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The bed only knows the weight
That leaves it for, unknowingly, the last time;
The warmth no longer pressed to its quilt,
The down that will never sink again
This came to my mind at around 3:00 AM last night, the perspective of the bed. It was built and made to serve us at our most restless, our most vulnerable, but we don’t often lend it the kindness to tell it why someone leaves. Does it know? Or does it wallow thinking it has wronged us in some way?
You said you found the one;
When I left, she kept you sane.
I am happy you found the one;
All that pain has gone in vain.
You said you are happy;
And she is all you need.
You have seen the moles on my collar bone;
But now you say you have seen hers too
I am not sad I am just happy;
Happy that you have found the one.
if our fate lines do one day cross –
just a moment in anachronism –
i’ll feel whole in loving loss.
In english, we say, "I want you."
In poetry, we say:

I want the moon to shine as bright
As your absence strikes my heart.
I need her.
It's been too long since
I touched your face
Looked upon your smile
Heard your laugh
Felt your touch
Held your hand

It's been too long
Since we walked the beach
Smelled the sea air
Watched the waves
Wrote our names in the sand

It's been too long
Since we danced
Watched a movie
Ate popcorn
Sat in a cafe
Sipped coffee

It's been too long
Since I felt your presence
Near me

It's been too long...
I know very
Well that
I haven’t been
The greatest
At love,

I haven’t chased
Grand gestures or vows,
But stumbled through
The mornings after,
The movie dinners,
The silences
Between us
Where love sits,
Waiting to be noticed,
Not a princess in a tower
Waiting to be saved,
But just two people,
Trying to stay close
Despite the gaps.

I don’t know if
I’ve loved the
I’ve loved despite
The realization hits
Like a slasher movie,
Too late at night,
And too young
And unsupervised,

Sometimes I leave
Notes hidden in
Vases, behind cabinets,
Above the fridge,
And in the pockets
Of the new jeans
That I just got,
As a reminder to love,

Today I found one
In my glove compartment,
It’s getting cooler so
I rolled down the windows
And felt the breeze
Every time there was a red light,
I had the music loud,
Enjoying the mess of genres
That’s my Spotify playlist,
And I savored the moment,
In solitude, learning to love,
Not despite, but because of.
her face looked at me
from all sides and corners
of the writing paper
gentle as a ghost's reminder
I heard a subtle whisper say
There are no more
beautiful and clever things

And like the night
when the sky fades
I am ripped into my own desolation
and stirred into the agony
And as i see your face in everything
It's the most beautiful and clever thing

My little brother, a new friend maybe

He grew up quite different than me
Are similarities were hard to see

Recently we found some common ground
Our relationship may now rebound

Spending more time with him
at a new climbing gym

I went rock climbing with my brother
I wouldn't have gone with another

The task to rebuild seems so steep
but its worth it so I will keep

family is what is really matters
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