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7.7k · Dec 2015
She draws hearts on her skin,
On her pale now red flesh
'Cuz she doesn't feel the slim.
1.2k · Sep 2016
A Girl's Mouth
The girl's mouth is so sweet,
A taste that nothing can beat.
Every boy comes and flies past
Each like the last.
Just wanting a taste
That all the other guys chase.
She's got a body that's for sure,
Since all the boys want what's under her shirt.
They all leave their mark,
Not worrying about her heart.
The most important ***** of all,
Treated like it's worthless and small.
But why worry about that
When she doesn't look half bad? When she has some sweet lips
And those banging good hips?
1.0k · Dec 2015
A Year Closer
He sits at the table
Everyone watching him.
It's another year to be older,
So he blows out the candle.

When they take pictures
Now that he has taken his wish
It's scary what his smile hides,
Him thinking he's another year older and ready to die.
954 · Oct 2015
I love to think about you all the time.
You and I doing things we shouldn't be.
We're such rebels in my head you know?
Always acting wild and free.

People diss us and shake their heads,
While we walk on past.
Once we get away from them all,
Oh my.
People would be scared of our passion for each other.

Sometimes you bruise me,
But not on purpose.
It's just 'cuz we're having so much fun.
Being so wild and ****.

But then,
You act like you don't remember me.
And go on forever without seeing me.

What's sad is that I wake up everyday,
Always with you on my mind.
A daydream about you.
And I'm never in your daydreams once.

Because.... well,
You don't even know I exist.
743 · Oct 2015
Why Aren't You Listening?!
Will you listen to me?!
I'm running out of time.
They're coming for me quick,
You know it's because I'm sick.

Sick in the head that is.
You don't know what to say?
You're upset I killed your fiancé?

Well you just don't understand.
There's a reason behind my logic.
My stupid good for nothing logic.

You'll need to know before its too late,
Oh just why I chose this horrible fate.

The secret is... I love you!
I've wanted you since the day we met!
When I saw you with my old friend
I knew that'd be the end.
The end of me that is.

What? You don't love me?
I'm too crazy for you?
You're right.
No one would love a ******.

Why aren't you listening?!
It's too late! They're here!
Just know that I'd do anything!
Anything at all for you to be happy.

You want me to leave?
Never to return.
Maybe it's just right to leave you be.
While I die right here and burn.

Or you'll just burn with me instead!
An idea for a story I've been planning.

695 · Oct 2015
Earth and the Moon
I just realized, the Sun and God are our planets' parents.
Earth has many siblings and yes that includes Pluto.
They are the planets.
Some of them have many moons meaning they have many lovers.
That leads to them being cheaters. Earth has only one lover. It is the Moon.
It's Earth's soulmate.
If one dies, the other dies with it.
They are connected as one.  
I guess I'm the Earth trying to find my moon.
572 · Oct 2015
Most Girls
Most girls want to be told that they're pretty.
I just want to be told that I'm very beautiful and completely insane.
508 · Oct 2015
You Know Those Voices?
You know those voices?
In your head?
No? Not one bit?
Well I do and I'm not lying.
They're real I swear.
I can never stop them.
They tell me what to do,
No matter what.
That's how I got here.
In this blinding white room with no windows.
In a minute or two those creatures that you call humans,
Will come and take me to do who the hell knows what.
It's only a matter of time.
I hate humans.
They're evil,
Or so the voices say.
They say they're my friends,
But I don't believe them anymore.
All they do is make things worse.
That's why the people call me "insane."
If anything they are the ones that are on the brink of insanity.
Arms grab me and pull me to my feet
And stick something pointy in my arm.
Quickly I collapse into darkness,
The place I call my safe haven.
But just as I begin to relax,  
A voice rings through my frail mind.

"You can never escape us. Never."
465 · Nov 2015
This Girl In My Head
I hate this girl in my head.
She's gone right now,
But she will be back.

She says she loves me,
And wants the best for me.
Though all she does is lie.

She makes me eat less each day.
I'm losing weight slowly,
But surely.

She shows me the perfect me one day.
And even the perfect man.
This girl even says I might have a chance,
With the ones I want.

I argue with her,
And think I will win.
But everyday,
It's always the opposite.

How she wins is by saying,
"Nobody will love you if you don't listen to us. To me."
And shows me a terrible future.

She tells me terrible things,
Even her perfect friends.
Boy, do I hate them all.

But still I listen and obey,
Because I'm afraid of myself.
And for what I may do to me today.
327 · Oct 2015
Can't Sleep
Why is it that I can't sleep at night,
While you dream like there's no tomorrow?
And how come your smile's so bright,
While mine's full of loss and sorrow?
Is it because I'm here
And that other girl isn't?
Do you just want me to disappear?
Please don't let me go in this condition!

You're so ignorant sometimes
That you don't even know you're killing me.
The hating, yelling, and crimes are just a big catastrophe.

I'm begging,
screaming for you
To come back in my arms.
Or maybe, just maybe
Keep me away from the monster
Which you have sadly come to be.

— The End —