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 May 2017 Carlyy
Druzzayne Rika
is difficult to construct
It comes naturally
or doesn't .
Something that is unmeasurable and undefinable, something I would say to describe myself, yes it's contradictory but isn't that what life is, and what we are a paradox, constantly trying to prove to ourselves and other people that we have self worth, but why do we need to prove ourselves to one another if we know who we are to ourselves, if we can define ourselves but to others they can't meaure our selfworth are we not infinite
 May 2017 Carlyy
 May 2017 Carlyy
Through my skin
I feel you
The feeling so strong
I need you
Was blind to your love
I see you
Addicted to our vibe
I am you
 May 2017 Carlyy
It's More
 May 2017 Carlyy
I feel like a friend-- a true friend,
is more than a profile on a website.

And peace is more than a handshake agreement
brought by the outcome of a gruesome fight.

I know that self worth is more than someone's opinion,
and in no other dominion but mine own to foster and care for.  

And I can see that happiness is more than having money, sure,
cause most of us laugh everyday here, and come on, we're dirt poor.

And I pray the human soul is more than Casper's counterpart,
somewhere between the heart and the pancreas.

And God, faith is so much more than cryin' and dyin'
over spilt milk between religions.

And in case you were confused, "I love you", is more than
pet names, bed games, and ***.

Music is more than pimps, hoes, and MTV Shows, and T-Pain singin through a computer.

Believe that life is more than grades and degrees,
or drugs and disease,
or the 'ABCs' of success that some old man wrote a thousand years ago.

This poem has to be more than words strewn together
to voice my discontent at the status-quo..

Hell, the word "more" itself is more than a one-syllable statment
that what we lack in the present
is just a larger quantity of the **** "we already have",
and no!

The power of your silent agreement is more than that
of my voice alone, so...

What is "more"?

In many ways, "more" is the friend you never had.
More peace in the world would end all the mindless bloodshed.
More respect and selfworth would bring beauty back to youth,

especially to the women in the world,
that sell their unique souls to look like the cover of Cosmo.

More faith, that grants serenity in the times of hardship,
will be the soothing hand of an Angel on our shoulders as
we say, "I love you" to our enemies, martyrs for a better world.

More positive music will inspire us,
to be the change we want to see in the world, today,
instead of, "Waitin' on the World to Change "♫ ♪ ♫♪

So ladies and gentlemen, make a decision: if you want to be
critics and vipers,
war mongers and hope-snipers,
ignore my intention, and live with more division.

But, if any of you are artists starving for meaning and inspiration,
if you envision a world of more than... THIS...

Then let a word change a feeling,
change a thought, change a meaning,
change your mind...
And get more out of life.
Copyright Paul Langdon October 2010
 May 2017 Carlyy
Mark Lecuona
You can change your life
You just have to begin
Of course, it will take time
Do not dwell on failure
Or mediocrity
It's not a contest
Think instead of today
Then tomorrow
When it becomes today
Do not ask why there is dirt inside a coffee ***
Or how long the drought will last
Don't shout at a cactus because it's not a rose
These things do not matter
And they won't stop you if you will only begin
It is not a matter of comparison
For though what one man can do so can another
But to what degree
And under what condition?
It is only for you to choose to be who you can be
Not what they can be or were
For though we know who was once great
The also knew who was greater than them
And yet they continued on
For they had to live in that way
The way you wish to live
But you must have the courage to begin
To call yourself an artist
Or an athlete
Or a cook
Or a connoisseur
Or a lover of life
And you are
Because you have made that decision
So now go
And learn about your new life
Wake up thinking about it
From now on
But not talking about it
Not right away
Wait until you know you have the will to change your life
And you will know when you are involved
When you want to be a part of it everyday
When the challenge of it means something to you
When you no longer care about failure
But instead you care about creativity
And the love of your new life
And the love of being simple in your new life
Because it need not be sophisticated
Or complex
Or flashy
Or justified
Except to your own heart
For who you have become
Is who you were always meant to be
 May 2017 Carlyy
Jack and Jill went on the pill
To a **** a little better
To *** some for fun
To get it done
And pregnancy would not get her
But just one time
That ****** slime
Did its ***** job
Now Jill is getting bigger
And Jack left her on her own
 May 2017 Carlyy
Ryan Holden
Give me your affection,
I'll give you love and protection.
 May 2017 Carlyy
Richard Grahn
Rivulets of flame
Lick at the wounds
Of a thousand lifetimes
And countless tears

This flame is a passion
A fire in the mind
It’s lifetime is passing
But it isn’t done lasting

Burning the strife
From a well-weathered soul
It cuts like a knife
Where the malady lies

Its heat melts the ice
Frozen deep down inside
Its light casts a glow
Where the shadows reside

This flame will not die
While the dream is alive
It runs like a stream
Through the channels of my mind

The world may be turning
But the flame keeps on burning
This passionate inferno
Will not be denied
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