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 Jul 2018 Crawler
One time I showed up to a bar
took all my layers off and decided to give it a try
I let loose and felt free and drowned my sorrows in dainty drinks and rap music
Feeling like a bomb shell ready to blow
I let the world get under my skin and the beat roll into my veins as I became the girl everyone wants to meet
that everyone wants to talk to
I became the girl of my dreams
swirling in drinks with tiny straws and orange juice
dancing alone but felt like the whole room was with me
time flew by
until I left and became the same old girl who walked into a bar just to give it a try
 Jul 2018 Crawler
mari j
 Jul 2018 Crawler
mari j
i am so small
compared to the mountains
i am so little
compared to the sea
i am so tiny
in comparison to the islands
and i am so large
compared to what i thought i would be
 Feb 2018 Crawler
 Feb 2018 Crawler
Whoever said,
"Time heals all wounds,"
has never been in love.

Or watched as someone you held so dear
walked away from you in fear.
Not in fear of you,
but in fear of being loved by you.

They've never felt someone's hand in theirs,
and realized they'd do anything to protect that person.
And true heartbreak is knowing they don't feel the same.
 Dec 2017 Crawler
CJ Sutherland
I lay my head upon my pillow
Trying to get some
Much needed rest
My mind and brain at war
Neither one keeping score
The holidays are over
Bless with family visits
Keeps me busy still
Caring for everyone
And satisfying few
Needs feeding
Children need
My chores
More difficult as I age
But love and laughter my gage
The trade off is worth it
I’ll sleep when I’m dead
Don’t get me wrong o love my family with all my heart it’s just difficult with so many ailments
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