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 Jul 2016 DSD
silent moments sing the loudest
and I hear her calling,
" come back to the womb for awhile my dearest, and drink deep of my fare. All your striving leave behind and come suckle at my breast."
 Jul 2016 DSD
DaSH the Hopeful
Tonight, I spoke into the darkness,
No stars to light my way,
       The black void all encompassing

   My words drifting up in ribbons,
          I waited for something, anything to happen

              I felt a rumble that was akin to ripples emanating from a drop of water hitting a puddle

        I was small next to the impossible,
And when it spoke back, it changed me
        The blank canvas of stark black was pierced by blades of light,
    The sky becoming a shutter in a rain storm
           Blowing open and closed
       The words came and wrapped themselves across my body in its entirety
        Constricting my air flow

             I felt myself shatter
  An implosion of feeble glass
       Ricocheting through a skeleton of paper, reflecting the brightness above inside ripped skin

                I was nothing.
                I didn't exist.
                I floated in an incomprehensible place that had no end, no walls

     No ceiling or floor

            Just illumination in every direction

                    I opened my eyes
    And was blinded by an incredible radiance

      I shut my eyes tight and swatted in front of me
        My hand struck something metal and I yelped in pain
          I shot up and stared downward
    Towards the desklamp unplugged on the floor
          Breathing heavily, I sat upright in my bed,
                 *Struggling to pull away words that had already sunken in
Writer's block
 Jul 2016 DSD
b e mccomb
The shadows flick
Faster and faster of
The fan until it
Turns into a UFO and
Detaches from the
Ceiling to fly away.

I'm drunk on
High on

The invisible pattern
On the wall begins
To dance, the curlicues
Tangoing with fleur-d'les
To the silent drumbeat
Of my heart in my ears.

I'm intoxicated from
My thoughts
Completely smashed on
Shards of mirrors and the
Dregs of any
Innocence I had left.

I'll watch the numbers
Flash backwards, just
Let time turn around
Clocks will melt
Even in air-conditioning
I've got a
Pounding headache and
Tomorrow I'll be
On my soul.
Copyright 6/30/14 by B. E. McComb
 Jul 2016 DSD
anonymous winds
bend tall Timothy grasses,
wake rabbits napping
in the brush

they ripple the surface
of the stock tanks, tickle the haunches
of the beasts who wade there
to slurp the tepid waters

they birth red dust devils
for my eyes to follow, as they scud
through mesquite, and hopscotch over canyons
older than time

one day, soon, they will blow
over a shallow earth bed; I will not hear
their sibilant song, but my sleep will be deep,
unperturbed by their mystic music
 Jul 2016 DSD
Anonymous Freak
Today I
Lost my

Maybe I dropped it
On the way out
Of the store
Where a mother
Swore at
Her five

Maybe I miss
Placed it
When we
Our old
And everyone
Spoke to me
Like they understood
But forgot my
A lot

Could I have,
Left it
At my dad's house?
Where he
My kid brother
And little sister
Told us how much
Missed our
Right after
He had finished
Divorcing her

Perhaps it's
Under the seat
Of our car
Maybe it fell out
Of my pocket
At that red light
The one
When the car next to
Us had a
At his wife
In front of their kids
One of the children
And he turned around
And hit them

This is so bizarre
I can't find it
Any where.
 Jul 2016 DSD
Rainey Birthwright
I loved you so
White as the swan
In purest snow

O white love
I will hover high
Let me sail above

I loved you true
Real as sky, oak on hill
Dancing in blue

O white love
Sing me eternal
In healing flame

I lost my one self
In the narrow straights
Sea depths, outer shelfs

O white love
I remember our face
Prideful without name

I wanted to wake
But was drowned in dream
A daymare you would nae break
 Jul 2016 DSD
Anonymous Freak
Once upon a time,
A flame clear and bright
Fell in love with kindling.

He asked her
To hold him
With her burning arms,
She touched the kindling gently,
And left a black mark
On his chest.

She backed away,
But he grabbed onto her hand,
She watched
In horror
As his fingers went up in smoke.

She didn't want to hurt him,
But he didn't want her to leave.

Now she's watching
The tiny fire
Slowly burning
Up his limbs.
Her own love for him
Orange and dancing in
In the dark
Blackening his
shadows deepening
snow topped indigo mountains
flamingo pink skies
camped by a glacial lake
watching the end of the day
a single ****** swims past
its wake a thin silver line
then a loon calls from far off
and my heart disentangles
as the universe floods in
and washes away my pain
in a deep ocean of stars
bliss incandescent
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