your heart is too invested,
I guess you're not for me.
For I was never going to accept
her seconds willingly.

Perhaps one far-off day,
When I'm comfortable with myself,
I'll remember these days,
And take my feelings off the shelf.
The angsty sarcasm is strong with this one!
  Mar 2018 Dev
Ashly Kocher
The fate of my life
Is in my hands
Should I jump
Just make this all
Come to an end
Would I hurt
Not just myself
But everyone around me

One foot
Over the edge
My mind is racing
Is this the right thing
I just want to make it end

Second guessing
What I thought was right
Take a step backwards
I’m so filled with fright

We all have these moments
When times get rough
To just end our lives
But you got to have trust

Trust in yourself
Your not alone
There’s always a driving force
To bring you safely
Back home...
Sometimes feels like this is the best option. Stay strong and know your not alone...
  Mar 2018 Dev
Tyler Lockwood
we wrote more poetry
in the wrinkles of your sheets
in one night than
I have written in the pages
of my journal all year
you don't know I have this account so I can vent here lol
Dev Mar 2018
I heard him, that day.
He said He loved She,
Over and Over.

Over and Over,
I told She,
I do not love him

Over and Over.
She and I have never told the other a lie
Until that small but impactful half truth.

I do not love He,
I adore him,
Worship him with every fibre of my being.

When He smiles,
He sets free caged birds and butterflies.
He sets free the clutter of  my heart.

When She left, She locked his heart
and He threw away the key.
The silence hung heavy and low forever.

Since then, I have not seen He smile
I sit here in wait, for He to find the key
and obtain his freedom yet again.

To set free the clutter of my heart
Reckon I can find more pronouns to continue this sad series.
theres always They, Him, Her, Them, Us, You, etc.... ugh
Dev Mar 2018
get your hand out of my heart.

didnt they tell you not to play with your food
He doesn't even know it
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