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591 · Dec 2020
Chagg Dec 2020
It’s a dark and chilly outside,
As well as inside my heart.
It time to go to sleep heavy hearted.
I am having a doubt that will I raise tomorrow,
Will there be morning outside with bright sunshine,
Will I be able to look tomorrow?
Now I must slumber in my pillow with bliss and turn off the lamp forever
Maybe I will never leave that pillow now
But I am going to slumber.
Without knowing that whether this night will end Or not.

I hope that this will not be an end of my life.
I hope that I will raise tomorrow and see the glare,
Of that of my heart.
This night will end up soon because
Hope is the greatest faith, isn’t it?
358 · Dec 2020
Chagg Dec 2020
When a loved one leaves this habitat,
It is the time to really be sad
Because it is the truth,
That he left his corpse, that he left this world
So, he left all of us alone, in this ill ground.

He was the one most closest to me,
One to be called as a perfect flower
He was a fragile flower opening to the warmth of spring
But now born asleep.

No, he has not left us till now
He is still beneath me, still with eyes set on me,
He is still running with the breeze with bloom
Still chattering with birds, still roaring with clouds,
Still playing with cubs and calfs,
He is still present everywhere around me,
From rivers to mountains.

He will always with me as a part of this nature,
As a part of my life.
336 · Feb 2021
The Sorrowful Rainy tears
Chagg Feb 2021
This delight fragrance of the soil below
Reveals the hovering of dark, humid shadow.
There’s a joy in the air,
There’s a blossom in each rainy tear.

Each melody has a deep sensation,
That gives my heart an ambition.
Each resonance initiates a new desire,
Each asks me to follow its own admire.

Oh, this dejecting shower came to end,  
All my desires are also abandoned,
All this halt with a gloomy end,
Abrading all my dreams in a glance.
302 · Jan 2021
The Event
Chagg Jan 2021
There was misery and agony all around,
Everyone was crying the blues with hands clasped,
With body trembling, heart palpitating.
Everyone was trying to engulf the grieve of the loss,
Of the total loss of a loved one.

His spirit is going to meet the deity,
He is going to heaven leaving this mortal bulk and
The thirst of abundance of wealth.
But he is leaving all the unforgettable relationships,
leaving all the immortal memories,
going to last till demise, with all of us alone.

But why to cry, when a loved one is going
To meet the enormous supernatural being?
When his spirit is going to meet the almighty,
When he is leaving all these venial desires, all these Mortal thoughts, leaving this ill world.

Whether to cry our eyes out or to be full of the joys of springs?
Whether to grieve or to rejoice on this event
Of bonding among the spirit and the almighty?
Whether to follow footprints or to make one?
259 · Dec 2020
Chagg Dec 2020
When the brilliant stars hover over the head,
And the brilliant moon makes the room incandescent,
The laziness slinks leisurely and kisses my eyes
And then I have glimpses of my past
lingering in my head one by one.

How the threads of contentment and happiness
Weave into a full piece of cloth of memories
from cradle to grave.
How my mother used to hum lullabies for me,
How gentle her lap seems to be.

How blissful those days were,
But with sigh I would say,
Those bloomy days are replaced by some gloomy days.
Now there are jingles of wind chimes and chirps of crickets
instead of those harmonious lullabies.

May this sleep never halt, may the time freeze,
May I get salvation like this.
131 · Dec 2020
The Negotiation
Chagg Dec 2020
“Ohh! See that lap of my initiator where
I slumbered for the first time in my life, how cozy it was.
Ohh! There’s that person who turned up to be a cradle for me.
Then time slipped away but I was left behind!
Left behind with everything I can think of!

It was like being kept behind because of a spell of murkiness.
Every single thing kept flowing off my fist,
Whether my initiator or my cradle, everybody was kept behind.

It was because of the conduit I had chosen,
The path leading to a fleeting happiness,
The path rolling back to end with despair and misery.

Now I am numb both eternally and physically,
Now I am realizing my fault in choosing the conduit,
But can’t roll back my life so to those harmonious days,
Full of contentment and joy.”

So this was the tale of my life,
As I told you the humankind,
may you choose the right path at that moment of life.

— The End —