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 Dec 2017 Ahmed Ali
The country lane is covered with powdery snow,
Like a blanket it clasps the street and field;
The icy wind is uttering an auspicious sough.
Trudging towards my destination that niveous fir trees yield.

Amidst the eerie lonely hush, down in the frozen valley,
A glimmer of light reflecting on crystalline snowflakes;
The place appearing like a lighthouse down the alley.
I reach your house, next to the frozen solid lake,
It is the only bright glare in this devouring black night.

You are my stars in the universe, guiding me through the dark,
You are my anchor in the untamed tides, precluding me to roam;
And with a violent streak of intuition, like a sudden spark,
A feeling of bliss - I realize I finally arrived at home.
On coming home on a winter`s night. Hope you all enjoy this season as much as I do and all have someone who waits for you to come home!
 Dec 2017 Ahmed Ali
When the world comes crashing in,
Washing over you like the tide;
When you have nothing left to win,
And want to give up on your fight.

When you can't see a spark of light,
After days of pouring rain;
When you keep on saying you're alright,
While your heart is forced to bane.

When you have no one to hold onto tight,
Because life has left on you its mark;
When you can't look on the bright side,
I will sit with you in the dark.
If you ever feel lonely, remember there is someone to sit with you in the dark:)
The endearing term  
"I love you"
just doesn't sum it up -
my love is infinite,
endless in space,

It is impossible to measure
or calculate.

My love is boundless,
out of this world--like stars -
my love's energy
is cosmic.

My love is pure
and beautifully harmonic -
it is ultra supersonic.  

My love is beyond words...
My love cannot be described.

to try to explain it,
I feel obliged.

My love is extensive,
it is inconceivably vast,

It is immeasurable--countless.
it is fathomless--incalculable;
it was built to last.  

It's a love
I will never
willingly give up -
my love is unbreakable.

This love,
my soul carries
is unshakeable.

My love's totality
is still untold,

The depth
of my undying love
is yet to unfold.

It is beyond sublime,
more than magical,
it is purely divine.

My love is a creation
of the universe's
impeccable master design.

My infinite love...
is only yours
and mine.

"I love you "
just doesn't sum it up -
my love will never cease
or quit,

The burning flame
of my heart's torch
will be
Infinitely lit.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Dec 2017 Ahmed Ali
Imran Islam
Probably you are a lover or a cheater
Probably you are a truthful or a liar
Whatever you do,
your looks are
so beautiful.

I am here to love you with no conditions
If you just like me then we can be friends
Just think about me
I won't push you
You're wonderful.

Please, don't get me wrong for this song
Sweetie, don't mind me; it won't be long
You can move away
where you want
You're powerful!
 Dec 2017 Ahmed Ali



We're like two peas in a pod,
two magnets stuck together
And occasionally
we draw away
fall distant
And only space
Resides between us
© January 5, 2017 deprivedkat
 Dec 2017 Ahmed Ali
Put the light on

Come closer my faithful shadow
Separated from my feet

I wonder why you left me?
Did I disgust you so?
Did I make you blush?
Am I too complicated?
Do you wish you shadowed another?

Did you think I’d leave you?
You know you’ve the same attachment issues as me?
Do you miss the manic-ness?
I bet you miss the tears?
The tears of a shadow are so special
It’s almost impossible to catch one

I missed you
I was so lonely when you left
You took away my comfort
I felt quite distressed
Apart from depression
You’re my only friend

Please come home to me
Reside where you belong
I’d give anything to have you shadow me again
And save me from myself
Sometimes even my shadow is ashamed of me
The tree of hearts
Branching out love
A colour red ,deep
One mine and one yours to keep

Together all hearts
A Beautiful piece of art
In the faith of love
We all live and reap

The tree of love
Nourished and replenished
Stands tall, evergreen
Rooted deep
Wrote this for a dear friend , she is an artist
Shared her paper craft photo ,suggested I write something.
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