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Tonight I'll wait to see the moon's face
Hovering above that cypress tree;
Then I'll drift off to my favorite place .....
The other side of reality

Into that land where passion runs free,
And wild fantasies lurk everywhere;
My body goes limp .... Love carries me
Like a hungry lion to its lair

I'm held captive, unable to flee,
But not one complaint do I proclaim;
Love fans the embers of fantasy,
And suddenly my heart is aflame

Soon the flames are enkindling two hearts,
An embrace and a kiss enchant me;
At last Cupid's free to throw his darts,
(A fantasy day cannot grant me!)

Phantom love flourishes in the dark
Where truth cannot invade its domain;
My hunger for love has lit the spark --
Now my spirit seeks this astral plane

Where do I go when I fall asleep?
Surely, the Edge of Eternity!
And so among the shadows I creep,
Where Love dispels its uncertainty

My worldly possessions are meager,
In this life I'm but a poor renter;
Is it shocking that I'm so eager
Through this blest passageway to enter!

If Love cannot find me in the light,
Then let my eyes permanently close;
Loneliness is banished from my sight
While my eyes are shut in sweet repose

So let me dwell where day's dormant dreams
Can awaken with temerity,
And woes are drowned in Love's sparkling streams ....
The other side of reality
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
If I am in love with you, my lover,
And if they call it a sin in my account,
Let them hang me from the gallows,
I shall readily dissolve in your love.

है 'गर मुझे प्यार जो तुझसे, मेरी आशिक़ी,
और कहते वो इसे हैं इक गुनाह,
तो मुझे फ़ाँसी चढ़ा दें शौक से,
हो जाऊँ मैं तेरे इश्क़ में फ़ना।

Hai 'gar mujhe pyaar jo tujhse, meri Aashiqui,
Aur kehte wo use hain ik gunaah,
To mujhe faansi par chadha dein showk se,
** jaaun main tere ishq mein fanaa.
My HP Poem #1681
©Atul Kaushal
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
Valsa George
Even a wayside **** can ignite
greater passion in the heart
than a well potted garden plant
at the centre of a tastefully landscaped plot

Even a child’s prank can be more hilarious
than all the cranky jokes of an acclaimed comedian

Even in the warble of a lonesome bird
there can be more flooding melody
than in the well tuned violin of a music maestro

There can be greater poetry in a simple ditty
than in all the lines of verse in a great epic

A tear drop may contain greater salinity
      than all the waters of a great ocean
       Perhaps a simple nod of head or a wink of the eye
communicates much more than a whole bunch of words

I don’t know why I love the dainty flowers of May
than perhaps the exotic lotus of the day
Don’t we love the homemade fare served with love
      more than all the delectable cuisines of a posh restaurant
      The small things of life thus,
      prove much bigger than big things
      Just as the joy of life is not always ruined by fatal errors
      but by the recurrence of injurious little things,
      Greatness is achieved not through momentous actions
      but by the little things done in a great way
 Nov 2017 Ahmed Ali
what hour will claim a last breath
-a goodbye to all illusion

a slipping away unnoticed
-by a world too preoccupied
with itself

grant me my hour
I shall embrace her

open mine eyes to truth
and enter the great silence.
Along time ago
    it was written
in the stars
    by the moon
and the wind
    of a love that
was meant to be…
    For many years
the stars held
    the promise
and the moon
    and wind
watched from afar.
    A love
written in the stars
    fated to be
A love
   of truth, purity
hope and faith
   A love
that stands firm
   casting even the
darkest shadows aside.
   For it was written
a very long time ago
   and no matter
the journeys of these
   two hearts past
this love was fated
   always meant to be.
   *the moon moves aside
and the stars part
   as the wind sings
a calling love song
   making way
for this fated love
   that was meant
to be, all along.
I sense the raging fury of a storm  
That's unfolding as dark clouds gather;  
Hold me close,  and talk to me of love,    
Or sing me a song, if you'd rather  

Just as the bee hums his serenade
To the rose that waits in solitude,
Hover over me, and sing your song,
Talk to me of love ..... I'm in the mood  

Talk to me of love, have you not seen
Angels straining when you whisper low?
Though divine, they cannot comprehend
How my roses blossom in the snow

Through torrential rains my sun still shines,
Rainbows stretch across my midnight sky;
Love's gifts dismiss time and circumstance,
Baffled Angels don't know how or why

How can words of love possess such power?
If true love is what the heart dictates,
Then the words that flow are absolute --
Just watch as they trample Heaven's gates

And together, boldly we enter
To join the blest throngs that dwell above;
It is on such nights that I rejoice --
When you whisper your sweet words of love!

Wait no longer, talk to me of love,
Profound feelings come to torture me:
Abandonment, loneliness, then tears --
A foreboding of calamity

And here it is ......  the warble of a bird --
Now my eyes perceive the dawn's first beam;
I don't want to hear what's coming next .....
"Wake up, Lora, this was but a dream!"
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