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 Jun 2019 Ayan
Little Green
Long ago
They had me think
That life
Was a straight line

A set of steps
That someone made
School, job
Marry, child

Now the possibilities
In this glorious world
Have exploded
In my mind

Many ways
To live on Earth
Many ways
To use our time

One day
We will be nothing
But the history
Of human-kind

So, each moment
We get to live
I find
Stupendously sublime
boy of dream,
the colours melt,

your lips finding mine,

beneath an ashy sky,
where the shadows lean,

your fire finds mine,
your kiss as beautiful
as a summer rose.
 Jun 2019 Ayan
 Jun 2019 Ayan
a world, black and white
heretics and disciples
time ignores them both
Lose myself
Forget the world
It wishes to do the same
Escape route
Last few days had been very busy, still a lot of things happening, writing and reading not happening a bit mad, sorry a lot to catch up here. Lots of replying pending, kindly excuse me will surely do so need a few more days
Thank you dear all!
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