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 Aug 2017 Julia
I have been here,
Since the bench we now sit on,
Was still a tree, swaying in the wind.

Since the surreal morning skies we see,
Were just thoughts,
In a young boy's untethered imagination.

I have been here,
From a time when change of seasons were marked,
By the games we managed to play.

Since adventures that we embarked upon,
Were just harmless journeys,
Of 13 miles, to the very edges of the city.

It is time for me to go,
Chasing surreal skies I have not already seen,
To the edges of new cities.

This time, I will be gone long,
But when I lose myself,
To untethered imagination,
It is still thoughts of you I'll see.

Wait for me, my love,
For when I give in,
To whims of temporary escape,
In your arms is where I'll be.

It is time for me to go,
Chasing surreal skies I have not already seen,
To the edges of new cities.
 Aug 2017 Julia
in this poem I remember how it happened
how the sky broke over our backs and
how we kissed the rain instead of each other

we live in this story
because I know of no other place to put us
except fiction

we belong here

in this poem all the pieces come back together the way they got undone
in this poem you and I become whole again

I'm keeping this promise to you
even if you forgot about it
and I know you did

and I know you also forgot my birthday
or my number
whichever hurts less when I have to explain that you didn't call on my 18th

in this poem I finally understand
you cannot fill a body riddled with holes
you cannot love a heart that beats for another

in this poem I lie about the way we touched each other
in this poem I tell myself it went deeper than skin

I did not know how to fix you
and in this poem I apologize for it

in this poem I pretend you loved me back
but only in this poem
twitter: hind_sights
 Aug 2017 Julia
 Aug 2017 Julia
It has to be better than this
The lemonades are turning to dust
Silverlinings have all rained down
Life's got to be bigger than this
The flower that once was
Now a thorn sharper than dead dreams
Stabbing all hope
This dark vacuum is ******* me in
I'm holding on to the last beam of light
But my grip is slipping and I'm scared
Aren't things supposed to work out?
Well begun is now all undone
(Los Angeles, Aug 22 2017)
 Aug 2017 Julia
The Fire Burns
In this life there is rhythm and blues
every body has to pay their dues,
so find your solace where you can,
cause in then end, your just human.

Shotgun blast from the speakers,
the bass hits hard this song a keeper
guitar and drums lay out a groove,
lets everyone get up and move.

Harmonica starts sounding, like a train,
clack, clack, of tracks and whistle insane
music and tunes, in my simple brain
rhythm and flow keeps me sane.

The spark of my engine plugs
start a never ending feed
*****, meds, and drugs
not just a bit always exceed.

Shotgun blast from the speakers,
the bass hits hard this song a keeper
guitar and drums lay out a groove,
lets everyone get up and move.

*** and lies as the music plays
in one place I never stay
riding on Ozzy's train, crazee,
I got problems just like Jay-z.

Shotgun blast from the speakers,
the bass hits hard this song a keeper
guitar and drums lay out a groove,
lets everyone get up and move.
A collaboration with Temporal Fugue
 Aug 2017 Julia
Zio Reyes
Love sick and stricken so gravely with grief, I reared back my arm and I pulled out his teeth.

The blood in my eyes that tells pages of truth, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Kicking the body that lay on the ground, Satan's imps cheered as they all gathered 'round.

Telling of evil so sweet and so wild, I leave behind peace so tender and mild.
 Aug 2017 Julia
Joseph S Pete
The Congressman said fluoride in the tap water would effectuate Sharia law.
The Congressman said immigrants would hire water sommeliers.
The Congressman said immigrants open froyo shops on every corner.
The Congressman said immigrants suckled like a dewy, famished baby.
The Congressman said terrorists suckled on the **** of welfare and secretly ran things.
The Congressman said Season 2 of The Wire was the best one, beyond question.
The Congressman said net neutrality would stifle board game night, blot out the imagination.
The Congressman said that true patriots were never neutral.
The Congressman said that drag queens were using the library, checking out books.
The Congressman said Taco Tuesday was fake news, a grand globalist conspiracy.
The Congressman said big government was coming for your houseplants and moist towelettes.
The Congressman said big government was the enemy.
The Congressman said terrorists were the enemy.
The Congressman said immigrants were the enemy.
The Congressman said the other was the enemy.
The Congressman said anyone who would order $7 avocado toast was the enemy.
The Congressman said anyone who read newspapers was the enemy.
The Congressman said that anyone who fact-checked a politician’s statements was the enemy.
The Congressman said enemies would burn the Constitution in a pile of seized towelettes.
The Congressman’s challenger said she got death threats and promptly dropped out.
The Congressman said she was lying, there were no threats.
The Congressman said she was really a liar all along.
The Congressman said he had tried to warn everyone.
 Aug 2017 Julia
 Aug 2017 Julia
The window pane leaves morning chills,
Dew fogs up the glass.
Little bumps across my skin,
Winter's coming in.

A crochet blanket, hand-stitched with love,
Strewn across my Duvet.
But when head turned left, there's vacancy
of someone right beside me.

The touch of another human,
This kiss from another soul.
Warmth that would be inside me,
Isn't there anymore.

Somedays I wonder how long it'll take,
till I meet the perfect balance
But until that day comes, i'll sink into my sheets
And let the mornings pass me over.
There is a softness to this stagnation
A familiarity
It's true what they say
about finding comfort in this
It is surprisingly easy to sink in still water
The great lake of potential swallows me up
and some days I can barely keep my nose above water
The rest I spend holding my breath

I once said if I could choose how I would die,
I would choose to drown
Sometimes the threat of the great darkness
looms for so long you forget to fear it
Sometimes you grow accustomed
to the taste of your own waterlogged heart
and the shore lies too far ahead for you to see the lighthouse

And sometimes that bright unknown is what you fear most
The harder you try to pull away,
the tighter I squeeze,
and I swear I don't mean to come off too strong,
but a history of abandonment
and fizzling potential
has left me with constrictor instincts
guess how ******* old this is *****
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