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Sep 2024 · 493
Adorned in the Attire of Hopes,
She takes flights to rove.
Her plight has become her strength;
There is no boundary to her pride's length.
With a Crown of Esteem,
The Shine from her Beams.
Freedom is the Ornament,
Empowering her for life's Tournament!!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Sep 2024 · 144
As growth hits,
Gradually we realise how lonely we are!
As time passes,
We begin to understand the value of things!
As life goes,
We notice innumerable changes.
As Sufferings strike,
We feel empowered to tackle.
As we try,
Our fields keep on expanding...
As we experience,
We become our own lasting teacher!!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Aug 2024 · 542
Vacuum inside me so deep,
Makes me recollect and weep.
Emptiness screams out loud,
Yes, right now I'm in a self doubt!
Captivating world around I see.
Still, a piece is lost in me.
Hit by Wave of mixed emotions.
Everybody long for a proper position.
The void confines all over,
Apparently, Smile is the best cover!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Jul 2024 · 364
Distance between us so long,
Interactions being the Bridge.
Nothing should go wrong,
I want you on every bon voyage!
Waiting all day at a stretch,
Just for a glimpse at day end.
Things have taken a Different turn
Since you have entered my yarn!
Everything falls in place now,
I cease to feel low.
Like Dreams come true,
You adorn me with a noticeable breakthrough!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Jun 2024 · 366
Daily Conversations gradually reducing,
No more talking for hours.
Falling short of words,
Lack of topics and a vacuum of silence....
Drifting apart day by day,
But still Holding on to each other.
We share a deep connection,
Divine attachment full of life.
Mutual efforts with ample attention
Saves the pair from separation!!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Apr 2024 · 593
Source of my energy,
Amazed by his prodigy.
Nourishes with ardour,
Unifying passionately each other!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Mar 2024 · 351
The Special One
I'm in a Gradual Grip,
Of a Lovely Mystique.
How just a Glance of him,
Makes me skip a Beat.
A rare feeling I possess:
Divine is it's sense.
The Smile passed to me,
I forever urge to see.
Wish to stop the Time,
If it could be.
In this hopeless world,
A light I can witness.
I'm not a Romantic Person
But he filled Love inside me!!

© Biswarupa Purkayastha.
Mar 2024 · 417
Dropping Down the Surmise,
Life gives us Surprise.
Choices are different,
On which we often torment.
Committing blunders,
Later we wonder.
Regrets possess us
Guilt invokes us.
And The Expression of awe,
In the vicinity of foe!!
Mar 2024 · 444
I cry Every Night,
Is there anyone to hear my plight?
In love with the Colours Black and White.
Miss myself being dynamite.
Days are gloomy,
Keeping self busy.
Once again I'm drowned in Sorrow,
Company is what I may Borrow.
Solitude has become my Friend.
Like a Movie has a dead end.
Adapting with the Situation,
Fake Smile is the new Fashion!
Mar 2024 · 311
--You are Here--
You are here in my obnoxious situations.
You are here to fill me with devotion.
You are here to make me ambitious.
You're the reason that I am more conscious.
You are here to cure my ache.
You're the cherry on my cake.
You are here to make me enthusiastic.
You have made me really fantastic.
You are here like the petrichor of rain.
You are in my every kith and kin.
Mar 2024 · 232
Through the Venture of Life,
We bear with numerous  kinds of Vibe.
Some worth going among,
While some abhorred us along.
We meet many new persons,
Certain as an orison,
While several as illustrations of peril..
We witness many locales;
Few leave magical influence,
Others still haunt us.
And the Quest subsists with damage and  progress!!
Mar 2024 · 141
Pragmatic Spirit
Wake me up from my dreams.
Help me complete my aims.
Zounds! Such people are nowhere found in this world.
It's only themselves about whom they are concerned.
They'll try to confound,
Show them you're not bound.
Firm your confidence before it depletes,
Intensify your aspirations, the goals you can complete.
You can be your own guide,
Some directions you need to abide.
Make your own destiny,
And a miraculous life awaits with amenity!
Feb 2024 · 171
বাংলার মাটি ভরে উঠুক,
আরো প্রতিভা ফুটে উঠুক।
সার্থক জন্ম এই ভূমিতে,
চাই বাংলা ভাষাকে নমিতে।
বারবার ফিরে আসতে মন,
এই নদী, পৃথিবী, মাঠ, বন,
তাহারি মাঝে খুঁজে পাই
প্রকৃতির কোলে অনন্য ঠাঁই।
আমার গর্ব, আমার প্রধান কল্পনা,
মায়ের ভাষায়ই শ্রেষ্ঠ জল্পনা।
Feb 2024 · 345
Bundle of mischief,
Yet so friendly bond.
Bringing smile on my face,
Whenever they're around.
Living a little more,
With their Presence of mind.
A Divine Connection we share,
Which has no Despair.
Full of vigour,
Spreading energetic odour.
My People they are.
This vibe is so rare!
Feb 2024 · 474
That Accidental meet,
Which made my life lit.
I came across you..
Like droplets of dew.
I'm Thankful for the favour,
Please leave me never.
We'll reach heights,
Dear, You're my light.
Be there for me,
So that you can see,
How much I care,
For you and for our pair.
The world will witness,
Our bond of madness!
And we shall go on,
Till the eternal bond!
Apr 2021 · 367
-What is it?-
Is reality a myth?
Or a sorcery unleashed?

Is it a mirage waiting to be divulged?
Or simply a muse?

Is it a hallucination?
Or a mystery unsolved?

Is it a miracle which astonishes us?
Or a semblance?

