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  Feb 2018 Savannah Muller
she forgets to breathe in, breathe out sometimes.
she has to write the word in purple on the back of her fist.
she hyperventilates, then goes back to normal (repeat 5 times),
you'll see her, nervously scratching at her bandaged wrist.

she has to talk to her teacher after school some days.
let him know how she's been getting on in school.
the other kids are saying she's using him for plays,
but she can't tell either forces the truth.

she never told anyone about all this but me.
not even her boyfriend that she said no longer likes her.
nobody knows about her extreme anxiety,
sometimes I wish things went back to the way they were.
  Feb 2018 Savannah Muller
Daisy Rae
who knew your words
could hurt me that much
worse than when
I scraped my knee
that night I was drunk
trying to forget about
those words you said
  Feb 2018 Savannah Muller
You struck me down
I brought you up
You broke my heart
You stupid ****
My ****** body
Lay by your side
A knife in hand
You laugh with pride
On my hands and knees
I crawl back to you
With bleeding wrists
I whisper, "I love you too"
There's no way out
Of this hell I'm in
Slaughter me now
Consume my sin
You didn't care
About me now or then
So I'm done with you
I won't come back again.
  Feb 2018 Savannah Muller
I love everything about her

She is a good girl
She loves poems
She loves funny jokes
She loves reading
She loves stargazing
She loves cooking
She loves her family
She loves her friends
She loves dogs
and I love her

But she loves her boyfriend.
Gorgeous is the woman
with storms in her eyes,
a bruised soul
and many scars
but still dares to open up,
to trust with her heart
and fall in love
that is a woman
who bleeds stardust
and cries
tears of pure love….
This is dedicated to a really sweet person that I know, who has no idea how strong she actually is.
Sweetie, you shine, keep shining!!
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