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I want to save her
Wisk her away everyday
Fly off into the sunset
Just for the reward of kisses and hugs
That's what I strive for
Every second every hour
I'm the one she can count on
But as time goes by
This suit I can't put on
My cape carried away by the wind
I want to be her hero
Jump infront of that bullet
Give my life for her
I missed my chance
Guess I'm not right for her
I gladly die and fight for her
Thought I was superman
But dreams dont always come true
I wanted to save who?
What's left for me
I'm not depressed happy or sad
Not upset angry or mad
As calm as the sea after the hurricane  
Only thought after thought in my brain
What are they telling me
My brain doesn't even understand me
And yet it controls me?
What a contradiction
Feeling sorry for me ?
Dont, empathy I dont need
It would be a waste of time I don't have
Just waiting on the next wave this world going to throw at me
Taking it head on
Head strong
I'd sell you some thoughts but I'm selfish
Plus you couldn't handle them
Chances of descripting is slim to none
Thoughts mysterious like rain when its sunny
So you get none
I have nothing else to say  
But what's left for me
"It's okay,
you'll find someone

How sure are you?

What if
I end up all alone?

In my loneliness
I'll blame you

For planting
That tiny seed of hope
Inside my fragile heart
so much of
my heart
In that instant, a truer truth will ne'er be found
That I take you
No exceptions
No conditions
Remember when I told you
Not to force me?
I meant that.
Force me to love you
And I will hate you.
Force me to hate you
And I will love you.
Force me to stay
And I will run,
Force me away
And I will never leave.
I promise you this:
I do not love you more than I need to be free.
My freedom means
Not what you think is right,
Not what you think is safe,
Not what you think is
You cannot make me stop thinking of you-
I will enshrine you
Out of spite
And throw away moments of every **** day
Reconstructing your face in my mind
Whether or not I ever see it again-
I promise you this:
I do not love myself more than I hate being
I reached for you, as drowning people do sometimes, and you recoiled from me, as sane people do much of the time. But think on this: Kind people do not lay blame on those who suffer.
But then again, I do not tend to love kind people.
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