Is it a fiction?
Or a trick to deviate us?
#decodingreality #whatisit #reality
Jun 2020 · 349
-My Only Partner-
You consoled me when I was crying alone.
You helped me when I wasn't able to tolerate anymore.
You held me tight when I was shivering in pain.
You made me realise that I'm capable of every good thing.
You gave me hope when every breath felt like the last.
You were there with me when everyone else left.
You have always been there as a support.
Oh my capsule, you relieved me everytime!
Based on the life of a patient, who is completely dependent on medicine.
May 2020 · 313
-A Letter to My Dad-
I know I have been an imperfect daughter,
I couldn't be the one you expected.
It still torments me everytime I think about the day you left me.
So many things left incomplete,
So many words left unspoken.
Not a day passes by where I don't miss your presence.
I wonder how you'd look,
How you'd sound,
What you'd have done by this time!
It is worst to live without you papa...
You have been a guiding light to me.
It's really pathetic to lead a life where you're constantly missing someone.
People say I resemble you by face as well as habits,
And that really makes me proud.
I wish I could meet you someday,
I'd tell you how much I miss you,
I'd tell you how blessed I'm to have had such an amazing father!
Wherever you are papa, stay well and happy.
I love you!
Feb 2019 · 401
You won't know the real pain, Unless you've experienced it.
It is not about heartbreaks or being cheated on,
It's about the sufferings that people go through.
How some people fight with their problems,
How patients fight with their diseases,
How people affected with sickness fight for life,
Without any complaints, but with the little hope to live life again.
Don't ever think that you're lacking something,
Cause there are many people still trying to find happiness in their disability.
They scream in pain, burn in guilt, with the only aspiration to recover and  get their wounds healed.
Jan 2019 · 500
-Please Stop-
Stop nagging me!
According to my mood, I shall do everything with glee.
Don't curse me!
A better person is what I want to be.
Stop scolding me!
Explain me nicely so that I can flea.
Jan 2019 · 398
-So Easily-
In this life,
So easily we're charmed of everything,
People here are spellbound of greed..
So easily we fall in love,
People here love less want more..
So easily we're bound by relations,
People here disappear all of a sudden from this world..
So easily we break promises,
People here don't care for anything other than themselves..
So easily we hide feelings,
People here prefer acting than being real..
Is everything really so easy?
Dec 2018 · 311
So many deaths I witnessed in my life.
So many lives I saw demolishing,
So many bodies I've seen, lying down soullessly,
So many close persons I've lost,
So many corpses I saw burning,
And so many times I've lost myself in their memories....
Dec 2018 · 328
I'm drowning in the ocean of love,
Since the day you came into my life,
And that's just a year back.
You filled my world with colours ,
When my life was faded..
You made it an unblemished one,
Which I never thought would be.
And now that I'm in your debt,
I shall favour that with loyalty and respect!
Dec 2018 · 410
Agony of life shouting out loud...
Preferring darkness more than brightness.
This wily society knows no bound,
A strong ingenuity is all I want.
Well known as a stoic person,
Though aspire to be a joyous one..
Aug 2018 · 1.8k
Time flies away,
Not everything we expect stays...
Incremates our feelings deep down.
The heavenly dreams, the joyful moments, all gone astray.

Colours fade away,
The brightness of life turning dark...
Perceives everything as scary.
The understanding ones, the
Confidence, all turned into ashes.

People walk away,
The crowd decreasing into a few....
Touching reality from the pinnacle of life.
The merriment, the enthusiasm, all wipe away.
May 2018 · 2.5k
I keep on staring at the stars,
Thinking about the days I passed!
Fakeness has filled our place,
As if loyalty doesn't exist.
Rumours has occupied the way,
To make me feel completely lay.
Gobbles up my jovial spirit,
Still a pedestrian gets no merit!
Storms appear to roll me within,
Somehow saved myself from deep drowning.
Flew away even the beam of light,
When in darkness, I searched for thou.
But then from the back held my hand,
The footsteps approaching I heard in my way.
Back I turned to catch the sound,
Another betrayal was waiting around.
I still keep on staring the stars,
Thinking all about the days i passed!
Dec 2017 · 751
Give me your support,
That my eyes has been searching for.
This helpless soul needs to stand up again.
Nov 2017 · 4.4k
--Counting Days--
I have seen you posing in pictures,
But i wish to see you smiling in front.
I have heard your sound,
I wish to feel the depth of your voice whispering in my ears.
I have seen your eyes from far,
But I wish to have a contact with the gleaming ones.
I have heard songs sung by you,
I wish to have them as the background music of my life.
I have seen your hands playing guitar,
But I wish to hold them as we step forward with time.
I have seen you only in my mobile screen,
And many wishes still crave for your magical presence.
Oct 2017 · 1.1k
They keep rolling on from eyes to chin,
Can't ignore as if a common thing!

They meet me when i'm lost in memories,
Similarly guilt fixes another date!

Not just a drop but an ocean of emotions,
Deemed itself to be a symbol of depression!

Surrounds hard even an Arnold person,
When dark circles appear on ****** expression.

Even the best things make us cry,
Resulting after a magical try!

Lost someone close and is now in grief,
Tears are now the only relief!
Oct 2017 · 1.8k
Solitary Bliss
Life goes on with the good and worst...
We're here for the sake of thirst.

The sunshine of morning can't be changed,
Just as the destiny of ours' can't be replaced.

A new born child has a different spark,
Cause he doesn't know the awaited one.

Happiness touches like it pours after dry,
Acting every time is our foremost try.

Virtual world is a clear illusion,
Where we now distinguish among relations.

Duties keep on running in mind,
Still everyone can't be of true mankind.

Imaginations seek the greatest pleasure,
But reality is the only whining figure.

— The End —