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 Oct 2014 Noel Iesse
I prefer not to label myself.
I like to think I'm just a human, no need for any other descriptions.
But considering the occasion - the label my sexuality fits into is bisexual.
I am not ashamed.
I am me.
I love who I love.
I am bisexual.
I am human.
**** Prince Charming
I’m not some damsel in distress
waiting for a Prince to save me
I’m not a maiden in a tower
waiting to let down my hair
I’m not dancing away in a forest
Singing about how my prince will come
You see, I am a princess but
I’m not in distress
I am a princess but
I don’t need to be saved
I am a princess but I most definitely
Do not sing.
So go rescue someone else
From a dragon or a witch
Take her away from her tower
And sweep her off her feet
And remember, if you ever come back for me
You gotta be a princess
To storm this castle
When I was younger
My favorite movie was Legally Blonde
I thought she was pretty and blonde and courageous
Now I see her as an idol to look up to, a feminist
When I was little
I never let my dad open doors for me
He told me it was chivalry
I told him I had two fully capable hands
My childhood heroes were Rosa Parks
And Harriett Tubman
I thought they were braver than any man
We learned about in history
When I was fifteen I had my first boyfriend
He called my babe and woman
I dumped him
When I turned eighteen
I learned that feminist isn't a ***** word
I learned about men who wanted to wear dresses
And he strength of women who were once men
Women who are beaten and ***** because of who they are
I learned that feminism isn't just about equal pay
It's about equal rights for all
I learned that being a woman isn't defined by your ******
And that everyone should be able to express themselves
We want to smash the glass ceiling
While talking down gender roles
Stay at home mom's
Become stay at home dad's
Feminism isn't about women ruling the world
It's about a world full of expression
Without any fear
When I was young I didn't know I was a Feminist
But now I'm gonna scream it from the rooftops
I feel the whispers of the Mistress
And the smooth hands of the Mister
The gentle embrace of the beautiful He
And the masculine lips of the handsome She
Four lovers whom fill my heart
Different genders
I shall never care
I shall never care about skin color, gender identification, or hair
Religion, region, since when did it all matter
I'll just love who I love because of their beautiful personality and wonderful attributes.
I could care less if I go to hell
I'd do it for these beautiful people
I'll kiss who I want to kiss
Hug who I want to hug
**** who  I want to ****
Touch who I want to touch
I'll be as close or as much of a stranger to whoever I please
Because it is my life
Not a phony god's, not my parents', not yours
It is mine
I love the smell of her floral scented hair
I love the warm feeling of snuggling with him
I love the sweet words of she who wants to be a he
And the fun times with he who wants to be a she
All the beautiful friends, lovers, and family I have
Why can't they be free
To love who they want to
And same goes for me
I want to be able to hold and marry and kiss my future lover
Just let us love
It is not your life to control
Or to judge
Or to spectate
We are made of the same red blood as you
Eat the same food
Dress the same dress
We are all normal people like you

— The End —