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 Oct 2017 Carlyy
Giani LaDavia
Holding my head high is no easy task.
Come clear my mind, its all i ask.
Heartache and heartbreak from the same mistake.
The feeling invades my body and tears my soul.
Seems like nothing will heal.
Not until I rise myself out from this hole.
The more and more I strive,
I begin to wonder: will I make it out alive?
My body still remains here, but my soul has already left.

People are dying. Dying to speak their mind.
People are living. Living for a waste of time.
Theres no reason to be here,
lets pack up and leave dear.

My heart feels like a downpour of rain.
but its alright, cause I like the rain.
When Texas is burning, open the floodgates.

Release your mind into the sea.
Patience is maturity,
and love extinguishes the fire.
The fire that rages wars in my head.
Tonight I will pray,
and tomorrow I shall embrace the day.

People are dying. Dying to speak their mind.
People are living. Living for a waste of time.
Theres no reason to be here,
lets pack up and leave dear.

My body still remains here, but my soul has already left.
Whatever the time, look at the sky
 Oct 2017 Carlyy
Valsa George
I don’t remember when I lost my tenderness
And hardened into a thick shelled adult
No more innocent, no more gullible
Like a snake, I have peeled away my old self
It was easy enough, but having shed it
I realize no spring can bring it back!

There was a time when my imagination
Was so fiercely fuelled by fairy tales

How I used to visit the magic realms
Traversing the path from wonder to wonder!
On fancy’s feathered wings, I flew
Dwelling with fairies, demons and vampires
Roaming through the gilded hallways of magic castles
Peering into wishing wells
Wandering into enchanted forests

I searched under pillows for tooth fairies
Lay awake in bed to hear a tap on the door
With the ringing plea, falling in my ears
‘Open the door, my princess dear
Open the door to thy true lover here’
Wondering if a slimy frog has leaped over to my bed

Many hours were lost in fearful suspense
Pondering if the hoodwinked Red Riding Hood
Would escape the claws of death in the woods

With bated breath I followed the three Billy goats
On their way to the meadows beyond the bridge
Cursing the wicked troll that lived under it

Scrubbed old lamps hoping a genie would crop up
To bring things, my little heart cherished,
Looked up to see Aladdin on his magic carpet
Whizzing past the clouds,

Once I left my homework undone
Thinking those helpful elves would do it
While I snored away in the dead of the night

Now bereft of all such queer fancies
My brain has gone into lazy slumber
My world once checkered with colorful patterns
Now lies damp, dull and laden with strife!
One of my uncles staying abroad used to bring for us many English story books. I had the privilege of listening to fairy tales at a small age....
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
Alysia Michelle
My words now
Seem only
But I cannot seem to adequately
Put into words
What I want to say.
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
Another Poet
Our connection was intense
Our kiss was toxic but sweet
The colour of your eyes was like autumn
I was so keen
I was all in

Our bond was strong
Filled with pure alcohol
And when I got sober
I saw clearly the end
You pointed it out for me

I followed your arrow
I followed your footsteps
And you led me to the exit
Now I need a compass
To get the hell out of your soul

Nothing lasts forever, doesn't?
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
DC raw love
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
DC raw love
Do unto others
As they have ****** you
Simple to the point
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
shes proud because
maybe he'll notice her
daddy issues *sigh*
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
I want to write something ******,
But I'm too shy for that.
 Sep 2017 Carlyy
As I lie in bed
I think of how far I've come
And I'm proud of me
Never let life get u down keep marching forward tis worth it x
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