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B D Caissie Sep 2019
I know hurt, I’ve experienced that pain
Burns of betrayal like tears of acid rain

Scars compared to rings on trunks of trees
Denotes all the years but not all the fees

Quell those wounds with lyrical outlets
Dropping words like a proverbial gauntlet

Don't water those planted seeds of doubt
Let's plow them over and throw them out

Above each day, conquering all one's  fears
Let hope be our tour guide, a new frontier

  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Somberly glanced to the ceiling,
I knew it when I heard the ringing,
       I'd be there dancing and singing,
Couldn't hide from the irradiation that saturated with all its might,
It seeped in unsuspected,
Grim to bright,
Forced beams in when all I wanted was the--
Dim inside,
Glared through blinds--had to adjust my eyes,
The sun was so harsh when I got the news tonight,
Always up, no one can always stay "up."
Life will sometimes let you down,
And that's just what it is,
Nightfall to sun-up,
Some things are
Beyond our control.

One of those days where it was going great until something came up that really got me down...I sometimes go to music for release, used to sing.  Tonight I played this video too many times and sang and danced along.
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
I keep no medals
Nor pictures of back then
I'm no longer a warrior
I have no wish to defend...
In fact, I'm forced to run
Unable to hide
Cameras and drones
Fill my minds eye’s

(Truth is)
I once saved my ship
From sinking
I found a hole
And stopped it from leaking
Somebody up on deck
Got the credit
Even the ships new paper
Refuse to edit

I never needed
A notch in my gun
When the cops yell stop
I'm the first to run
I've done more time
Then I care to claim
I've always been innocent
I just keep getting framed

And still
My love is as big
As the setting sun
If you cry out
Here I come
Yet I no longer feed
On excitement
And speed
A warrior
I no longer wish to be!
Traveler Tim
B D Caissie Sep 2019
I’m sorry that I lost my way
That’s why I’m at your door today

I thought the road was calling me
And that there was so much to see

As time edged forward and further away
I knew in my heart I should have stayed

So now I'm standing at your door
With eyes cast down upon the floor

Thoughts telling me that you've moved on Convincing me that it's been to long

Your disbelieving distant eyes bestowed. My heart now belongs to the open road.

B D Caissie Sep 2019
Realize your worth without short-changing those around you.

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