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 Oct 2016 Andje
David P Carroll
We can't always be strong
My lover even when
It's extremely tough
Our hearts can only
Take so much
At the best of times
And worst of times
Its always hard for
Our hearts to
Forget and always
A saddened heart
A lonely old man
My tears never
Stop I've no
Strength my love
And my courage all
Gone and inside me
No more pain is
Hard to lose my
Tears never stop
So meny tears roll
Down my wrinkled face
while the tears fall down my cheeks
My lonely heart feels
A pain like never before
But lover don't cry for me
I'm not gone yet
I'll be okay
I'm always here for
You I'm trying to stand
I'll always stand by you
I'm running out of time
My lover please don't cry
I'll always remember your
Beauty like no ever
I've found my destiny
And it's no longer
With you I love you forever
My love my heart
Has just failed me
Please don't cry
I'm faded away
From your heart
And life
I'm dead.
David P Carroll
So Sad
 Oct 2016 Andje
Silently screaming
Trying not to give in
To the dark pessimistic thoughts
And you simply laugh
Thinking everything of me
As the ultimate joke
Funny how you're the one crying now

Falling, falling
Crumbling ever so slowly
Eyes barely open
Yet still can see
Through the lies
Attempt to block it all
Only to absorb the hate
And lose again

Just the sand
Of the sea
Doesn't matter to me
Nor does the little voice inside
I should let you know
My mind's innocence
was robbed from me


Thought love could conquer all
But even that dream was false
It used to mean the world to me
To take the pain away
Away from the something
I didn't understand


Silently screaming
It doesn't matter
This used to mean the world to me
But I already knew
I can't even save myself now.
Written 9/10/13

I have a tune to this song. If anyone wants to hear any of my songs, I will post them on a website. :)
 Oct 2016 Andje
Poetic T
our sight is only travelling as far
as it yearns to go, after that it is
                    just blind to what is seen.
And no road is worth travelling
                                       if we can not see what in front of us.
 Oct 2016 Andje
Poetic T
I walked in to my daughter bedroom,
feeling a shudder I never thought twice.
It was an old house OK to me over 30 years
was moving it on. I had lived in homes from
the 70's now they had character.

As in we were sitting in the sitting room
and the steps of a child running briskly
down the stairs would make us mute what
was descending in volume as well as
what could be heard but the problem was...

No one had lived in the adjacent house not a
soul had stepped foot in those unfulfilled spaces.
Yet in the echoes of silent nights there were steps
on descending moments not of ours or there's.

That was in my youth forgotten images faded until
my young were born, now once again the footsteps
have followed. Things fall from ascending heights,
yet on further expectation nothing has fallen but thought.

And I wonder to what end is this becoming, as I'm
writing this and feel something watching in the
darkness as a shiver reverberates through me as I finish...
freaky that the noises have started once again.. 30 years later.....
 Sep 2016 Andje
you are withered
leaving rotten smell of you
No matter the pain,
There is always gain.
It may not be obvious now
Because everything seems so dull,
But realise that life isn't a race,
We live here by grace*.
 Sep 2016 Andje
I still want to hear your poems
all your delirium and insanity
every essence of you
but I loved you too late
but how much I can love you now
 Sep 2016 Andje
 Sep 2016 Andje
this is the end of something
that never existed.
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